
  1. 本文正是在此基础上给出了无穷区间上区间值函数和Fuzzy值函数的定义,进一步给出了它们的积分的定义,以及积分收敛的性质定理和判定定理。

    This paper gave just definition on interval value function and fuzzy value function on infinite . interval , moreover gave definition on these integral and property theorem and discriminating theorem on these integral convergence .

  2. 广义Fibonacci数列的性质定理

    The Properties Theorem of Generalized Fibonacci Sequence

  3. 给出关于LF相对乘积空间中投影序同态的一个性质定理,从而推广了投影序同态的两个工具定理。

    A characterization theory about projection order homomorphism in LF relative production space was presented and two theorms of projection order homomorphism were generalized .

  4. 本文给出Banach空间中广义Schauder基的新概念及其几个性质定理,举出了具有广义Schauder基的不可分Banach空间实例。

    The new concept of Schauder basis in Banach spaces with some property theorems are given in the present paper .

  5. 第四章:引入了相对cs网的概念,给出了局部可分度量空间商s象的判定定理,以及局部可分度量空间商s象的性质定理。

    In chapter 4 , after introducing the definition of relative cs-networks , we give a judgement theorem and a property theorem on quotient s-image of locally separable metric spaces .

  6. 以极大平面图的充分必要条件定理为基础,并考虑其性质定理:n(≥4)阶极大平面图Gn中每个结点的邻接结点必构成圈。

    Based on the necessary and sufficient condition theorem of maximum plate graph , and also considering its property theorem , the adjacent points of each connecting point of n stage maximum plate graph G n necessarily constitute a loop .

  7. 利用复n维空间Cn中著名的BochnerMartinelli核为工具证明了模一致有界函数列的一个重要的性质定理。

    In this paper , we prove an important property of sequence of functions with uniformly bounded norm by using the famous Bochner-Martinelli kernel in complex n-dimension space C ~ n.

  8. 本文利用四元数矩阵的奇异值分解给出四元数EP矩阵的一个刻画,并得到四元数EP矩阵减序,左(右)星序,星序的相应刻画定理与性质定理。

    In this paper we use singular value decomposition to characterize EP matrices over the Quaternion field ; and get the corresponding characteristic theorems and property theorems of minus ordered , left ( right ) " star " ordered ," star " ordered EP matrices over the Quaternion field .

  9. 基于性质定理,一些无用的扩展节点在寻找候选社团的最优结构时可以被安全地删除。

    Some useless vertices can be safely pruned based on these theorems .

  10. 并在此基础上论证了准模糊图拟阵基图的八条性质定理。

    Then we discuss eight properties of basis graph of quasi-fuzzy graph matroid .

  11. H~p空间中的某些收敛性质定理

    Some Convergent Theorems of H ~ p Space

  12. 锥性质定理的改进与惯性流形存在定理

    An Improvement of the Cone Property Theorem and the Existence Theorem or inertial Manifolds

  13. 闭区间上实值连续函数性质定理的非标准证明

    Nonstandard Proofs the Property Theorems of the Real Valued Continuous Functions on Closed Intervals

  14. 文章还讨论了这种精确罚函数的一些性质定理。

    This paper still gives some theorem and property about the exact penalty function .

  15. 本文证明某些局部紧半群上概率测度卷积序列的两个性质定理。

    In this paper we discuss some limit behaviours about probability measures on topological semigroups .

  16. 有限积空间的性质定理

    The Property Principle of Finite Product Space

  17. 正规子群的四个性质定理

    Four property theorems of normal subgroup

  18. 正规中心多项式的一个性质定理

    A Theory of Normal Central Polynomial

  19. 本文利用矢量数性积的定义,性质定理,通过构造矢量方法,解决部分常见的典型的初等代数问题。

    This paper discusses the use of Vector to solve some of common and typical Elementary Algebra problems .

  20. 本文根据分量函数矩阵的特点,首先提出了仿坐标变换等概念,得到了仿坐标变换的一条性质定理。

    In this paper , a new conception of imitating-coordinated transformation with its property theorem is proposed firstly .

  21. 在扩展的刀具申请分配图基础上,建立了刀具流死锁判定定理和非死锁图的性质定理。

    Tool flow deadlock decision theorem and non-deadlock graph property theorem are given based on extended tools applying allocation graph .

  22. 文章对阶的估计作了一些探讨,给出了一些有用的性质定理,并在此基础上简要地讨论了阶的估计在分析中的应用。

    In this paper , we probe rank estimation and propose some theorem and property , and discuss the application of the rank estimation in mathematic analysis .

  23. 对连通集的性质定理予以推广,使得许多在原定理下不能解决的问题,得到了较为圆满的解答。

    The author extended the connected set 's property theorem and made it possible to solve the problems perfectly which can 't be solved by the previous theorem .

  24. 提出了变精度双向变异S-粗集的概念和它的变异结构,给出了变精度双向变异S-粗集的有关性质定理和推论,并对此进行了讨论。

    The paper presents a research report on the concept of two-direction variable S-rough sets of the variable precision and its variable structure . It further explores its property theorem and deduction .

  25. 文中给出了一种输入输出均为连续时间函数的前馈过程神经元网络模型,并证明了相应的连续性,函数逼近能力和计算能力等性质定理。

    A Continuous feedforward process neural networks model is given in this paper , and the corresponding property theorems are also proved , including continuity , function approximation ability and computational capacity .

  26. 本文在二类支持向量机对偶理论的基础上,针对多分类支持向量机的数学模型,给出原始问题解的性质定理以及原始问题和对偶问题解的关系定理,并进行了严格的理论证明。

    In this chapter , the property of the solution of the prime problem and the duality theorem of the mode of multi-class support vector machines are presented . Also the strict proof of these theories are given .

  27. 研究并详细论证ABS校正算法的一些新的公式,算法,性质和定理。

    New ABS updating formulae are derived and properties of ABS algorithm are discussed , especially when parameter matrices are perturbed .

  28. 本文讨论了实数城上具有形式λiP(αi,βi)的一类矩阵,给出了上类矩阵的几个性质和定理。

    In this paper , we discussed a kind of matrix on the form of λ iP (α I ,β I ) in the real fields , we also gave a few properties and theorems of it .

  29. 根据PA序列的一些基本性质和定理,比照独立随机变量下的结论,对PA序列的完全收敛性作了初步的推导和论证,从而完善了相关结果。

    In this paper , according to some basic characters and theories of positively associated sequences , and comparing to the case of independent sequences , we obtain a theory of almost sure convergence and complete convergence for sums of PA sequences within certain limits .

  30. 目的为得到模糊信息论的一些重要性质和定理。

    AimTo get some important properties and theorems for fuzzy information theory .