
  • 网络timeline;Time Line;Sequence
  1. 利用广泛的数据源,与计算机模拟相结合,创建了一条海洋温度变化的时间线,包括火山爆发后的冷却和化石燃料排放后导致的升温。

    The extensive data sources , Combined with computer simulations , created a timeline of ocean temperature changes , including cooling from volcanic outbreaks and warming from fossil fuel emissions .

  2. 姓名和脸开始对不上号,时间线也像一团乱麻。

    Names and faces get mixed up . The timeline is unclear .

  3. Activities还可以用来为任何任务创建类似时间线的跟踪表单。

    Activities can be used to create a timeline-like tracking sheet for any task .

  4. 图11显示了您在Web客户端定义层次时间线和迭代的方式。

    Figure 11 shows how can you define hierarchical timelines and iterations in the web client .

  5. 事件日志(EventLog)查看器允许您查看事件或某个时间线中的订阅源(Feed)。

    Event Log viewer lets you view events or feed items in a time line .

  6. 默认地,时间线为每个条目的标签使用label属性。

    By default , timeline uses the label property for the label of each entry .

  7. 创建、复审并改进SOA转型路线图&一个按相对重要性、顺序及时间线(timelines)组织起来的行动列表。

    Create , review , and refine the SOA transformation roadmap-a list of initiatives organized in terms of relative importance , sequence , and time lines .

  8. 如果没有指定Twitter用户名,API就假定您想检索验证用户的时间线。

    If no Twitter username is specified , the API assumes that you want to retrieve the authenticating user 's timeline .

  9. 同样的,当在PlannedTime下IterationPlan'sGroup浏览作品时,未来工作的时间线,将会被全体用户所看到。

    Also , when the work is viewed in the Iteration Plan 's Group by Planned Time view , this timeline for the pending work will be visible to all users .

  10. 比如Facebook最近为FacebookPages应用推出了一个叫做Timeline(意为“时间线”)的功能,它主要可以被各大品牌用来与消费者进行互动。

    Take the rollout of timeline for Facebook pages , which are used primarily by brands to engage with consumers .

  11. outlook不能打开对话框,因为您不在时间线视图中,如在“日记”中显示“按类型”。

    Outlook could not open the dialog box because you are not in a timeline view , such as in the journal displaying by type .

  12. outlook无法打开对话框,因为其上已有个项目处于打开状态,或者因为该视图不是表格或时间线视图。

    Outlook could not open the dialog box because an item is on top or because the view isn 't a table or timeline view .

  13. 在回顾里与之等价的是时间线(Timeline)。

    The equivalent in retrospectives is the Timeline .

  14. 请在我们的W3C教程中阅读更多有关规范的状态及时间线。

    Go to our W3C Tutorial to read more about specification status and timeline .

  15. 第二个只有在您想要使用Exhibit的时间线功能时才需要,这将在本节的稍后部分讨论。

    The second one is only needed if you want to use Exhibit 's timeline capability , discussed later in this section .

  16. 团队可以画一条回顾时间线,在这条线上组装起sprint中曾经发生过的关键事件。

    A retrospective timeline is a tool for helping the team reconstruct the key events of the sprint .

  17. 此视图设置Exhibit来生成一个十分整齐的时间线显示,这在本文下一节将会得到很好的展示。

    This sets up Exhibit to generate a very neat timeline display , which is better illustrated than described ( see next section ) .

  18. FlashPlayer非常适合在图形设计器中使用,简化了视频剪辑、时间线、横标广告等的创建。

    Flash Player as it exists now is well suited for graphics designers , simplifying how you create MovieClips , time lines , banner ads , and so on .

  19. 并对目前流行的多媒体同步建模方法(如时间线模型,参考点模型,层次模型,Petri网模型等)进行分析和比较,给出了不同同步模型的优缺点和适用范围。

    Then , some popular multimedia synchronization modeling methods such as timeline model , reference point model , hierarchy model and Petri-Net model are analyzed and compared .

  20. 在TwitterAPI上下文中,有多种RESTful服务可用于提取有关用户、追随者、时间线等内容的信息。

    In the Twitter API context , there are various RESTful services available for extracting information about users , followers , timelines , and more .

  21. 在CPLD里设计了一个具有28个状态的状态机来实现数据通道显示、时间线显示和触发位置显示。

    A state machine with 28 states is designed in the CPLD to realize the digital channel display , time line display and trigging position display .

  22. 因此在新的时间线里,Marty和Doc从来没有带过来那个时间机器…-等…等等。

    Therefore , in the new timeline , Marty and Doc never brought the time machine ... - W-Wait .

  23. Xdebug可以提供一条详细的时间线进行执行跟踪。

    Xdebug can provide a detailed timeline as an execution trace .

  24. 请在visio绘图窗口中选择时间线,然后再次试着导出。

    Please select a timeline in a Visio drawing window , and attempt to export again .

  25. 据华纳家庭娱乐公司所言,她亲自校订并通过了他们收在密室DVD里的时间线。

    According to Warner Home Video , she personally edited and approved the timeline that they included on the DVD of Chamber of Secrets .

  26. 本文的目标是说明工作原理,并提供一些工具,您可以利用这些工具将Twitter时间线导出到RSS。

    The goal of this article is to show how things work and to provide some tools with which you can export your Twitter timeline into RSS .

  27. 也可以单击“高级”按钮设置visio时间线的刻度和显示选项。

    You can also click the advanced button to set the time scale and display options for your Visio timeline .

  28. 时间线表明我们已经具有可执行流程语言:IBM的Web服务流程语言(WSFL)。Microsoft的XLANG规范。

    The timeline shows that we already had executable process languages with the web services flow language ( WSFL ) by IBM and the XLANG specification by Microsoft .

  29. 拥有RSS格式的时间线后,就可以将它作为一个侧栏小部件、一个独特页面或任何其他可寻址的目标,放在PHP驱动站点上。

    When you have it in RSS format , you can make it available on a PHP-driven site as a sidebar widget , a unique page , or any other addressable destination .

  30. 在为期一个月的研究中,参与者被告知要利用手机做一些积极的活动,例如访问Facebook时间线,并从中寻找三个他们感激的人、物或事件等。

    In one monthlong study , participants were instructed to do positive activities on their phone , like going to their Facebook timeline and looking for three people , objects or events they are thankful for .