
  • 网络Cubic;cubic function
  1. 部分景观指数随粒度变化的响应曲线可分别用二次函数、三次函数、幂函数、线性函数进行拟合;

    The response curves of landscape pattern indices to grain size were fitted by quadratic function , cubic function , power function , and linear function , respectively .

  2. 有些变量之间可能存在二次函数关系、三次函数关系或者更为复杂的函数关系,有待进一步的研究论证。

    The correlation between some variates may be quadratic function or cubic function , even more complicated relationship . This problem needs to be studied further . 3 .

  3. 粘滞阻尼三次函数弹性缓冲包装系统的跌落冲击响应

    The Dropping Shock of Cushioning Packaging System with Damping and Nonlinear Elasticity

  4. 求三次函数极值的坐标平移法

    The Coordinate Parallel Moving Method to Extract Extreme Value of Cubic Function

  5. 三次函数的实根与极值

    The real root and maximum value of the cubic function

  6. 对单变量三次函数求极值的一种简便判别法

    A Simple Solution Approach of the Extreme Value Gaining of a Single Variable Function

  7. 谈三次函数的分析性质在高考中的应用

    The Application on the Nature of the Three Functions in the College Entrance Examination

  8. 辽宁经济发展与环境污染的三次函数特征分析

    Environment Thrice Function Character Analysis in Liaoning

  9. 元哲学三论论三次函数

    Three Problems of Metaphilosophy On Cubical Function

  10. 完全立方型三次函数为系数的线性微分方程

    The Solution of the Linear Differential Equation that Coefficient Contain Completely Cubic Type Three Function

  11. 矩形截面梁受任意三次函数分布压力作用时应力函数的选取

    The Selection of Stress Function in Beam of Rectangular Section Subjected to Polynomial Distributed Load with Third Order

  12. 研究具有粘滞阻尼和三次函数强非线性弹性缓冲包装系统的跌落冲击响应。

    The dropping shock of cushioning packaging system with damping and nonlinear elasticity of three order functional relation is investigated .

  13. 介绍了常用的数据预处理方法,并提出了一种新的自适应分段三次函数滤波方法。

    At last , some commonly used Data Preprocessing Methods are introduced , moreover , a new " Adaptive Segmental Thrice Function " Filtering method is proposed .

  14. 随着植被盖度的变化,风速与输沙率的关系也发生变化:流动沙地上风速与输沙率呈三次函数关系;

    The relation of wind velocity and total amount of sand transport also changes with vegetation coverage : On shifting sandy land , wind velocity has a cubic function to the sand transport ;

  15. 构造了一种C1连续的保单调的有理三次插值函数。

    A monotonicity preserving rational cubic spline interpolation function is proposed and the interpolation functions is C1 continuous .

  16. 构造了一种C1连续的保凸分段有理三次插值函数,所构造的插值函数分子是三次多项式,分母是线性多项式。

    A convexity preserving piecewise rational triple interpolation function with linear denominator is proposed and the interpolation function is C ~ 1 continuous .

  17. 针对PPS的参数估计,重点讨论了基于三次相位函数(CPF)的PPS信号参数估计算法,提出了一种基于加权平均三次相位函数的多分量LFM信号参数估计算法及其快速实现算法。

    On the parameter estimation of PPS , the CPF method was mainly discussed . And an estimation algorithm and its fast implementation were proposed for multi-component LFM signals based on weighted mean CPF .

  18. 用变形的三次多项式函数表征隔振材料的非线性刚度特性,建立了被动隔振体的非线性动力学方程,得到有阻尼受迫振动Duffing方程。

    The nonlinear stiffness characteristics of the vibration isolating material are described by a cubic polynomial function of the deformation . The nonlinear dynamic equation is developed as a forced damping Duffing equation .

  19. 一种分段三次插值函数一类可调控的G~1连续分段三次多项式曲线

    A Class of Modifiable G ~ 1-Continuous Piecewise Cubic Polynomial Curve

  20. 比较了线性插值函数和三次插值函数的计算结果和本征值的收敛性。

    By comparing the results for the linear function and cubic polynomial function and the convergences of eigenvalue .

  21. 吹炼末期,碳含量和脱碳速率的关系可用三次方函数描述;

    At the final blowing stage , the relation between carbon content and decarbonization rate can be described by cubic function ;

  22. 贝齐尔曲线法。用三次贝齐尔函数将多个指定点分段连接成光顺曲线。

    Bezier curve method & to draw a smooth curve by joining the given points section by section with cubic Bezier function .

  23. 为获得较好的准等熵压缩效果,梯度飞片的波阻抗分布应遵循随厚度变化的二次至三次幂函数关系,并且靶板厚度必须与梯度飞片的击靶速度等相匹配。

    The thickness of target and the impact velocity should also be well controlled for creating a better quasi isentropic compressive wave profile .

  24. 进一步,我们利用三次优函数技巧建立了在某种意义“更优”的收敛性准则。

    Under one global condition on the function , instead of two , the convergence determinations are established by using quadratic and cubical majorizing functions respectively .

  25. 横风风速和风向角以及车速对列车气动特性的影响规律可用三次多项式函数来描述,且对头车气动特性的影响最明显。

    The influence law of aerodynamic characteristics affected by cross winds speed , wind direction and driving speed is described by cubic polynomial function , and the influence on head train is the most obvious .

  26. 取桁架的每根杆件为一平面梁单元,用三次插值函数描述其位移,单元节点位移参数用三次多项式表示为箱梁梁段单元节点位移参数的函数。

    Every rod of the truss is then considered to be a plane beam element with its displacement described by Hermitian interpolations . The nodal displacement parameters of the plane beam are expressed as the functions of the nodal displacement of the box girder element by cubic polynomials .

  27. 采用三次样条函数拟合连续分布的曲线函数;燃气轮机叶片造型的混合约束条件三次B样条设计法

    The piecewise curve is fit by the cubic spline to obtain curvature function . Blade Forming of Gas Turbine Using Cubic Spline Fit Method

  28. 介绍了遗传算法(GA)的一种新应用&三次样条函数拟合中的参数估计问题。

    A new application to parameter estimation in cubic spline function fitting via genetic algorithms ( GA ) is presented .

  29. Laplace方程的三次样条函数数值解法奇异摄动半线性抛物方程的数值解法

    Numerical Solutions for Laplace Equation Using Cubic Splines Numerical Solutions for Singularly Perturbed Semi-linear Parabolic Equation

  30. 基于三次样条函数的加Blackman-harris窗插值FFT算法

    Blackman-harris window interpolated FFT algorithm based on cubic spline function