
  1. 中国传统刺绣艺术的风格多样性及其特征探讨

    Style diversity and character of China traditional embroidery art

  2. 土族刺绣艺术的文化特色

    The Cultural Features of Tu People 's Embroidery

  3. 粤北乳源瑶族刺绣艺术金秀瑶族度戒节

    The Embroidery Art of the Yao Ethnic Group of Ruyuan in North of Guangdong

  4. 刺绣艺术的表现手法

    The Means of Artistic Expression in Embroideries

  5. 流光溢彩的蒙古族服饰刺绣艺术

    The Colourful Embroidery Art of Mongolian Apparels

  6. 中日文化交流中的刺绣艺术

    Embroider Art of China-Japan Cultural Communication

  7. 苗绣是我国刺绣艺术中的一个重要门类。

    The embroidery of the Miao Nationality is one of the important categories in China 's embroidery art .

  8. 在此期间,在刺绣艺术来的顶峰,被誉为工人弹出。

    During this period , the art of embroidery came to its zenith and reputed workers popped up .

  9. 中国刺绣艺术,有数千年的发展史,是中华民族民间艺术的瑰宝。

    Embroider is the traditional form of Chinese arts and crafts , and it transforms as time goes by .

  10. 第二章介绍了黔东南西江镇苗族地区的地理历史环境及刺绣艺术的历史发展状况等。

    The second chapter described geographical and historical environment of Xijiang Town , Southwest Guizhou , as well as the development of embroidery art .

  11. 自此,刺绣艺术在针法、色彩图案诸方面已形成独自的艺术风格,可以和书画艺术媲美争艳。

    The art of embroidery has its own artistic style in needle work , color and design , comparable to the art of painting and calligraphy .

  12. 东汉以后,佛教在中国传播并逐步深入,对中国的传统文化产生了很大影响,刺绣艺术也是如此。

    Since the Eastern Han , Buddhism had gradually spread across China , exerting a tremendous influence upon not only Chinese traditional culture but also embroidery art .

  13. 试图通过对满族民间传统刺绣艺术的阐述和研究,论证其艺术价值和文化价值,使其更好的得到保护和发展。

    Attempts to manchu nationality traditional folk embroidery art paper and research , demonstrates its artistic value and cultural value , make its better preservation and development .

  14. 随着社会的发展,苗族刺绣艺术逐渐开始衰退,苗族刺绣艺术的发展受到很大影响。

    With the development of society , the Miao embroidery art gradually began to decline , and the development of the Miao embroidery art is very much affected .

  15. 苗族刺绣艺术追求的是真实的表现,追求自由地表现个性,体现人的理想与追求,完全凭着幻想和灵性进行创作。

    Miao embroidery is true manifestations of artistic pursuit , the pursuit of free personality , who embodies the ideals and pursuits , complete with fantasy and spiritual creation .

  16. 针对这种目标,本文共分四章:第一章、主要是论述黔东南苗族刺绣艺术语言的产生背景。

    In response to this goal , this paper is divided into four chapters : Chapter so me primarily addresses the background of Qian dong Nan Miao minority embroidery art language .

  17. 第五章阐述了话江镇苗族刺绣艺术的传承与保护,从刺绣的商品化与市场化现状、刺绣在国际市场的地位及刺绣的保护性开发与传习方面进行阐释。

    The fifth chapter introduced the embroidery heritage and protection in Xijiang Town , from the perspectives of embroidery commercialization and marketing status , its international position , and its protection and development .

  18. 到上世纪三十年代出现的乱针绣就是中国刺绣艺术转型的代表,它不仅是技术上的创新,更重要的是赋予了新的美学思想。

    The thirties of last century appears to " crewel " is representative of Chinese embroidery art of transformation , it is not only technical innovation , but more importantly is to give a new aesthetic ideas .

  19. 同时,刺绣艺术不管是否置身于当代,其自身所具有的独特语言也颇具引力,它可以穿越两面、延宕思考,用一根丝线绣出事物的表里。

    The same time , the art of embroidery regardless of whether exposure to the " contemporary ", has of its own uniqueness . It can pass through both sides , delayed thinking , thoughtful things are embroidered with a silk thread .

  20. 既要对传统刺绣艺术进行提炼消化,又要深入剖析、透彻研究,然后与现代纤维艺术结合起来进行再次创造,创造出具既有传统刺绣文化特质又符合大众审美要求的纤维艺术作品。

    Both to the traditional art of embroidery to digest refined , but also in depth analysis and thorough research , and then combined with modern fiber art re-creation , to create a culture with traditional embroidery and who meet the aesthetic requirements of our current fiber art .

  21. 以两方面来对壮族民间刺绣设计艺术展开分析。

    Two aspects to analysis of zhuang folk art embroidery design .

  22. 巴渝民间刺绣民俗艺术特征研究

    A Study on the Artistic Features of the Folk Embroideries in Sichuan

  23. 一个不应被遗忘的艺术角落&试论水族鞋垫刺绣的艺术性

    An Art Corner That Should Not Be Forgotten & On the Artistic Quality of the Shui 's Insole Embroidery

  24. 男性开始运用刺绣作为艺术创作表现的手段,这时的刺绣由传统模拟转向了观念表达。

    The men began to use embroidery as the means of artistic expression , when the embroidery from traditional analog to the concept of expression .

  25. 性为内涵,格为形式,内容加形式,即是阐述刺绣设计艺术之性格面貌的综合图景。

    Sex as the connotation , form , content and form , which is the character of this embroidery design art features of comprehensive picture .

  26. 苗民依靠服饰刺绣装饰艺术语言审美意念及情趣,作为程式化的符号来表达群体意念和审美共识。

    Dress of the Miao people rely on embroidery art deco aesthetic ideas and taste , as groups of stylized symbols to express ideas and aesthetic consensus .

  27. 同时,论述了各方的基本关系与壮族民间刺绣设计艺术影像面泛亚光的初始印象。

    At the same time , this paper discusses the basic relations of the parties and the zhuang folk embroidery design art image " pan-asian light plane " initial impression .

  28. 略论中国刺绣服饰及其艺术特点

    Discussion on China 's embroider dress and its art characters

  29. 刺绣是中国艺术的一颗璀璨明珠。

    Embroidery is a brilliant pearl in Chinese art .

  30. 经过周朝,汉朝的进展,目睹了这两个刺绣技术和艺术风格的飞跃。

    Through progress over Zhou Dynasty , the Han Dynasty witnessed a leap in embroidery in both technique and art style .