
  1. 迈克还说:“通常烘焙程度越浅,所含咖啡因含量越高。但大多数顾客都喜欢浓稠色重的深度烘焙咖啡。”

    Mike added : ' Usually the lighter the roast , the more the caffeine . But most coffee drinkers prefer a darker roast .

  2. 特级酒,色重但光泽,独特甜的回味,从嘴到喉咙的回味悠长,太完美了!

    Being super fine wine , it has heavy and glamorous color , special sweetness in aftertaste , lasting from mouth to throat , perfect !

  3. 与此相关,认为IP由这种反应中得出的一对共轭色八重态胶团组成。

    We think the IP is composed from the conjugated pair of such glue .

  4. 以内毒素标准品为参考标准,采用当显色基质重氮化法测定牙周病优势菌LPS的鲎活性当量。

    The limulus lysate activity of LPS preparations were measured by the limulus chromo-genic diazotic assay and was calculated according to their correspondent reference test with standard endotoxin .

  5. 后一种衰变模式用于检验色八重态模型理论。

    The last decay mode is used to test the color-octet state theory .

  6. 孕妇使用选择性5-羟色氨重吸收抑制剂与新生儿停药综合征的关系:数据库资料分析

    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in pregnant women and neonatal withdrawal syndrome : A database analysis

  7. 结果发现,其为一个对色八重态产生机制不敏感,而只与核效应模型有关的量。不同的核效应模型得到的结果相差很大。

    The results shown that R ( PT ) is insensitive to the heavy quarkonium production mechanism and only related to the nuclear effect models .

  8. 用鲎显色基质重氮化法测定30例根尖周炎病人感染根管及22例正常根管的内毒素含量。结果表明,感染根管中存在高浓度的内毒素,平均为7.83μg/ml。

    The amounts of endotoxin in 30 infected root canals of patients with periapical inflammatory lesions and 22 normal root canals were measured by the limulus chromogenic diazotic assay .

  9. 所有常用的棉纤维都具有柔和的奶油色泽。埃及棉在颜色上比高地棉和海岛棉的奶油色更重。

    All normal cotton fibers have a soft creamy tint and some of the long staple fibers like the Egyptian cotton , are more creamy in color than the Upland and the Sea Island cotton .

  10. 分别用碱性过硫酸钾消解紫外分光光度法、比色法、重铬酸盐法测定了灌溉前后灌溉水水质指标总氮、总磷、化学需氧量(CODcr),同时测试pH值。

    The water quality indexes , including total nitrogen ( TN ), total phosphorus ( TP ), the chemical oxygen demand ( CODcr ) and pH value , were respectively determined by alkaline potassium persulphate digestion-UV spectrophotometric method , ammonium molybdate spectrophotometric method , dichromate method and pH meter .

  11. 这匹周五出生的黑白毛色的小马重只有6磅,身高14英寸,可能是这个星球上最小的马了,它的名字叫爱因斯坦。

    Weighing just 6 pounds and standing 14 inches tall , a pinto colt born Friday may be the smallest horse on the planet . He 's named Einstein .

  12. 重氮氨基类试剂在分析化学中的研究进展新显色剂&苯重氮氨基偶氮苯测定岩矿中的痕量镉

    The Development of Triazenes in Analytical Chemistry ; Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Cd with the New Colour Reagent DAA

  13. 我们以聚乙烯咔唑为偶合组分,和发色基团对硝基苯重氮盐在相转移催化剂存在下,采用后重氮偶合方法,制备出偶氮化聚乙烯咔唑。

    Poly ( N-vinyl carbazole ) was modified to prepare azo-PVK by post-azo-coupling reaction with diazo salt as raw material using phase-transfer catalysts .

  14. 山水画的色彩观受到儒释道文化影响,尤其受道家思想影响,视水墨为玄的母色,用色重观念色,遵循随类赋彩的法则。

    Landscape painting color view by Confucianism , Buddhism , Taoism culture influence by Taoist thought influence , especially for the xuan , depending on the ink " mother color ", coloring heavy lubricious , follow the " with the concept of the law of FuCai " .

  15. 你可以选择最喜欢的颜色作为主色,次色,和重色。

    Pick your favorite color to be either the main , secondary or accent color .

  16. 治疗组患者降调节后经色深红程度轻于降调节前,对照组患者降调节后经色深红程度重于降调节前,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The patients in the treatment group after down regulation the color dark red light in the down regulation of , patients in the control group after down regulation the color dark red heavy degree in down regulation of , there were significant differences ( P0.05 ) .