
  1. 孩子学东西时快时慢。

    Children do not learn at an even pace .

  2. 孩子学这学那,逗他的父母高兴。

    The child delighted his parents with mimicries .

  3. 那孩子学他的模样。

    The child copies his example .

  4. 的负担,让孩子学一门未来可能用不上的课程,是对教育资源的浪费。”

    l use it at work . They learn English for nine years and in the end only 1 / 10 of them will use the language . It is a waste of educational resources to make children shoulder such a heavy burden and ask them to learn a course that they may not use in the future . "

  5. 如果我不会教那些法国孩子学印地语。

    If I don 't teach Hindi to those French kids .

  6. 其他孩子学她的样子,用手捂着嘴笑。

    The other children mocked her , laughing behind their hands .

  7. 很多父母让孩子学钢琴。

    Many parents arrange their children go to learn piano .

  8. 孩子学语言比大人快的观点是错误的。

    It 's a fallacy that children learn languages more quickly than adults .

  9. 我认为教孩子学拼写是很重要的。

    I think it 's important that children should be taught to spell .

  10. 我们的出发点是教中国孩子学英语。

    We set out to teach Chinese kids English .

  11. 孩子学英语,不能只依赖幼儿园。

    For child Englsih studying , it can not denpen on kindergarten completely .

  12. 此外,他还兼职做英文老师,教一些3&6岁的孩子学英文。

    He also worked part-time as an English teacher , teaching children aged 3-6 .

  13. 他主动提出要教附近的几个孩子学英语。

    He offered to teach English to some of the children in the neighborhood .

  14. 所有的孩子学过缝纫。

    All the children were taught sewing .

  15. 约翰辅导那孩子学英语。

    John tutored the child in English .

  16. 教一些孩子学日语。

    I teach Japanese to some schoolchildren .

  17. 韩国人每年在孩子学英语上的投入达到数十亿美元。

    South Koreans spend billions of dollars a year on English instruction for their children .

  18. 生活在有安全感中的孩子学有自信。

    If a child lives with security , he learns to have faith in himself .

  19. 家长养成合理的行为习惯并留心使孩子学着去做。

    I set a reasonable standard of behavior and see that my child follows it .

  20. 这是因为他们相信,孩子学语言更容易和效率比成年人。

    This is because they believe that children learn languages more easily and efficiently than adults .

  21. 有些孩子学语言很容易。

    Some children learn languages easily .

  22. 有些孩子学如何分配编号最好做了一遍又一遍。

    Some children learn how to divide numbers best by doing it over and over again .

  23. 我要让那些聪明的孩子学拉丁文和希腊文,拉丁文作为荣誉,希腊文作为奖赏。

    I would let the clever ones learn Latin as an honor and Greek as a treat .

  24. 《教孩子学国际象棋(初级班)》是初级班版。

    " To teach kids chess ( Junior Class )" is the version of the primary classes .

  25. 现在很多人在寻求最好的老师给他们孩子学英语,这是完全可以理解的。

    It 's understandable that many people today are simply looking for good teachers to teach their kids .

  26. 那些花钱花时间让孩子学音乐的家长们可以放心了,加拿大的一项最新研究表明,上过音乐课的儿童比那些没上过音乐课的同龄儿童记忆力要好。

    A new Canadian study shows young children who take music lessons have better memories than their nonmusical peers .

  27. 这是写给所有这样的母亲,她们在女儿开始上学前就教孩子学系鞋带。

    This is for all the mothers who taught their daughters to tie their shoelaces before they started school .

  28. 如果老师们认为孩子学不了东西,那么学生当然不会学习了。

    If teachers believe that children can 't learn , those students , of course , will not learn .

  29. 我真的很想、启发更多孩子学钢琴,并且爱上我们的工作——制造音乐。

    And I 'd really like to inspire more kids , learning piano and to love what we do-make music .

  30. 如果一些幼儿的家长希望孩子学奏某种乐器,则可以在自由活动时间把孩子带到专门训练场所去接受有关训练。

    If parents want their children to learn to play musical instruments , they can take them to special training centers during the free time .