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  1. 海啸来袭数小时之后,反应堆炉心就已融毁,但直到9个礼拜后东电才正式披露消息。

    A meltdown began several hours after the tsunami struck , but wasn 't officially disclosed until nine weeks later .

  2. 结果表明,在昆仑山口西8.1级地震后东昆仑断裂带南北两侧邻近地区较大地震一般发生在8.1级地震产生的科里奥利力引起的库仑破裂应力增加地区。

    The results show that the greater earthquakes on the two sides of eastern Kunlun fault belt after M_S 8.1 earthquake generally take place in the area of increased Coulomb failure stress caused by the Corioli force of 8.1 Kunlun mountain earthquake .

  3. 与卫冕冠军迈阿密热火老年人和受伤后,东看来敞开的。

    With the defending champion Miami Heat older and injured , the East looks wide open .

  4. 日已西沉,入我眼帘的,犹如森林大火那橙黄色亮光,自山脊后向东射来。

    The sun had set , and I was watching what seemed to be the bright-orange glow of a forest fire beyond a ridge to the east .

  5. MCT1原为向南逆冲的韧性断层,后遭受北北东向褶皱作用而转变为正断层。

    The MCT1 was originally a south-vergent ductile thrust , which was later transformed into a normal fault after it underwent NNE-trending folding .

  6. 论冷战后印度的东向政策

    India 's " Look the East Policy " after Cold War

  7. 壁后注浆在东坪金矿三期主竖井的实践

    Practice of grouting in the back of wall of the main shaft in phase 3 construction of Dongping Gold Mine

  8. 块体搬运的重力流顺斜坡演化为浊流,进入盆地轴部后转为由东往西顺盆地走向流动,并在轴部形成一套经典浊积岩。

    The turbidity current transformed from gravitational sliding on slopes were transported from east to west along the axis of the basin .

  9. 阿森纳教练温格日前宣布了参加亚洲之行的23位球员的名单,本周日开启的远东之旅是时隔12年后兵工厂再度东行。

    Arsenal manager Ars è ne Wenger has named a23-strong squad to travel to the Far East on Sunday for the Club 's first international tour for12 years .

  10. 后又创办东、西文学堂进行具体的西学实践,实现其教育救国的梦想。

    Later , he had carried on the specific western education practice through founding Oriental and western literary schools , attempting to realize his dream of saving china .

  11. 来到达拉斯后,场东契奇均达到了20.6分,并且3分命中率已经从30.9%升至34.9%。

    Since arriving in Dallas , though , he 's averaging 20.6 points per game and has seen an increase in his three-point shooting from 30.9 percent to 34.9 percent .

  12. 文章介绍北海渔业基地港建成后,在东防波堤内侧发生泥沙淤积,并分析其原因。

    It is introduced that after completion of construction of Beihai Fishery Base Port , there appeared siltation at the inner side of the east breakwater , the cause of which is analyzed .

  13. 经过国贸桥,大望桥后,一直向东行驶。

    Go straight east and pass Guomao Bridge and Dawang bridge .

  14. 在库尔吐克稍事休息后,我们转向东又顺着湖南岸前进。

    After a short stop at Kultuk , we turned east and followed the lake 's southern shore .

  15. 不久后当他听说东已在首都做官时,后悔莫及。而后,他又听说麦在东的帮助下拥有了自己的生意,并很成功。

    Next , he found out with Tung 's help that Mai 's business was as successful as it was .

  16. 不久后当他听说东已在首都做官时,后悔莫及。

    It was not until later on when he heard Tung had become an officer in the capital city that he started to regret it .