
sè qíng
  • pornographic;obscene;sexy;salacity;aphrodisiac;carnal desire
色情 [sè qíng]
  • [aphrodisiac;obscene;pornographic;sexy] 挑起或激发起性欲的

  • 色情影片

色情[sè qíng]
  1. 电视上有太多的色情和暴力吗?

    Is there too much sex and violence on TV ?

  2. 色情照片对男女都有刺激作用。

    Both men and women are stimulated by erotic photos .

  3. 他断言电视中所宣扬的色情与暴力诱使青少年堕落。

    He claimed that sex and violence on TV led to the corruption of young people .

  4. 他们出售赤裸裸的色情物品。

    They sell hard-core pornography .

  5. 尽管他是在农村长大的,他始终对城市的五光十色情有独钟。

    Although he grew up in the country , he 's always had a taste for the bright lights .

  6. 很多人称他们对该小说中大量的色情描写很反感。

    Many people claim to be disgusted by the amount of pornography in the novel .

  7. 主要受新技术的影响,过去几年中,“色情报复”案件数量暴增。

    There has been an explosion in revenge porn over the past few years , largely because of the impact of new technology .

  8. 一家受中国政府支持的互联网监察机构周四对谷歌(GoogleInc.)允许用户通过其中国站点访问色情内容提出警告。

    China Warns Google On Content A Chinese government-backed Internet watchdog admonished Google Inc. on Thursday for allowing access to pornography through its Chinese Web site .

  9. HBO台在90年代之前是个专放电影、拳击和软色情的频道,90年代,它决定转型。

    HBO , before the " 90s a channel for movies , boxing and soft-core porn , decided to swing for the fences .

  10. 我采访了新罕布什尔大学涉童罪行研究中心(CrimesAgainstChildrenResearchCenter)的研究员们。他们给我简要介绍了该机构从2000年起进行的一些关于儿童接触色情内容的长期研究。

    I spoke with researchers at the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire , who walked me through a number of long-term studies that the group has been conducting since 2000 on children 's exposure to pornography .

  11. 一个角落里,工作人员正在扫描Blued上的帖子,搜寻非法色情内容。

    In one corner , workers scan Blued posts for illegal pornography .

  12. 在北京市海淀区人民法院的审理中,深圳快播科技有限公司前CEO王欣和其他三名高管都当庭承认了在互联网上散布色情内容。

    Wang Xin , former CEO of Shenzhen-based Qvod Technology Co. Ltd. and three other executives , all admitted to spreading pornography on the Internet , Beijing 's Haidian District People 's Court heard .

  13. 一个名为“iaskCA”的微信官方公众号声称,周日两个试图进入加拿大的中国学生被海关驱逐出境,因为在他们的手机上发现了未成年人色情信息。

    An official account " iask-ca " on the WeChat social network , claimed Sunday that two Chinese students who were separately trying to enter the country were recently deported by Canadian customs for having child pornography on their mobile phones .

  14. 《阁楼》(Penthouse)或许是《花花公子》最著名的竞争者,面对数字色情内容的威胁,它的对策就是内容更加露骨。

    Penthouse , perhaps the most famous Playboy competitor , responded to the threat from digital pornography by turning even more explicit .

  15. 迅速崛起的“色情短信”服务商Snapchat与早期的社交媒体巨头Facebook具有令人不可思议的相似性。

    The parallels between Snapchat , the upstart " sexting " service , and social media behemoth Facebook ( FB ) in its early days are uncanny .

  16. 根据《达拉斯晨报》的报道,英语老师LesleyAnnSharp被控诉为与学生发生不正当关系以及持有或制作儿童色情资料,并试图篡改和掩饰证据等罪状。

    Lesley Ann Sharp faces charges of improper relationship between educator and student , possession or promotion of child pornography , tampering with physical evidence and perjury , according to the Dallas Morning News .

  17. 这四年时间你沉醉于令人兴奋的啤酒、性别研究以及网络色情图片——所以你毕业论文的题目就是《现代‘按摩惊喜’视频中詹姆斯一世时期的戏剧隐喻》(JacobeanDramaticTropesinModern'MassageSurprise'Videos)。

    You 've spent four years percolating in a warm stew of beer , gender studies and online pornography which led to the subject of your senior thesis , ' Jacobean Dramatic Tropes in Modern ' Massage Surprise ' Videos . '

  18. 爱娃的程序是根据凯勒布的色情偏好编写的,我对加兰说这可真是个吓人的情况,尤其是考虑到世界上有那么多朱利安·阿桑奇(JulianAssange)这样的人,迫不及待地想把我们最私密的交流泄露出去。

    Talking about Ava being programmed to Caleb 's porn preferences , I tell Garland that this is a scary scene , given all the Julian Assanges of the world who are eager to spill our most private exchanges .

  19. 布鲁克林刚从纽约回家。贝嫂最近在Instagram分享的是12岁的克鲁兹在厨房翻转薄饼的视频,从视频里可以看到贝嫂对黑色情有独钟,选择了暗色的厨房瓷砖,配有流行配饰。

    Her latest was a video of 12-year-old Cruz whipping up pancakes in the kitchen , which showed that - in keeping with her fashionista 's love of black - Victoria chose dark gloss units for the room , which is littered with on-trend accessories .

  20. GlimpseLabs的联合创始人艾丽莎·舍温斯基(ElissaShevinsky)强调说,“最好的风险投资人都非常专业。”然后她告诉我一件事:当她向一个名声很好的投资人推介自己的公司时,他提到了色情、性和转世。

    Elissa Shevinksy , a co-founder of Glimpse Labs , emphasized that " the best V.C.s and angels are very professional . " Then she told me a story about a well-liked investor who brought up pornography , sex and reincarnation as she tried to pitch her company to him .

  21. 长期存在的联邦法律禁止军方管制平民,但是这起案件表明,美国海军犯罪调查局(简称NCIS)在搜索军方人员计算机中的儿童色情内容时经常入侵平民的私人电脑。

    Longstanding federal law bars the military from policing civilians , but this case has revealed that the naval criminal investigative service or NCIS routinely scans civilian-owned computers when it searches the Internet for military personnel that have traded in child porn .

  22. 那些为直接渲染色情的电视节目出资和举办类似艺术展览的公司?

    Companies that sponsor sexually explicit TV shows or art exhibitions ?

  23. 色情短信和其它好玩的事情一样,是绝对有风险性的,

    Sexting is certainly risky , like anything that 's fun ,

  24. 我撰写了一本书,专门讨论色情短信的出现所引起的道德恐慌。

    I wrote a book on the moral panic about sexting .

  25. 你可能认为我的孩子从不发色情短信。

    You 're probably thinking , my kid would never sext .

  26. 甜饼还有色情杂志,你是最好的妈妈!

    Cookies and porn , you 're the best mom ever ! !

  27. 她在一首关于色情文学的诗中嘲讽了波兰当局的党同伐异。

    She mocked their intolerance of dissent in a poem on pornography :

  28. 皮条客,一家色情杂志,发布了煽动性的新封面

    Hustler , a pornographic magazine , released an incendiary new cover .

  29. 但我没法住在那座色情雕塑对面。

    But I could never live across the street from that pornographic statue .

  30. 一方面:我们身在南希·迈耶斯的又一部布尔乔亚色情片中。

    On one hand : in another of Nancy Meyers 's bourgeois pornographies .