
hòu bèi jūn
  • reserves;reserve force
后备军 [hòu bèi jūn]
  • (1) [reserves]∶指某些职业队伍的补充力量

  • 产业后备军

  • (2) [reserve force]∶预备役军人的总称

后备军[hòu bèi jūn]
  1. 动员一定数量的后备军,给以训练,准备上前线。

    Call up an adequate number of reserves and train them for service at the front .

  2. 英语专业学生是英语翻译人才的后备军,对他们翻译能力的培养显得尤为重要。

    English majors are reserves for potential translation professionals , and developing their translation competence becomes more and more important .

  3. 两种体制建立起来:常规军和后备军。

    Two frameworks were instituted : the regular army and the reserves .

  4. 两个步兵师留作后备军。

    Two infantry divisions were held in reserve .

  5. 海湾战争即将爆发时,美国把后备军召集起来。

    The reserve is called out in the U.S.A. when the Gulf War is impending .

  6. 为了预防不测,骨髓中还储存着已经完全成熟的白血球后备军。

    As a precaution , the marrow houses a standby force of fully developed white cells .

  7. 到了将来,你们可能成为干部,你们现在是干部的后备军。

    In the future you may become cadres ; at present you are cadres in reserve .

  8. 高中生是祖国的未来,是高素质人才的后备军。

    High school students are the future of one country and the reserve force of high quality talent .

  9. 后备军人们把安德烈公爵抬到林边,那儿停着几辆大车,救护站就在那儿。

    The militiamen carried Prince Andrey to the copse , where there were vans and an ambulance station .

  10. 以色列军方同时还召集了后备军以防巴勒斯坦人侵略其领土。

    It 's also authorized the call-up of reservists for a possible ground invasion of the Palestinian territory .

  11. 她试图(而且也这么做了)将后备军和国民警卫队纳入医疗保障体系。

    She tried to expand and did expand health care coverage to Reservists and members of the National Guard .

  12. 美国由各州征募的后备军,由联邦政府装备;服从二者的派遣。

    US military reserves recruited by the states and equipped by the federal government ; subject to call by either .

  13. 这后备军的存在有层次结构的所有层次,甚至在更高的水平,尤其是管理人员。

    This reserve army exists at all levels of the hierarchy , even at the higher levels , especially among managers .

  14. 年轻干部正是这些主要干部的后备军,他们的素质水平直接影响着党和国家事业的未来发展。

    As they are the reserve force , their qualities have a direct influence on the cause of our party and state .

  15. 职前教师作为国家教育改革的后备军,将对中国的教育事业发挥重要的作用。

    As the reserve force of this new reform , pre-service teachers play critical roles in the development of education in China .

  16. 青年作为社会发展进步的后备军,其政治社会化问题在任何国家都具有重要的现实意义。

    The youth , as the reserve force of the social development , their political socialization is very important in any country and society .

  17. 共青团作为党的后备军和助手,在社会建设领和发展青年社会组织方面具有一定的优势。

    The Communist Youth League as the reserve force and assistant , in social construction , and development of young social organization has certain advantages .

  18. 大学生党员是大学生之精英,是中国特色社会主义建设事业后备军的中坚力量。

    The college student party members are the elite among the whole college students and the backbone of the reserve army in the building socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  19. 而“和谐”的个人主义的微观经济模式运作的条件是一个普遍现象,一个失业后备军的存在。

    The condition of the " harmonious " functioning of the individualist micro-economic model is a mass phenomenon , the existence of a reserve army of the unemployed .

  20. 医学生作为未来临床实践和医学科研的后备军,对其信息素养的要求已经成为全球执业医师的金标准。

    Medical students are the reserves of clinical practice and medical research , so the requirement of information literacy has become the golden standard of global medical practitioners .

  21. 我不喜欢跟藏在摇篮里的备用火鸡躲在车库里,但做后备军本身就不是件有趣的事。

    I don 't love being the person who hides in her garage with her secret crib turkey , but it 's not always fun being the backstop .

  22. 已有部分研究对酒店现有员工进行研究,但是对于酒店实习生,酒店人才发展计划的有力后备军的研究则甚少。

    There have been several research on hotel employees , but research for the hotel interns , the powerful reserve of the hotel talent development plan is very little .

  23. 当代大学生是国家现代化建设的生力军,是国家重要人才的后备军,是国家的栋梁,是民族的希望。

    Contemporary college students are the major force of national modernization , the reserve force of national intellects , the backbone of the country and the hope of the nation .

  24. 青少年作为一个特殊群体,是祖国的希望、是民族的未来、是社会主义现代化建设的主力后备军。

    The teenager is used as a special community , is motherland that hope that future , the main dint reserves that is a race and is socialism modernization developments .

  25. 青年是社会发展进步的新生力量和后备军,青年阶层的健康成长一直是社会关注和研究的重要问题。

    Young people are social development and progress of the new forces and reserve force , the healthy growth of youth has always been a social concern and an important issues .

  26. 把高中里数学学得最好的学生们(有很多!)召集到一起,编成一支精心设计、全面而持续的教师后备军倒会是一个充满希望的开始。

    Recruiting our best high school mathematics students ( and there are many ! ) into a carefully designed , comprehensive and cohesive teacher preparation program would be a promising start .

  27. 硕士研究生群体也是推进人力资源强国建设的后备军,推动国家经济建设发展的主要力量。

    Postgraduate groups are also promoting the construction of a powerful country with human resources of talents . Besides , they are the main force to promote the development of national economic construction .

  28. 培养艺术欣赏的再创造能力,以期把我们的青年学生真正培养为审美能力强的新时代的后备军。

    By training the ability of art creativity , we hope our young students can be a new generation with the high ability of art appreciation , who can take over our tasks .

  29. 高职院校大学生是社会主义现代化建设的后备军,是祖国的未来和希望,时代要求他们必须具备诚实守信的道德品质。

    College students are the reserve army of socialist modernization , and also the hope of future of motherland . The times demands that college students should have the moral quality of being honest and trustworthy .

  30. 不过他们有的是雷耶斯、克里希这样的明日之星作为后备军,如果今后他们能迅速成熟的话,球队的未来是极其光明的。

    They do , nevertheless , possess plenty of talented back up such as Reyes and Clichy and if they can let them mature in the presence of experienced individuals , the future is definitely bright .