
cì shāng
  • Stab wound;puncture;prick;sting;stab and wound;jab;pink
刺伤 [cì shāng]
  • [jab;pink;prick] 用锋利的东西刺或戳而受伤

  • 他的胸膛下部被刺伤,即使不会致命,也是伤势严重的

刺伤[cì shāng]
  1. 采血人员意外刺伤相关因素及防范措施的调查与分析

    Related Factors and Preventive Measures for Accidental Puncture of Blood Personnel

  2. 实习护生针刺伤发生情况调查与思考

    An investigation on puncture injuries happening among intern nursing students and its countermeasures

  3. 受害者胸部多处被刺伤。

    The victim had been stabbed repeatedly in the chest .

  4. 珠宝商在试图抵抗强盗时被刺伤了。

    The jeweller was stabbed as he tried to fight the robbers off .

  5. 一名警员昨夜被刺伤之后入院进行康复治疗。

    A policeman was recovering in hospital last night after being stabbed

  6. 她挖苦的语言刺伤了他的虚荣心。

    Her sarcasm wounded his vanity .

  7. 珊瑚刺伤可引起剧痛。

    The sting of coral can be very painful .

  8. 囚犯们有的被刺伤,有的被砍伤,而有的头部首创,伤势不一而足

    Inmates suffered injuries ranging from stab wounds and slashes to head trauma .

  9. 我在他的腿上发现一处刺伤。

    I found a stab wound on his leg .

  10. 2.Hitsb.whereithurts:击中某人痛处,击中要害那句话刺伤了我。

    e.g. : That hits me where it hurts .

  11. 去年,一名极端正统派以色列人在耶路撒冷的年度“同志骄傲大游行”(GayPrideParade)中刺伤了6名游行者。

    Last year an ultraorthodox Israeli stabbed six marchers in Jerusalem 's annual Gay Pride Parade .

  12. v.刺;刺伤他用叉子从盘中叉了一片肉来。……

    stab He stabbed a piece of meat from the plate with his fork .......

  13. Sid刺伤了Nancy…七次用菜刀

    Summer , Sid stabbed Nancy ... seven times with a kitchen knife . Summer

  14. MeSA、叶蝉为害和机械刺伤对茶芽挥发物及PAL、PPO酶活性影响

    Effects of Exotic MeSA , Leafhopper-damaging and Mechanically Piercing on the Volatile Ingredients and PAL , PPO Activity in Tea Shoots

  15. 在进行实习护生标准预防态度单因素分析中,不同年龄、教育程度、实习医院等级、接受教育途径、针刺伤情况对标准预防态度出现影响,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Univariate analysis showed that with the difference among the nursing students of different age , education , teaching hospital level , education means , the extent of knowledge demand , needle stick injuries was significant ( P0.05 ) .

  16. 采用Logistic逐步回归分析表明,低学历、缺乏医院职业防护培训、没有受过职业防护教育和男性是造成实习医学生被锐器刺伤的主要影响因素。

    Logistic step regression analysis indicates that male ones with low educational background , lack of training of occupational prevention in hospital , and no occupational education were the main factors responsible for injury of the externs by sharp utensil .

  17. 据说在一次专辑发行派对上,Jay-Z刺伤了唱片发行人——兰斯·乌·里维埃拉。

    Jay-Z reportedly stabbed Lance " Un " Riviera , a record producer , at an album release party .

  18. 方法:对潍坊市33所医院的9168名医护人员针刺伤情况进行流行病学调查,建立Fox-base数据库,所得资料和数据运用686-PC机和SPLM软件包进行分析。

    Methods : Epidemiological survey on 9168 medical personnel with needle-injury in 33 hospitals of Weifang City . Fox-base was applied , and all the data were processed with SPLM software analysis .

  19. 警方确认行凶者名为伊沙伊奇利赛尔(YishaiSchlissel),曾因在耶路撒冷一场类似的同性恋游行中刺伤游行参与者被判10年徒刑,最近被释放。

    Officers identified the assailant as Yishai Schlissel , recently released from prison after serving 10 years for stabbing participants in a similar gay parade in Jerusalem .

  20. 在Maryville第一浸信会教友教堂,包括一名教堂牧师在内的五人中弹,Maryville警察说嫌疑犯已被郊区居民摔到地上并将之刺伤。

    Five people including a church pastor were shot inside the First Baptist Church of Maryville . Maryville police say the suspect was stabbed by parishioners who wrestled him to the ground .

  21. 虽然很少有关于这件1999年的刺伤事件的信息,但据说原因是这名发行人在官方发售之前就泄出了Jay-Z的专辑——《第三卷:S·卡特的生活和时代》。

    Although little information about the 1999 incident is available , it was reported that the stabbing was a result of the alleged illegal distribution of Jay-Z 's album , Vol. 3 ... Life and Times of S. Carter , prior to its official release .

  22. 结果针刺伤发生率91.09%。

    Results The needle stick injuries occurrence rate was 91.09 % .

  23. 但不知为何是凯特被荨麻给刺伤了。

    But somehow it was Kat that got stung by nettles .

  24. 他怎么能刺伤受害者的胸膛呢?

    How 's he gonna stab the VIC in the chest ?

  25. 我们认为被告多次刺伤他的母亲。

    We believe that the defendant stabbed his mother multiple times .

  26. 这网球选手在汉堡联赛中被刺伤。

    The tennis player was stabbed during a tournament in hamburg .

  27. 尖锐的岩壁刺伤了他的双手。

    The rocky walls were sharp and tore at his hands .

  28. 他们被人刺伤现在在医院。

    They got stabbed , and they 're in the hospital .

  29. 用你刺伤我的手把它拿出来!

    Take it out with the hand you stabbed me with !

  30. 兰尼斯特家的人用矛刺伤了你父亲的腿.

    A Lannister put his spear through your father 's leg .