
  1. 被视为描绘法国部分地区最新且最准确的地图。

    seen as the most up-to-date and accurate maps of some areas of France .

  2. 法国Chablis地区制造的一种干白葡萄酒或类似的酒。

    Dry white table wine of Chablis France or resembling that wine .

  3. 柏联集团上周收购法国波尔多地区的大河酒庄(ChateaudelaRiviere)意味着公司发生转变,标志着其首次进军海外。

    The purchase of the Chateau de la Rivi è re vineyard in France 's Bordeaux region last week signaled a shift for the company , marking Brilliant Group 's first foray outside of China .

  4. 我退休后到法国普罗旺斯地区艾克斯(Aix-en-Provence)居住的梦想破灭了,现在我退休后只好去纽约州波基普西市艾克斯(Aix-en-Poughkeepsie)了。

    My dreams of retiring to Aix-en-Provence are gone . Now I 'll have to retire to Aix-en-Poughkeepsie .

  5. 然后,我们走向餐桌,品尝当日最低调的葡萄酒,乔治维塞勒(georgesvesselle)带来的1982年bouzyrouge,这种淡茶色黑比诺葡萄酒产自法国香槟地区的葡萄,马克林顿曾经购买过。

    We then moved to the table to try the least ambitious wine of the day , a 1982 bouzy Rouge from Georges vesselle , a still very pale tawny Pinot Noir from Champagne grapes that mark Lynton had brought .

  6. 法国西部地区钙化性主动脉瓣狭窄的家族聚集性

    Familial aggregation of calcific aortic valve stenosis in the western part of France

  7. 星期四下雨的气象预报为法国部分地区带来喜讯。

    Thursday 's weather forecast brought some good news for parts of France-rain .

  8. 法国勃艮第地区产的进餐酒或其他地区产的勃艮第类型的葡萄酒。

    Table wine from the Burgundy region of France or any Burgundy-type wine made elsewhere .

  9. 借鉴法国波尔多地区经验等。

    Borrowing ideas from French Bordeaux experience etc.

  10. 品鉴:葡萄种植于法国奥德地区,阳光充足。

    Taste : The grape planter in the French Orde area , the sunlight is sufficient .

  11. 高等制红葡萄酒的葡萄,主要在法国波尔多地区和加里佛尼亚北部种植。

    Superior red wine grapes grown especially in the Bordeaux region of France and northern California .

  12. 来到法国东部地区的控制下皇帝洛萨我在弗朗西亚媒体。

    Parts of eastern France came under the control of Emperor Lothar I in Francia Media .

  13. 产自法国波尔多地区的微甜的金黄色的进餐酒或甜酒;加利福尼亚的类似的酒。

    Semisweet golden-colored table or dessert wine from around Bordeaux in France ; similar wine from California .

  14. 她说,欧盟向她所在的法国北部地区的家乡提供了很多补贴。

    Kedziora says the European Union has granted lots of subsidies to her home region in northern France .

  15. 西班牙、葡萄牙和法国部分地区遭到强风袭击,损失严重。

    Powerful winds have hit parts of Spain , Portugal and France , causing serious damage , officials said .

  16. 麦克伊和他的同事们,在研究了法国圭亚那地区大草原的一些奇异特性后,得出了以上结论。

    McKey and his colleagues came to their conclusion after studying some strange features of the savannahs of French Guiana .

  17. 暴风席卷法国部分地区,造成人员伤亡和建筑物毁坏,总统宣布这是一起国家灾难。

    France has declared a national disaster after violent storms battered parts of the country leaving death and destruction in their wake .

  18. 许多来自里昂和法国其他地区的显要人物都出席了这次晚宴。接下来让我们看看这次三道菜式的晚宴吧!

    Next up : a three-course meal at a gala dinner attended by many dignitaries from Lyon and other parts of France .

  19. 一座城堡和教堂就像皇冠一样坐落在科多尔肥沃的土地上,这是法国勃艮第地区一段约30英里(合48公里)长的带状土地。

    A chateau and church crown fertile fields in the Coted'Or , a30-mile ( 48-kilometer ) strip of land in Bourgogne ( Burgundy ), France .

  20. 接着,他又往他的手推车里加了几瓶法国波尔多地区产的酒,其中有一瓶价值9000欧元,一瓶8200百欧元,一瓶4950欧元。

    Then he put several more bottoms of Bordeaux in his cart , including a9,000 euro bottle , a8,200 euro bottle and a4,950 euro bottle .

  21. 在毗邻法国布列塔尼地区的诺曼底沿海,圣米歇尔山城堡坐落在一座似岛非岛的山上,涨潮时才会形成孤岛。

    Mont St Michel France is situated on a quasi-island on the Normandy coast , near Brittany , which at high tide is almost entirely separated from the mainland .

  22. 浪漫诗歌在香颂之后几代人后突起,其根源在法国某些地区,那里冲突并不是人们生活的中心。

    Romance Poetry emerged few generations after Chanson , and its roots were in geographical regions of France that were comer , where conflict wasn 't central to people 's lives .

  23. 彼得·梅尔,英国著名作家,曾在国际广告公司任职十五年,1975年开始全职写作,现与妻子隐居在法国普罗旺斯地区。

    Peter Mayle spent fifteen years in the advertising business , first as a copywriter and then as a reluctant executive , before escaping Madison Avenue in1975 to write educational books for children .

  24. 英国葡萄酒商正将高档葡萄酒返销给法国波尔多地区的酒商,并将其出口到亚洲,因为英国国内对于这种最为昂贵的葡萄酒需求下滑,同时英镑兑欧元汇率走低。

    British wine merchants are selling fine wine back to merchants in Bordeaux and exporting it to Asia as domestic demand for the most expensive wine slumps and sterling weakens against the euro .

  25. 法国每个地区都有自己独特的圣诞食谱,比如鹅肉、鸡肉、栗子火鸡、牡蛎和布丁等。

    Each region in France has its own traditional Christmas menu , with dishes like goose , chicken , capon , turkey stuffed with chestnuts , oysters , and boudin blanc ( similar to white pudding ) .

  26. 卢克梦想成为一名火车司机。他渊博的交通知识曾帮助他和父亲仅仅依靠公共交通设施从大曼彻斯特的奥尔德姆到达布列尼塔(法国西北地区)。

    Luke , who wants to be a train driver , is so knowledgeable that he managed to get himself and his father from his home in Oldham , Greater Manchester , to Brittany using only public transport .

  27. 猛烈的暴风雨给法国里维埃拉地区造成了极大的破坏,致使三人死亡,数十人受伤。

    Violent storms wreaked havoc on the French Riviera , leaving three people dead and dozens injured

  28. 一位南美律师布莱恩•卡林说,显然,ETA必须放弃他们藏在法国和巴斯克地区的武器。

    ETA 's arms , hidden in France and the Basque country , must inevitably be given up , says Brian Currin , a South African lawyer .

  29. TCL昨日表示,它将出售位于波兰的一家工厂,并关闭欧洲7个办事处中的5个。这7个办事处包括位于法国的欧洲地区总部和6个销售与营销子公司。

    TCL said yesterday it would sell its factory in Poland and close five of its seven European offices , including regional headquarters in France and six sales and marketing subsidiaries .

  30. 看,先是诺曼底,然后去法国的古堡地区。

    Here , first Normandy , and then the Chateau country .