
  • 网络lower transit;Imum Coeli;lower meridian passage
下中天 [xià zhōng tiān]
  • (1) [lower culmination]∶拱极天体经过可见天极与地平线之间的那一部分天球子午圈

  • (2) [lower transit]∶天体每天两次经过观测者的子午圈,其中离天顶较远的一次

  1. 在上、下中天观测,地球自转角速度的变化对脉冲星的周期变率的影响较大。

    While observing at upper or lower culmination the effect on the rate of change of the pulsar period becomes larger .

  2. 认为,在原理上卯酉&子午交替观测法测定的纬度值是绝对的,而传统的拱极星上、下中天法不是真正绝对的;

    It is suggested that in principle , the latitude values determined by means of the former method are absolute , but those determined by the latter method are not really absolute .

  3. 每日事件对话框会出现,并显示升起、落下和中天时刻。

    The Daily Events Dialog will be displayed , showing the local times of rise , set and transit .