
  • 网络Often in;jing chang zai
  1. 我常常在上班前跑步。

    I often go running before work .

  2. 从大陆出发的汽车轮渡常常在2月前就被预订一空。

    The car ferries from the mainland are often fully booked by February .

  3. 他们过去常常在晚饭后沿着河边散步。

    They used to go for a walk after supper along the river .

  4. 他常常在早上睡到八、九点。

    He used to stay in bed till eight or nine in the morning .

  5. 加拿大人常常在夏天举行烤肉野餐。

    Canadians often have barbecues in the summer .

  6. 他从不迟到,但他常常在最后一刻赶到。

    He 's never late , but he often arrives at the very last moment .

  7. 你常常在外面进餐吗?

    Do you dine out much ?

  8. 他上课从不迟到,不过常常在最后一刻进教室。

    He is never late for school , but he often comes into the classroom at the last moment .

  9. 杰克:是的。他常常在早上5点就开始练习了。

    Jack : Yes . He often started to practice as early as 5 a.m.

  10. 欧文过去常常在拼写"发音"这个词时犯错误。

    Owen used to make the mistakes in spelling the word " pronunciation " .

  11. 例如,在英国,学生过去常常在西班牙语、拉丁语、法语和其他外语之间进行选择。

    For example , in the UK , students used to choose between Spanish , Latin , French and other foreign languages .

  12. 唐和我的生活方式非常好,工作结束后,我们常常在坎昆和巴哈马等地好好度假,只是为了放松一下。

    Don and I had a really great lifestyle , and when the work was finished , we used to take good vacations in places like Cancum and the Bahams , just to get relaxed .

  13. Theyoftentalkhorsewhentheyarefree.他们有空时常常在一起吹牛。4one-horsetown落后的小地方。那时的北京是一个灰色、乏味、设施简陋的城市,主要交通工具是自行车。

    Then Beijing was a gray , drab , one-horse town where the main means of transportation was the bicycle .

  14. 我常常在梦中回到我的故乡。

    I often return in dreams to my hometown .

  15. 当厌倦狩猎时,阿尔特弥斯常常在小山泉中淋浴。

    When she was tired with hunting artemis used to take abath in a little mountain spring .

  16. 他常常在音乐会上作精彩的即兴演奏,取得了惊人的效果

    He makes the splendid performance frequently extemporaneously at the concert , has made the astonishing progress .

  17. 他们俩还常常在浑沌管辖的中央地区会面,受到浑沌的热情款待。

    They often met in the central area under Hun Dun 's rule and received his warm hospitality .

  18. 来到一家不熟悉的新餐厅,我们一般会点自己感兴趣的菜,而不是那些最美味的菜,而这些美味常常在邻桌和你“相见恨晚”。

    When we go to a new restaurant we are not familiar with , we always choose to order food we are interested in instead of those that are more delicious , which more often are delivered to a nearby table .

  19. 这就是说那些试图在实践中应用Web服务的人常常在缺乏指导的情况下工作。

    This means that those who are seeking to apply web services in practice are often working without much guidance .

  20. Sally常常在周日早上买一个三明治和果汁。

    Sally often buys a sandwich and juice on Sunday morning .

  21. SalesPipeline:一个公司常常在一系列阶段之间对销售机会进行分类,这定义了能够最终成交并为此开帐单的可能性有多大。

    Sales Pipeline . A company categorizes sales opportunities between a series of stages , which defines how likely it is to actually win a job and bill for it .

  22. DDT使卵壳变得特别薄而且易碎,因此小鸟常常在孵化前夭折。

    DDT caused the birds ' eggshells to be extremely thin and fragile , so that the young died before they could hatch .

  23. 学生们常常在eBay和Amazon网站转卖自己的东西给其他同学,他们觉得这样做很精明,其实,他们没有意识到,他们在丢钱。

    Students will often sell their items to fellow students on eBay and Amazon , and they think that they are being shrewd , in fact they do not realize they are losing money .

  24. 作为一家在纽约和伦敦两地都设有办公室的设计公司ArchitectureatLarge的创始人,39岁的德·卡尔德纳斯说,自己常常在墙面上运用这种图形。但他已经发现,成倍地运用三维几何形状,也能达到一种相似的效果。

    Mr. de C á rdenas , the 39-year-old founder of Architecture at Large , a design studio with offices in New York City and London , said he often uses the patterns on walls , but he has found that three-dimensional geometric forms used in multiples can have a similar effect .

  25. 常常在这些文档变得不可用,需要支持RequirementsComposer所提供的特性、可跟踪性链接和其他概念时,业务分析师希望将需求传输到来自另一个团队、合作伙伴或组织的合适的需求工具。

    It is usually at the point when these documents become unmanageable and require the support of attributes , traceability links , and other concepts provided by Requirements Composer that the business analyst wants to transfer requirements to a suitable requirements tool from another team , partner , or organization .

  26. 常常在电子表格中记录环境的情况并通过vfcmap等命令的输出交叉引用它。

    Record your environment in a spreadsheet and cross-reference it often with the output of commands like vfcmap .

  27. 他们常常在学校的入口处等他。

    They often waited for him at the entrance of school .

  28. 常常在百货公司看到有专业的男性彩妆师。

    Often seen at the department store makeup artist professional men .

  29. 常常在心底深处涌起阵阵感动和感激。

    Often filled again and moved deep in my heart and gratitude .

  30. 我常常在想,以前那些歌都到哪里去了?

    I often wonder , before the songs are gone ?