
  1. 所以,请把《刺客信条》带到PSP上来吧!

    So please , bring Assassin 's Creed to the PSP .

  2. 后来我发现一个单词“Creed(信条)”,有个同名乐团,另外我参与制作了游戏“刺客信条”。

    I later realized the word Creed existed and was used by a music group and a video game I eventually worked on ( Assassin 's Creed ) .

  3. 《权力的游戏》的粉丝中如果喜欢《刺客信条》(一款游戏)或者意大利历史的一般都会喜欢这个人物。

    Game of Thrones fans who love Assassin 's Creed or Italian history in general will enjoy this one .

  4. 严格地说,“太空堡垒”游戏不象“光晕”或“刺客信条”之类的游戏,相反,它很象最初的街机游戏,用几何图形代替太空船和建筑物。

    The game isn 't exactly Halo or Assassin 's Creed . Instead , Space Fortress looks a lot like the very first arcade games , with geometric shapes subbing for spaceships and buildings .

  5. 本育碧马茨显示了刺客的信条即将推出的版本。

    Ben Mattes of Ubisoft shows an upcoming version of Assassin 's Creed .