
  • 网络health preservation;Regimen
  1. 中国环境养生学在康复医学中的应用

    The application of environmental health preservation of TCM in rehabilitation medicine

  2. 人类追求健康长寿,从养生学上说,并非绝无可能。只是要有科学的方法和正确的导向。

    It is held by the science of health preservation that a long and healthy life is not impossible if proper ways are followed .

  3. 本章全面总结了《淮南子》养生学的成就。

    The chapter summarizes completely the health-preserving in The Huainan Zi .

  4. 中国古代养生学中的体育思想

    Physical Thinking About Keeping in Good Health In Ancient China

  5. 中国古代养生学原理及其启示

    The Principle and Revelation of China Acient Keeping Fit

  6. 我院开设中医养生学课程的探索及反馈调查

    Exploration and Feedback Investigation of Offering Traditional Chinese Health Protection Course in My College

  7. 并为中医预防学、治疗学、养生学提供依据。

    To provide a basis for preventive medicine , treatment and health preserving of TCM .

  8. 研究性专题学习网站:中医养生学的设计与开发

    Design and Construction of " Health-preserving of Traditional Chinese Medicine " Subject-the Website of Research-based Learning

  9. 访谈法(专家咨询法):咨询养生学专家、身心学者和武术家。

    Interview ( expert consultation ): Consultation health experts , scholars and martial artists mind . 3 .

  10. 尝试了《内经》养生学体系的建立。

    Has attempted 《 Internal Classic of Medicine 》 the keeping in good health study system establishment .

  11. 中国传统养生学初探

    On Chinese Traditional Hygienics

  12. 中医养生学应提出自已的核心学科理论,进一步总结中医养生的学科特点。

    Health preserving science should be put forward their own core theory and summed up its academic characteristics .

  13. 中医养生学是中医关于人体生命养护的理论原则及经验方法的知识体系。

    Science of health preserving of TCM is knowledge hierarchy of traditional Chinese medicine 's theory principle and experience method about human body life curing .

  14. 中华民族有着悠久的养生学历史,《内经》是中国古代养生文化的集大成者,通过对《内经》养生观的探讨,可以把握中国古代养生学的思想轨迹。

    The Chinese nation has a long-standing history of science of health preservation and Internal Classics is an agglomeration of health preserving culture in ancient China .

  15. 传统养生学是勤劳的中国人民智慧的结晶,是人民形成良好的生存方式和生活方法的重要基础。

    Traditional fitness is the crystallization of the industrious Chinese peoples ' wisdom , which is the important basement to form a good way of living and life .

  16. 其实,陈氏所主张之仙学实质上也就是中国道教的养生学,用现代的眼光看,实际上就是一种东方的生命学。

    In fact , Chen advocated in the study cents is the folks of the China Taoist using modern perspective , is actually a life of the East .

  17. 大热天饮热茶听起来似乎有悖常理,但是从东方养生学认为这有助发汗解暑,可以清凉降火。

    While it may seem counterintuitive to drink hot liquids in the heat , but Chinese traditional health keeping philosophy believes that doing so will increase sweating and help cool you off .

  18. 问卷调查结果表明:中医养生学教育对高校医学生的身心健康教育、加强其健康观念、提高其健康认识具有重要意义;

    The investigation shows that health preservation education of Chinese medicine is of great importance in improving students ' psychological health , strengthening their health concepts , and arousing their awareness of health care .

  19. 中国保健品最大特点与优势是传统养生学与现代营养学及食品科学相结合,历史悠久,近年发展迅速。

    The combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern nutriology and food science is the most obvious characteristic and advantage of Chinese health food , which has a long history and has developed rapidly in recent years .

  20. 本文探讨了太极拳的起源、发展及太极拳理论与儒道思想、古代哲学和养生学的渊源关系。

    This paper studies the origin and development of Taijiquan and explores the relations between the Taiji theory and the theory of Confucianism and Taoism , classical philosophy and the theory of how to maintain good health .

  21. 第二个部分中作者从武术的概念与发展入手,指出武术术语与中国古代军事、医学、美学、哲学以及养生学有着必然联系,由此可见武术是中国传统文化的一部分。

    In part two , starting from the origin and evolution of wushu , the author states that wushu has close relation with many other ancient cultural forms of China . It is thus evident that wushu is part of the traditional Chinese culture .

  22. 通过对医学院校学生开展中医养生学教育,探讨养生的意义,强调养生是一种日常的综合性的强身益寿活动,提示养生应该引起医学生的高度重视。

    Health preservation education of Chinese medicine is offered in medical schools to explore the significance of health care and stress that health preservation is a daily activity to build body and prolong life so as to give hints that medical students should attach importance to health preservation .

  23. 但是,道家追求长生不老仙丹的理论和实践,对古代养生学的发展也产生了极其不良的消极影响,在中国古代养生学发展的过程中已成为一股浊流。

    They have a positive influence on the development of medical science , especially the science of preserving health . However , Taoist theories and practices of pursuing immortality have also harmful effects on the ancient health-preserving development and formed a " muddy stream " in this process .

  24. 当今,发展中医心理养生学,应该在挖掘传统医学宝藏的同时,对相关传统文化多加关注,才有益于中医心理养生文化研究的深化。

    Nowadays , in order to promote the development of Health-preserving of TCM Psychology science , we should excavate traditional medicine treasures as well as pay more attention to some traditional culture . Only in this way can we deepen the research of traditional Health-preserving of TCM Psychology culture .

  25. 由于长期熏陶于中国传统文化,从而形成了融中国传统哲学、伦理学、兵学、美学、导引养生学和儒、道、佛等思想为一体的典型东方文化的代表。

    Because of being influenced by Chinese traditional culture for a long time , so traditional martial arts became the eastern culture typical representative , which introjects Chinese traditional philosophy , ethics , military science esthetics , the Chinese traditional study for keeping healthy and confucian , Buddha together .

  26. 学术界对于《黄帝内经》养生的研究,多倾向于中医养生学领域,而从哲学角度探讨,则相对薄弱。

    The academic society has been studying health preservation concepts in " HuangdiNeijing " more from the perspectives of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) rather than philosophy .

  27. 中国的道教强调重生,逐步积累了大量的医药知识和养生炼丹知识,这些知识对医学特别是对养生学的发展产生了积极的影响。

    Chinese Taoism emphasizes regeneration and has gradually accumulated a wealth of medical knowledge and knowledge to preserve health and make pills of immortality .

  28. 四时五味养生观(简称时味养生观)是中医养生学四时饮食领域里的一种常见理论。

    The four seasons-five flavors theory ( referred to as " the season flavor theory ") is a common one in the area of TCM season diet regimen .

  29. 他的养生保健的观点和饮食养生的经验之谈,与当今医学、养生学、营养学和卫生学的要求是一致的,具有学术价值和实用价值。

    His viewpoint of preserving one 's health and knowledge of health care in food and drink cohere with today 's requirements of medicine , regimen , nutriology and hygiene and have the certain academic and practical value .