
  • 网络stimulus control
  1. 方法:对112例患者,采用认知疗法、放松治疗和程序刺激控制,治疗前后采用pittsburghsleepqualityindex量表测评。

    Methods : 112 cases were treated with cognitive therapy , the relaxation response and stimulus control . Before and after the treatment , using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index ( PSQI ) to evaluate efficacy of treatment .

  2. 如果我们已经通过刺激控制引入了“SIT”口令,当我们训练卧的时候狗儿却坐下去,我们可以立即说“NO”并转过身去。

    If we have taken the command " SIT " through stimulus control the dog offers a " SIT " when you are training the down we immediately say " NO " and turn our back .

  3. 卒中患者健侧大脑半球rTMS的假刺激控制试验

    A sham stimulation-controlled trial of rTMS of the unaffected hemisphere in stroke patients

  4. 初学训练的人不能抓住刺激控制的重要部分。

    New trainers miss that very important part of stimulus control .

  5. 目的探索迷走神经刺激控制癫痫的最佳刺激参数。

    AIM To explore the optimal parameters of vagal nerve stimulation in controlling epilepsy .

  6. 你需要理解刺激控制并知道何时使用。

    You need to understand things like stimulus control and when to employ it .

  7. 对某个口令来说,刺激控制是完成训练进程最后的工具。

    Stimulus control is the finishing tool that completes the training process for a command .

  8. 在传统训练中刺激控制总是使用带刺的项圈。

    In old-school training stimulus control is done with a choke collar or prong collar .

  9. 刺激控制的不足是许多动力训练者所要面对的大问题之一。

    A lack of stimulus control is one of the biggest problems many motivational trainers face .

  10. 训练者会看到口令的效果不太一致,除非他们使用刺激控制。

    Trainers will not see consistency in a command until they take their dogs through stimulus control .

  11. 教狗儿刺激控制时也可以使用玩具(后面将会讲到)。

    Toys can also be used in teaching a dog Stimulus Control ( which is talked about later ) .

  12. 通过几次练习,它们就能学会刺激控制的概念。

    They learn the concept of stimulus control after you have taken them through the process a few times .

  13. 刺激控制的一个重要部分是用来制止狗儿的某个行为。

    An important part of stimulus control is to also take this behavior out of the dogs trick bag .

  14. 组织工程领域,通过施加电刺激控制细胞在组织工程支架中的行为可对损伤组织起到修复的作用。

    In tissue engineering , we can apply electrical stimulation to control cell behavior in the tissue engineering scaffolds for tissue damage repair .

  15. 在本文第一个研究中,我们分析了提出这些理论的研究中所使用的视觉刺激控制物,发现它们同面孔不匹配。

    In our first study , we find that the control stimuli used in the previous studies are not matched with the faces .

  16. 初学训练的人理解标记的概念,他们享受奖励过程,但是他们与刺激控制的精致过程作斗争。

    New trainers grasp the concept of markers , they enjoy the reward process , but they struggle with the refined process of stimulus control .

  17. 他们行动过早,在一起使用信号帮助狗的时候开始加入刺激控制,一旦去掉信号就把狗弄糊涂了。

    They jump the gun and start adding stimulus control while they are still using signals to help the dog Then when they drop the signal they confuse the dog .

  18. 利用本研究提出的具有兴奋性和抑制性耦合的振荡神经元集群动力学模型,研究了基于时滞平均场反馈刺激控制方法可有效地控制神经元集群的同步放电。

    Based on our model studies , we proposed a control technique with time delay feedback stimulation , which can be used to effectively suppress the synchronized firing in a neuronal population .

  19. 目前,脑电信号的研究主要集中在利用辅助刺激控制假肢方面,这种方法识别率较高,但需要有大量外部设备装置,实施起来较困难。

    Nowadays , the control research of prosthetic extremity by EEG is concentrated on assisted stimulation , the recognition accuracy is high in this method , but it needs a lot of external installations and is complicate in operation .

  20. 结果长脉冲胃电刺激能控制胃慢波。

    Results Long pulse GES was able to control GSW .

  21. 在外界刺激的控制下或以外界刺激的出现为条件的一种习得的反应。

    An acquired response that is under the control of ( conditional on the occurrence of ) a stimulus .

  22. 我相信,孩子应该在其社会生活的工作中得到刺激和控制。

    I believe that the child should be stimulated and controlled in his work through the life of the community .

  23. 结论长脉冲胃电刺激能控制胃慢波,但对胃肌电活动的主功和传播速度无作用。

    Conclusions Long pulses GES can control GSW but have no effect on dominant power and propagation velocity of gastric myoelectrical activity .

  24. 《悬丝》概念上的出发点是男性的提睾肌,它的功能是在感受到外界刺激时控制睾丸的收缩。

    The conceptual departure point of " Cremaster " is the male cremaster muscle , which controls testicular contractions in response to external stimuli .

  25. 结论减少局部反复机械性刺激,控制多胎次生育,选择合适的避孕方法,定期进行妇女病普查普治是降低该病发病率的根本。

    These results suggest this disease incidence can be lowed through reducing physical stimulation to cervice , controlling plural pregnancy , using properly sterilisation method .

  26. 然而研究人员通过刺激可以控制行走和平衡的半规管却是检测头部的转动而不是重力的方向。

    However , the semicircular canals that the researchers stimulated to control walking and balance detect rotational movements of the head , not the direction of gravity .

  27. 我相信,在现存条件下,由于忽视了学校作为社会生活的形式这一观念,太多的刺激和控制来自教师。

    I believe that under existing conditions far too much of the stimulus and control proceeds from the teacher , because of neglect of the idea of the school as a form of social life .

  28. 营销计划是通过合理的定价、广告、促销策略来刺激和控制需求,生产计划则是在各种约束条件下获得最佳的生产策略,从而履行订单、满足需求,并实现企业利润的最大化。

    Marketing plans through rational pricing , advertising and promotional strategies to stimulate and control demand , production planning is bound under the conditions in a variety of the best production strategy , thereby fulfilling the orders to meet demand , and achieve the maximization of corporate profits .

  29. 各国政府和国际政治、经济协作组织几乎没有间断地举行各种会议,磋商各种救助和刺激方案,控制经济下行风险。

    Individual governments and international political and economic blocs have held nearly non-stop meetings and consultations to stem the downturn with a variety of bailout and stimulus packages .

  30. 结论适宜参数的胃电刺激可完全控制大鼠胃慢波。

    Conclusions Electrical stimulation with proper parameter can completely entrain gastric slow wave of rats .