
  • 网络List of counts and dukes of Vendme;Duke of Vendme
  1. 旺多姆公爵和黑色王子怎么能作比较呢?我感到非常不解。

    How Duke of Vendos should become a rival of Black Prince , I couldn 't conceive .

  2. 他们先是比较了几个伟人。在我看来,这种比较根本毫无根据,纯属虚构。我十分诧异地听到其中一个人说,他认为黑色王子远比旺多姆公爵好得多。

    After several parallels between great men , which appeared to me altogether groundless and chimerical , I was surprised to hear one say , that he valued the Black Prince more than the Duke of Venoms .