
  1. 高等教育经济效益评价系统设计

    The Design for the Economic Benefit Evaluation System of Higher Education

  2. 教育经济效益模型与评价

    A model and evaluation of the economical effect of Education

  3. 人力资本教育经济效益理论的比较研究

    Comparable Study of Economic Benefits from Personnel Capital Education Theories

  4. 高等教育经济效益模糊综合评价改进模型

    Higher Education Economic Efficiency Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Improved Model

  5. 教育经济效益论的理性思考

    Reflections on the Economic Efficiency of Education

  6. 高等教育经济效益刍议

    On Higher Education 's Economic Benefit

  7. 高等医学教育经济效益国内外比较研究

    Study and Comparison of Economical Effectiveness in the Higher Medical Education Between China and Some Foreign Countries

  8. 通过对高等职业教育经济效益的分析,阐述了在城市国际化进程中高等职业教育的改革发展策略。

    The author analyzed the economic returns of higher vocational education , and then put forward the strategy for the reform and development of high vocational education .

  9. 论新形势下思想政治教育的经济效益

    Economic Benefit from the Ideological and Political Education in the Current Situations

  10. 高等学校教育投资经济效益评价数学模型

    Mathematical Model of Economic Beneficial Evaluation on Educational Investment of Higher Institutes

  11. 我国哈萨克民族高等教育的经济效益和社会效益分析

    Analysis on Economic Returns and Social Benefits of Kazakhstan Ethnic Higher Education

  12. 西安市教育投资经济效益计量分析

    Analysis of Economic Benefit of Education Investment in Xi'an

  13. 根据文献资料和调查取样的数据建立起计量模型,对柳州市职业教育投资经济效益进行了定量分析和定性分析。

    It builds an economic model according to the literature and the quantitative research data which combines quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis .

  14. 从职业教育投资经济效益的涵义和特点出发,分别从柳州职业教育的现状、柳州职业教育投资对国民经济的贡献及私人收益率对柳州职业教育投资效益进行了分析研究。

    Beginning with the meaning and features of economic benefit of vocational education investment , this thesis analyzes the present situation , the contribution of vocational education investment to national economy , and the personal income rate of vocational education investment in Liuzhou city .

  15. 略论云南遥距教育的办学经济效益

    On the Economic Benefits of Distance Education in Yunnan

  16. 成本&收益分析法是对教育培训的经济效益进行评估时常用的一种方法。

    Cost-benefit analysis is a commonly used method of evaluating the economic benefits of education training .

  17. 通过对教育部门的经济效益审计,可以监督和指导教育部门深化教学改革,充分发掘和利用好现有的教育资源,全面推行高校的素质教育;

    For the economical effectiveness audit of educational audit , can supervise and direct the reform of educational department , dig and make full use of educational resources , and perform the quality education ;

  18. 论高职教育园区的潜在经济效益及其影响因素

    On Potential Economic Benefit and Its Factors of Higher Vocational Education Town

  19. 普及经营管理知识教育是提高企业经济效益的基础建设

    The education of MANAGE-ADMINISTRATION is the basic construction to raise the economic benefits

  20. 九年义务教育符合发展中国家的经济效益。

    The nine-year compulsory education is in conformity with the economic benefit in developing countries .

  21. 今后应开展多种形式的合作,注重面向农村开设的专业和课程的针对性,注重现代远程教育的经济和社会效益等问题,使现代远程教育在云南农村出现一个更为广阔的发展前景。

    The future work will lay stress on multi - form combination and economic and social efficiency so that the modern distance education will have a greater development in the rural areas in Yunnan .

  22. 最后,作者提出教育制度创新是提高我国教育经济效益的根本出路。

    In the end the author believes that educational system innovation is the fundamental way for China to raise the economic efficiency of education .

  23. 作为教育经济学研究的核心问题,研究教育的经济效益具有重大的意义。

    As a main problem of educational economics , there are great significances in researching economic effects of education .

  24. 国民教育经济意义的数量化&试算我国教育的经济效益

    Quantification of the economic significance of national education

  25. 高等教育收益率是从人力资本的角度衡量高等教育投资经济效益的重要指标。

    The higher education returns ratio is an important target of weighting higher education investment economic efficiency from the human capital angle .

  26. 根据教育经济学理论,运用多目标规划法,建立了高等教育经济效益评价方法体系和计算机辅助系统,为科学地制订我国高等教育的长远发展规划提供了科学的方法和手段。

    From the theory of education economics , are established an economic benefit evaluation system of higher education and its computeraided system it is with multiobjective linear weighting sum method , which will offer scientific method and tools for drawing up the development program of our higher education .

  27. 其将教育过程视为一种生产力的开发,片面强调和追求教育的经济效益,优先发展直接与经济和科技连接的高等教育。

    So from this kind of material educational outlook , educational process is regarded as the development of productivity , which aims to pursue the economic benefits brought by education and develop higher education with top-priority .

  28. 通过科学合理的税务筹划,享受税收政策对教育产业的优惠,以期减轻企业的税收负担,提高教育培训的经济效益。

    Through scientific and reasonable tax plan , we enjoy the preference from tax policy for educational estate so as to alleviate the burden of tax revenue of enterprise , and raise the economic benefits of education and training .