
  1. 美高梅(MGM)出品的奇幻喜剧《热浴盆时光机》(HotTubTimeMachine)周末票房1370万美元,排在第三位,该片由约翰?库萨克(JohnCusack)主演。

    ' Hot Tub Time Machine ' ( MGM ), a fantasy-comedy starring John Cusack , finished third with $ 13.7 million .

  2. iPhone手机和iPad平板电脑也跻身圣诞礼物心愿单之列,有些想法离奇的孩子想要月亮、时光机、池塘盖子和甜菜。

    IPhones and iPads also appeared on the list , with some quirky children asking for the moon , a time machine , a pond cover and beetroot .

  3. GoogleInc.目前,谷歌街景的“时光机”功能只适用于台式机,但文森特说,他希望最终这项功能也能在手机上使用。

    For now , Street View 's time-machine feature is only available on desktops , but Mr. Vincent said he would like to see it eventually offered on mobile as well .

  4. 男子:这伙计,他有架时光机。

    Man : This guy , he has a time machine .

  5. 像是时光机,是时光机,能带上我吗?

    It 's a time machine . Take me with you .

  6. 时光机在哪里这样你就可以返回去

    Where 's a time machine where you could just go back

  7. 他…他…他用时光机穿梭到过去。

    He travels in the past with this machine and ...

  8. 是架时光机,对吧?看起来是时光机。

    It 's a time machine , isn 't it ?

  9. 这和《热浴盆时光机》完全一样。

    This is Hot Tub Time Machine all over again .

  10. 时光机看起来就是个平台+操纵台。

    The time machine looks like a simple platform with a control console .

  11. 和《热浴盆时光机》不同,这个简直太简单了。

    Unlike Hot Tub Time Machine , this couldn 't be more simple .

  12. 你可以写流行歌,或发明时光机。

    You can write a pop song , or invent a time machine .

  13. 哆啦A梦经常驾驶着时光机来来回回。

    Doraemon is often seen piloting the time machine .

  14. 哆啦A梦时光机的入口在野比(大雄)的课桌抽屉里。

    The entrance to Doraemon 's time machine is in Nobita 's desk drawer .

  15. 时光机,你发明了么?

    Have time machines been invented ?

  16. 我会造一个时光机

    I would build a time machine

  17. 我是坐了时光机回过去。

    I took a time machine .

  18. 每一件物品都像时光机一样,带你回到那个美好的时代。

    Every item is like a time machine , taking you back to that wonderful era .

  19. 你有台时光机

    You have a time machine ?

  20. 克里斯:这不是…时光机,而是手提式骨质密度扫描仪。

    Chris : It 's not a time machine . It 's a portable bone-densely scanner .

  21. 这项时光机功能在谷歌街景记录的几乎所有地点都可以实现。

    The time machine will be available in almost every location where Street View is in operation .

  22. 这名科学家很快为他新发明的时光机取得专利,如此一来没人能盗用他的点子。

    The scientist quickly obtained a patent on his new time machine so nobody could steal his idea .

  23. 如果你乘坐时光机回到十八世纪的英格兰,你会发现那些都是真的。

    It 's exactly what you 'd experience if you took your first time-traveling vacation in 18th-century England .

  24. 你看你,终于用时光机回到过去了

    RACHEL : Hey . Whe-ell , look at you , finally got that time machine workin ' huh ?

  25. 博士告诉马蒂,驱动时光机需要相当巨大的能量,而唯一可能的方法就是利用闪电。

    Doc tells Marty that the only possible source of that amount of power is a bolt of lightning .

  26. 当然你不能乘时光机回到过去,改变已经发生的事。

    You can 't , of course , go back in a time machine and change anything that has happened .

  27. 在推出时光机功能后,用户可以查看大约1200万英里(约1932万公里)的便道交互式图像。

    With the time-machine feature , you can find about 12 million miles worth of sidewalk-level , interactive photos to explore .

  28. 哆啦A梦的妹妹哆啦美有自己的时光机,看起来像个郁金香。看来未来有很多不同型号的时光机。

    Dorami has her own time machine shaped like a tulip , suggesting a variety of models available in the future .

  29. 如果你可以通过时光机回到过去,你将会对6岁的你提什么建议呢?

    If you could travel to the past in a time machine , what advice would you give to the 6-year-old you ?

  30. 结果他没有造出时光机,而是建立了Retronaut网站以及若干社交媒体账户。

    In lieu of a time machine , he set up Retronaut , a website , as well as social media accounts .