
  1. 在阿纳姆,她和母亲隐姓埋名,而且刻意说着一口佛兰芒语而不是她们更常用的法语和英语。

    In Arnham , she and her mother lived under assumed names and took care to speak Flemish rather than their more usual French and English .

  2. 在现代法文词汇中,syntagme是个常用术语,诸多法语语言学家对syntagme所下的定义、所作的论述不尽相同,因而syntagme的涵义也不完全一样。

    In the French vocabulary of modern linguistics , syntagme is a common term . Owing to its various definitions and expositions by a great many linguists , its meaning is not always the same .