
  • 网络educational innovation;Education Innovation
  1. 为将中国历史文化的智慧运用到MBA的教育创新中,从而在同国外MBA教育的竞争中发挥竞争优势,北京大学国际MBA项目实施了体验战略课程。

    In order to apply the wisdom of Chinese historical culture to the educational innovation of MBA so as to elaborate competitive edge over overseas MBA education , Peking University International MBA Project has brought experiencing strategy courses into practice .

  2. 《红楼梦》&给教育创新的启示

    The Dream of a Red Mansion & enlightenment for educational innovation

  3. 试论加入WTO后我国会计高等教育创新

    On China Accounting Higher Education innovation after joining WTO

  4. 强化知识经济理念推动护理教育创新

    To strengthen knowledge economy concept , to promote nursing education innovation

  5. 走顺德高等职业技术教育创新之路

    Follow the Road of Higher Vocational Education Innovation with Shunde Characteristics

  6. 高等教育创新:优化人力资源的必然选择

    Innovation of Higher Education : An Inevitable Choice of Optimizing Human Resources

  7. 农民融入市民社会与社区教育创新

    Integrating Peasants into Citizen Society and Innovation of Community Education

  8. 基于教育创新理念的多元化实验教学探讨

    Talking about Multi-discipline Experimental Teaching on the Basis of Education Innovative Idea

  9. 教师是思想政治理论课教育创新的主体

    Teachers Are Innovative Subjects of Ideological and Political Theory Education

  10. 论西部高等教育创新的逻辑维度

    On Logical Dimensions of the Innovation of Western Higher Education

  11. 论数字时代的图书馆学教育创新

    The Innovation of Library Science Education in China in the Digital Age

  12. 教师创新是高校实施教育创新的根本

    Creativity of Teachers is Essential for Creative Education in Higher Educational Institutions

  13. 教育创新,观念创新是先导。

    The innovative concept has precedence over the educational innovation .

  14. 教育创新,首先要求解放思想。

    Educational creation first needs to emancipate the mind .

  15. 重视教学设计训练强化师范生教育创新的意识和能力

    Focus on Lesson Design Training and Awake Would be Teachers to Innovative Education

  16. 关于我国高等教育创新人才培养的反思

    On the Training of Creative Talents through Higher Education

  17. 教育创新对江苏省产业结构调整的影响

    The Influence of Education Innovation on the Adjustment of Industrial Structure of Jiangsu

  18. 三是全面推进教育创新。

    The third is advance educational innovation in an all - round way .

  19. 教师继续教育创新之维的思考

    Reflections on the Dimensions of Teachers ' Continuing Education

  20. 大学教育创新:理念体制机制

    Innovation of Higher Education : Principle Organizing System Mechanism

  21. 浅议教育创新中大学教师的创新

    On the Innovations of University Teachers in Educational Innovations

  22. 学习型社会建设与成人高等教育创新探索

    Construction of Learning Society and New Exploration of Reform in Adult Higher Education

  23. 国家创新体系与继续教育创新体系

    National Innovation System and Continued Education Innovation System

  24. 教育创新的理论思考与实践探索

    Educational Innovation : Theoretical Reflection and Practical Exploration

  25. 目前,中国的基础教育创新精神严重缺乏。

    At present , the basic education initiative spirit of China is scarce seriously .

  26. 高等学校的教育创新与创新教育

    Educational Innovation and Innovational Education in Higher Education

  27. 新本科师范院校的教师教育创新

    Teachers ' Education in New Undergraduate Teachers Colleges

  28. 班级管理中的教育创新与科学管理

    Educational innovation and scientific management in class management

  29. 从系统科学看教育创新的机制

    Education Innovation Mechanism in View of System Science

  30. 掌握创新理论推进教育创新

    Master Innovative Theory to Promote Educational Innovation