
wǔ yīn bù quán
  • 熟语be a poor singer;cannot carry a tone
  1. 他是一个JohnnyOneNote,五音不全。

    He was a Johnny One Note .

  2. 在爬山的前一晚,我甚至和同事们去了KTV,完全没考虑到我那五音不全的歌唱技巧,不过还是挺有趣的。

    The evening before I even went to KTV with some of my colleagues , without regarding my bad singing skills it was much fun though .

  3. 如果唱歌五音不全,可以通过练习标准音来改善。

    One can improve his singing skills by practicing standard pronunciation .

  4. 歌声更是荒腔走板,五音不全。

    His song is out of the pitch .

  5. 我会在它好,如果我不是五音不全。

    I would be better at it , if I wasn 't tone deaf .

  6. 才怪。我唱歌听起来跟头病牛一样。我五音不全!

    No way . I sound like a sick cow . I can not carry a tune !

  7. 是啊我还能在无伴奏合唱团里唱歌呢只不过我五音不全而已

    Yes . I could sing in an a cappella group , but I can 't sing .

  8. 为什麽你请葛瑞格在你的婚礼中献唱?他根本五音不全。

    Why did you ask Greg to sing at your wedding ? He can 't carry a tune .

  9. 史卡利:穆德,你不会想听我唱歌的,我五音不全。

    Scully : mulder , you don 't want me to sing . I can 't carry a tune .

  10. 然而没有人帮她,也没有人看到她悄悄把落在五音不全的黄色琴键上的眼泪抹掉。

    Nobody did , however , and nobody saw Beth wipe the tears off the yellow keys , that wouldn 't keep in tune , when she was all alone .

  11. 据他自己承认,他五音不全也不是音乐家,但他却写了一首最美丽最令人心痛的歌曲,在广播频道中一炮而红。

    By his own admission , Fred was tone deaf and a non-musician , but he wrote one of the most beautiful and heart wrenching songs to hit the airwaves .

  12. 我敢肯定我的前生一定是个最著名的歌唱家,而我此生却五音不全,这真是个天大的错误。

    Because I am sure that in another life I was the most famous of all famous vocalists , and it 's a grave mistake that I can barely carry a tune in this lifetime .

  13. 练了好久的情歌今天终于登场了,虽然五音不全,但是用去听就有会新的笑容!

    Practiced for a long time love song to be taken to the threshing ground finally today , although lacked musical sense entire , but used to listen to have can the new smiling face !

  14. 歌曲的旋律欢快,我五音不全也能唱好,突然优美的音乐停止了,取而代之的是骇人听闻的一些消息。

    The song was a joyful one and even my weak voice sounded good singing it . Then it happened , however . The sweet sound of the music ended and was replaced with the dreaded news break .

  15. 不过,我一直以为唱歌是属于自己的事情,开心,不开心,无论是否五音不全,只要勇敢的唱,唱的嘹亮,自己收获的是那份快乐!

    However , I always thought that singing is their own thing , glad , unhappy , regardless of whether , as long as the brave to sing , sing loud and clear that they are that happy harvest !