
  • 网络stimulus situation
  1. 问题是给定信息和目标之间有某些障碍需要被克服的刺激情境。

    The problems are some situations to be overcome between the given information and target .

  2. 格式塔心理学提出了记忆痕迹理论,强调刺激所在的情境对回忆的影响;

    Gestalt psychology put forward memory trace theory , which emphasized how stimulate context influences recall ;

  3. 相对无关信息刺激,与情境匹配的威胁性信息引起更多的关注和加工。

    Relatively independent of stimulation , and the situation threatening information got more attention and processing .

  4. 采用经典的自我延迟满足实验范式做如下研究:1.对呈现图片刺激与实物刺激的不同情境下儿童的行为表现进行分析,探讨中度智力落后儿童延迟满足能力的发展特点。

    And using the classic paradigm of self delay of gratification of doing the following : 1.Showing pictures and physical of stimulation under different scenarios to analyze the behavior and capacity of children with moderate mental retardation meet the characteristics of delay .