
  1. 多种功能选择,确保食物色香味俱全。

    Various functional selection , ensure the foods delicious .

  2. 中国菜肴以色香味俱全而著称。

    Chinese cuisines are famous for their excellence in color , aroma and taste .

  3. 金秋十月,雅箸餐厅为您带来色香味俱全的全新自助餐。

    In Azur , our chef will bring in " color " to the Azur Buffet .

  4. 对于你这种过分讲究的食客而言,一定会一直选择那些色香味俱全的健康食物了。

    A finicky eater , you 'll insist upon eating well-balanced , healthy meals that won 't pollute your body .

  5. 干酪慢慢地融化在汤里,使肉汤色香味俱全。

    The cheese will slowly melt into the soup , adding a nice flavor and some body to the broth .

  6. 有一句老话说,想要抓住男人的心就要抓住他的胃。但是,在情人节当天精心制作色香味俱全的二人晚餐绝对可以融化任何人的心。

    The old saying is that the way to a man 's heart is through his stomach , but cooking a sensual dinner for 2 on Valentine 's Day is sure to melt any heart .

  7. 这道菜让我再次想到,用上当地最新鲜的食材,并且用这张照片中的方式上菜–这样就能色香味俱全了。

    Again , these dishes have reminded me that using the freshest of local produce and presenting it in such a way as this dish I photographed-important to be both pleasing to the eye and to our palate .

  8. 听着后堂的驴惨叫,前厅若无其事的正在食用那只驴身上的某个部分,真正是色香味声俱全。

    After listening to the Church of donkey screaming , as if nothing had happened lobby of the food is the only body of a donkey , is the true voice of the Cantonese cuisine and taste .