
  • 网络Statutory time;Legal time
  1. 在化学U-Pb法定年时注意普通铅校正和204Pb测定值对年龄的影响,尽量选择单一成因锆石。

    The selection of reasonable common Pb correction , reasonable measured 204 Pb value and simple genetic zircon is preferred for TIMS dating .

  2. 他还未到法定年龄时,就开始在酒店喝酒。

    He started drinking in pubs when he was still under age .

  3. 如未成年人在达到法定年龄时追认合同,他/她便应受合同之约束。

    22.If a minor ratifies a contract upon reaching the age of majority , he or she is then bound to it .

  4. 它是权利人不行使权利的状态持续达法定期间时,即可发生权利变动的一种法律事实。

    Time limit on Litigation is a legal fact that the right will charge when righter does not exercise his right over a legal period .

  5. 在州,当未成年人达到法定年龄时,(根据法律)少年法庭通常会销毁未成年人的判决纪录。

    However , in many states , the juvenile court is usually required to destroy the juvenile 's court records when the juvenile reaches legal age .

  6. 刑事审判法官在裁量涉数额案件的法定刑时,犯罪数额是重要的参考依据,但不能唯数额论。

    Criminal trial judges discretion involved case amount of legal punishment , criminal amount is an important reference basis , but it can not only amount of theory .

  7. 政府若是不履行其法定职责时,应依法承担职责不履行的不利后果,这是必然的逻辑。

    If the Government is not fulfilling its statutory duties , its responsibilities should be in accordance with the law of the adverse consequences of non-performance . This is an inevitable logic .

  8. 这给情路坎坷的单身族带来不可承受之重,尤其是年轻女性,对她们来说,结婚压力在刚达到20岁的法定婚龄时就开始了。

    That places unbearable pressure on people who have been unlucky in love and especially on young women , for whom the pressure to marry may begin as young as 20 , the legal marrying age for women .

  9. 低薪委员会建议,自10月份起,将18到20岁年轻人的法定最低时薪提高3%,由5.13英镑上升至5.30英镑,16或17岁青少年的法定最低时薪提高2%,升至3.87英镑。

    The statutory minimum for 18 to 20-year-olds will also go up by 3 % from October , from ? 5.13 to ? 5.30 , and by 2 % for 16 and 17-year-olds , taking the rate to ? 3.87 , as the LPC advised 。

  10. 在编制非法定规划时,规划师的思维方法、工程技术方法应用的深度、社会科学和经济学方法应用的广度等皆与法定规划的侧重面不同,具有自身的特点。

    When making non-statutory planning , planners should vary the depth in application of their thinking methods and engineering methods as well as the width of their social scientific methods and economics methods , which are different from the statutory method in their specific emphasis with their own features .

  11. 但小额民事案件具有法定情形时不得实行一审终审制,同时,立法不宜允许当事人通过协议方式选择审级制度的适用。

    But when the small claim have some conditions defined by law , it can not be applied to the first instance as the final instance , at the same time , lawmaking should not allow the parties to choice the apply of the class system through making an agreement .

  12. 当我们全部知道救难信号是国家的法定假日之时。

    As we all know MayDay is national legal holiday .

  13. 她到达法定成年年龄时将继承其父的遗产。

    She will inherit her father 's estate when she reaches her majority .

  14. 每一天都是假期,法定假期到来时,他们不愿休假,认为这是强行终端干扰了他们精彩的假期。

    Each day is a holidy , and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation .

  15. 这种行政许可实际上是在申请人符合法定的条件时,政府授予其具有探矿、采矿等资格。

    This administrative license actually means when the applicant meets the statutory conditions , the government granted the prospecting , mining and other qualifications .

  16. 劳动者在多个用人单位的工作时数总和,不得超过法定最高工作时数。

    The worker job in unit of many choose and employ persons duration summation , must not exceed duration of legal and top job .

  17. 尤其当审计需求以法定需求为主时,较高质量的审计师可能难以实现高质量高效率的良性循环。

    Especially when legal demand dominates , auditor of higher quality may be difficult to achieve virtuous circle of high quality and high efficiency .

  18. 行政许可补偿是行政主体在法定情形发生时,为了公共利益的需要,变更或者撤回已经生效的行政许可,给行政相对人造成财产损失予以合理补偿的制度。

    Compensation of administrative license is a legal system that when legal situation occurs the administrative body should give reasonable compensation to the counterpart , if administrative subject changes or withdraws effective administrative license for the sake of public interest and causes counterpart 's property loss .

  19. 一旦这个法定假日感恩节来临时,我的妈妈很早就会起来,忙活正餐所需的其它食品。

    Once the national holiday arrives , my mom rises early to make the rest of the meal .

  20. 弗蒙特扬基一案原则的一个例外是,当机构违背了法定诉讼程序要求时,法院可以推翻机构的决定。

    One exception to the Vermont Yankee rule is that courts may reverse agency actions when the agency has violated statutory procedural requirements .

  21. 合同成立符合法定的生效要件时合同生效,但合同当事人可以对合同生效附加条件,当条件成就时,合同才生效。

    But contracting parties can attach additional conditions to the contract . Once all the conditions are met , the contract will come into force .

  22. 传闻证据规则是英美证据法中最重要的证据规则之一,它原则上要求在审判中排除传闻证据,证人证言须在法庭上接受检验,只有在符合法定的例外情形时才允许采纳庭外陈述。

    The rule against hearsay is one of the most important rules of evidence in the evidence law of Britain and U.S.A. , which requests hearsay evidence , should be expelled in trail , unless it comes within some exceptions to the hearsay rule .

  23. 在未决羁押的替代措施方面,为贯彻尽可能少羁押的要求,即使在羁押的法定期限内,在符合法定条件时仍可以停止执行羁押,而采用其它非羁押性措施来代替。

    In custody pending alternative measures , to carry out as little as possible custody requirements , even in custody within the statutory time limit , in compliance with the statutory conditions can be to stop the implementation of custody , using other non-custody measures instead of .