
  • 网络time measure;time measurement
  1. 随着科学技术的发展,时间计量的精度越来越高,现代原子钟的长期稳定度已接近10~(-17),并且以大约每7年一个数量级的速度在提高。

    With the development of science and technology , the accuracy of time measurement increases continuously .

  2. 时间计量系统的演变

    Evolution of time measurement systems

  3. 毫秒脉冲星在时间计量中的可能应用

    Possible Application of Millisecond Pulsar to Time Metrology

  4. 目前,经过科学家们的不断努力,时间计量仍在朝着高精度方向不断发展。

    Nowadays , owing to the ceaseless efforts of many scientists , time measurement is progressing towards high accuracy .

  5. 现代科学研究一方面给时间计量的精度提出了更高的要求,另一方面也为提高时间计量精度创造了条件。

    Modern Scientific research requires much higher accuracy of time measurement , and on the other hand , offers considerate possiblities to improve the accuracy of time measurement .

  6. 时间计量系统的演变大致经历了如下几个阶段:古代的时间计量系统、世界时、历书时、原子时、协调世界时。

    The evolution of time measurement system has experienced the following stages in general : the ancient time measurement systems , universal time , ephemeris time , atomic time and universal time coordinated .

  7. 时间计量的理论基础也由经典的牛顿理论发展为广义相对论。

    Then the theoretical foundation of time measurement changes from Newtonian theory to the General Relativity Theory ( GRT ) . A single clock is not sufficient to realize a coordinate time scale .

  8. 而在时间序列计量模型中,研究经济领域的收益率波动常用的模型是GARCH模型。

    In the econometric model of time series , GARCH model can research field of economic volatility .

  9. 硬件上进行了力传感器、数据采集、串口通讯、扩展LCD等模块电路的设计和元件选型,采用压力传感器、位移传感器以及时间的计量来检测各试验数据;

    Many module circuits are designed in the system and the part choosing , such as the force sensor , the data acquisition , the serial-port communication and the design of like the expanded LCD .

  10. 论货币时间价值计量方法使用范围的合理性

    On the Reasoning of the Calculating Method of the Money 's Time Value

  11. 然而,将理论模型转化为可检验的非线性时间序列计量模型是极其困难的。

    Whereas it is extremely hard to change theory model into verifiable nonlinear time series measure model .

  12. 基于上述原因,传统线性时间序列计量建模受到越来越多的挑战。

    For above reasons , traditional linear time series modeling is faced to more and more challenges .

  13. 然而,不幸的是,将理论模型转化为可检验的非线性时间序列计量模型常常并不是一件容易的事情。

    Unfortunately , theoretical modeling often does not translate easily into a testable time series econometric model .

  14. 原子频标的发展正是为了满足人们对时间频率计量越来越高要求的需要。

    The development of atomic frequency standard is just meeting the requirements of measurement of time and frequency .

  15. 运用时间序列计量技术,在4变量系统内检验了外汇储备的就业效应。

    On the basis of time series analysis , it examined the employment effects of foreign exchange reserves in the four variables .

  16. 文章以中国作为研究对象,应用时间序列计量模型深入考察了货币政策的行业效应。

    This article applies the econometric model of time series to investigate the industrial effects of monetary policy based on the data of China .

  17. 考虑到出租车公司需要时间更新计量仪表,本月底前,上海总约49000辆出租车将出现新老两种运价并存的局面。

    However , the new and old rates will co-exist among the city 's approximately 49,000 taxis until the end of the month as it will take time for taxi firms to upgrade their meters , officials said .

  18. 本文对加工中心自动换刀装置的各种换刀时间的计量和标示方法也做了详细讨论,并提出了合理、实用的换刀时间计量和标示方法。

    In this paper , some evaluating methods for tool changing time of automatic tool change on machining centers are discussed in detail , and a more reasonable and practicable calculating and evaluating method for automatic tool changer is proposed .

  19. 原子钟具有体积功耗小、环境适应性强、频率稳定性和漂移率等电性能指标高的优点,因此广泛用于通信、导航、时间频率计量等军民用工程。

    With the advantages of low unit volume power consumption , strong circumstance adaptability and high stability of frequency , atomic clocks have been widely used in military and civil applications , such as communication , navigation and frequency standard .

  20. 3利用从各方面收集到的数据和科学判断,按照供求两组时间序列计量经济模型对1999~2002年和2010年卫生总费用作发展预测;

    A TEH development forecasting from 1999 to 2002 , and from 2000 to 2010 was carried out utilizing the data collected from every sectors and some knowledgeable judgement , according to two econometrics models of time series data of TEH in China .

  21. 空间计量经济理论是当前阶段计量经济学的研究热点领域之一,本章详细地介绍空间计量经济学的基本理论,并将之与时间序列计量经济模型进行比对,从而更加深刻地理解空间计量理论。

    The spatial econometrics is one of the frontiers of the econometric research , this chapter gives a detailed description of the theory and compares with that of the time series econometric model , which can help to comprehend the spatial econometric model deeply .

  22. 本文利用时间序列计量经济学方法研究了江苏能源消费与经济增长的关系,并利用能源强度六部门分解模型分析了江苏产业结构变动对能源效率的影响。

    In this paper , we will use time-series econometric methods to study the relationship of the energy consumption and economic growth . And we will also use energy intensity decomposition model of six six departments to analyze the impact of energy efficiency by the change of Jiangsu industrial sector .

  23. 但在这个无限定的生存期内,要求会计师以相当短的时间间隔来计量经营进展和经济状况的变化。

    But are asked to measure operating progress and changes in economic position at relatively short lime intervals during this indefinite life .

  24. 文章运用时间序列和计量模型研究了中国产业结构与就业水平之间的发展关系。

    Applying the single-equation econometric model , the author models the relationship between the industry including the primary , the secondary and the tertiary and the level of employment .

  25. 第四章应用处理高频数据不等时间间隔的计量经济模型,。即自回归条件持续期模型,来描述交易活跃的股票交易久期过程。

    The fourth chapter application with a high frequency data is not equal time intervals for economic model , Autoregressive Conditional Duration model the duration of the conditions of the model , to describe is very active in the long term process .

  26. 文章利用时间序列模型等计量方法,对中国GDP总量序列进行了时间趋势分解并结合实证结果对中国经济的发展周期进行了重新的划分。

    Making use of time series model and other econometric approach , this article partitions the trend of China 's GDP data , and repartitions China 's economic cycle on the grounds of the empirical results .

  27. 在此基础之上,利用多元线性回归法,对北京市表征经济增长的各相关指标进行时间序列资料的计量分析,试图验证FDI对该市经济增长是否有影响和如何影响的问题;

    Third , on the basis of Granger No-Causality Testing , statistical analysis was done on the time series data of some indicators of economic growth in Beijing to see whether and how FDI influences on the economic growth of Beijing by linear regression .

  28. 双侧卵巢切除山羊不同时间段骨形态计量学与骨密度的变化

    Bone histomorphometry and bone mineral density changes in ovariectomized goats at regular intervals

  29. 一种时间比天文钟计量的时间更古老,

    Ground swell , a time Older than the time of chronometers , older

  30. 时间治疗学的计量研究

    Scientometrics and Bibliometrics of Chronotherapy