
  • 网络background management system
  1. 本文设计了基于主动式RFID定位的监狱后台管理系统。

    The design of background management system based on active RFID localization is also shown in the thesis .

  2. 网站后台管理系统应用研究

    Study on the Application of the Website Background Management System

  3. 基于ASP技术的网站后台管理系统

    Study of Website Backstage Management System Based on ASP

  4. 最后,本文重点实现了B2C票务平台的后台管理系统。

    Finally , this paper focuses the back of management system .

  5. 标准化作业;后台管理系统;手持终端系统PDA;无线扩音设备。

    Standardization Work ; the Backstage Management System ; Hand-hold Terminal System PDA ,; Wireless Microphone facility .

  6. 最后给出了应用JSP技术实现Browser/Server模式的短信增值业务后台管理系统的具体实例。

    Provide the concrete instance of the message value-added service back-stage management system of using JSP technology Browser / Server mode finally .

  7. 后台管理系统使用目前比较流行的Struts、Spring、Hibernate整合框架进行实现,抄表终端基于Android操作系统。

    The information management system used at present more popular Struts , Spring , Hibernate integrated framework system , meter reading terminal based on the Android operating system .

  8. 本文研究并设计了一个基于Android勺移动学习系统,系统分为移动终端与后台管理系统两大部分,后台系统为整个系统的统一资源管理平台,移动终端系统实现学习功能。

    This thesis based on Android mobile learning system researches and designs a mobile learning system , and the system is divided into two major parts : the mobile terminal and background management system .

  9. 随着计算机网络技术尤其是因特网技术的普及应用,远程数据库技术日益受到软件开发人员的重视,在Web网站后台管理系统和Intranet信息系统中,这种技术具有广阔的应用前景。

    With the popular application of the computer network , especially the Internet technology , the remote database technology , which is widely applied to Web background administration system and Intranet information system , has received more attention of software developers than ever before .

  10. 网站后台管理系统介绍。

    Introduction of the management system at the back of website .

  11. 最后完成了后台管理系统。

    Finally , we completed the management system . 4 .

  12. 该平台由前台处理系统和后台管理系统构成。

    This platform is composed of front handling system and back handling system .

  13. 网站后台管理系统的用户权限管理的一种实现方案

    An Implementation Scheme for User Permissions Management in the Website Backstage Management System

  14. 基于面向对象的税控装置后台管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation Of The Fiscal Controlling Equipment Background Management System Based on Object-oriented Method

  15. 首先建设一个功能完整、效率高、安全、易用的后台管理系统。

    First to build a function completed , efficient , safe , easy-to-use background management system .

  16. 前台只有在线测试功能模块,后台管理系统有账号管理,试卷管理,体系管理,试题管理等功能模块。

    Admin system has account management , paper management , system management , test management modules .

  17. 网上招聘及后台管理系统

    Online Recruitment and Management System

  18. 并重点叙述了后台管理系统的实现,重点研究了多层架构的实现。

    Focuses on the realization of background management system , focusing on the realization of multi-layer structure .

  19. 介绍了后台管理系统、前台在线考试系统总体结构和主要程序的功能。

    We then present the back-end administration system , the overall structure and program functionality of the front-end examination system .

  20. 应用服务器为用户提供的所有资源都是通过和后台管理系统的消息通信得到的。

    All the media resources that Application server provides to the users are come from the back-office through communication messages .

  21. 大连物流网主要包括海运中心、陆运中心、空运中心和后台管理系统等。

    Dalian of drift-net mainly includes maritime center , ground transportation center , and air cargo center and management systems .

  22. 本文的主要工作为以下的几个方面:1、网站后台管理系统简介。

    We organize this dissertation as follows . 1 . Brief introduction to the management system at the back of website .

  23. 介绍了网站后台管理系统实现的功能及开发步骤。

    This paper gives a detailed introduction of the functions that the background network workstation management system realizes and development steps .

  24. 最后,分别对前台页面设计和后台管理系统设计进行了详细设计与实现。

    Finally , on the front desk page design and background management system design carried on the detailed design and implementation .

  25. 油井远程监测系统的建立对油田的安全生产具有重要意义,后台管理系统是其中的重要环节。

    It is of great significance to create Oilwell remote Monitoring System in oilfield . Background management system is one of the important part in it .

  26. 用户做完试卷提交后,后台管理系统会读取试题库中正确答案的分值计算总分呈现给用户。

    After users submit finished papers , background management system will read the item bank in the calculation of the correct answer score score presented to the user .

  27. 主要完成工作如下:1、提出了一种可行的基于.NET技术的视频点播后台管理系统结构模型,并进行了系统实现。

    The major goals are as follows : 1 . A . NET-based feasible structural model of background management system of VOD is proposed and realized . 2 .

  28. 后台管理系统负责管理收费标准以及与收费管理中心的通信。

    The former takes charge of management of toll standards an communication with toll management center . The latter has two kinds of devices – ETC system and IC toll collection system .

  29. 最后将此架构方案应用于手机快讯业务后台管理系统中,运行结果表明该架构方案可以很好的满足分布式异构数据库系统同步的业务需求。

    Finally this structure program is used in background management system of mobile phone alerts service and the results show that it can meet the business need of synchronize distributed heterogeneous database system .

  30. 本文着重阐述了网站后台管理系统开发的设计与实现,给出基于Microsoft.NET的网站后台管理系统的一般开发方法和技术。

    The paper elaborates emphatically the analysis and the realization of the management system at the back of website . Some general methods of exploitation and the technology based on Microsoft . Net .