
  • 网络basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine
  1. 论肾与血行&对中医基础理论教材提点建议

    On Kidney and Blood Circulation & Tips on the Textbook Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  2. 血瘀证现代研究应当与时俱进,积极引进微观辨证学和基因科学的最新成果,以丰富和发展中医基础理论并为中医临床治疗学提供分子生物学依据。

    The modern essential research of BSS should absorb actively the newest accomplishment of gene science with times to richen and develop the basic theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine and offer molecular biology basis for clinical therapeutics of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  3. 本试验在中医基础理论的指导下,拟在基础治疗中加入针刺治疗,以巩固加强临床疗效,并减少药物治疗引起的毒副作用,以寻找提高Meige综合征临床疗效及远期预后的新途径。

    According to the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine , we treat this disease with acupuncture and medicine , to find out a new way to improve the curative effect of treating Meige syndrome .

  4. 对于中医基础理论的科学哲学思考

    Some Thoughts on TCM Basic Theory Based on Philosophy of Science

  5. 加强中医基础理论教学中的双语教学研究

    Enhancing research on bilingual teaching of basic theories of Chinese medicine

  6. 中医基础理论的发展首先应解决语言问题

    The Development of TCM Basic Theory Must Firstly Settle Language Problem

  7. 关于中医基础理论研究的思考

    Thinking Over the Study of Basic Theory of Traditional Chinses Medicine

  8. 《中医基础理论》实验课的教学改革思路

    " Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine " Experimental Teaching Reform

  9. 《中医基础理论》网络课程的研制

    Design and development of network course of Basic Theories of TCM

  10. 中医基础理论教学法浅探

    Brief discussion of the method of teaching basic theories of Chinese medicine

  11. 浅议《中医基础理论》教材改革

    Discussion on Reform of Teaching Materials of Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine

  12. 关于中医基础理论学科的范畴及其研究状况的思考

    Thought on Range and Study State of TCM Basic Sciences

  13. 试论中医基础理论指导临床研究的思考与途径

    Approaches to Guiding Clinical Study with Fundamental Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  14. 藏象学说,是中医基础理论的核心组成部分。

    Viscera doctrine is core component of the basic theory of TCM .

  15. 浅析中医基础理论教学方法

    Discussion on the Teaching Method of Basic Theory of TCM

  16. 重视《中医基础理论》思维方法教学的体会

    Teaching Experience of Thinking Ways on Foundational Theory of TCM

  17. 关于中医基础理论重点学科建设问题的讨论

    Discussion on key subject establishment of basic theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  18. 论中医基础理论中的概念问题

    Comments on concept problems in basic theories of Chinese medicine

  19. 谈中医基础理论与基因的相关性

    Discussion on correlation between gene and the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine

  20. 试论中医基础理论数字模型

    Digital Pattern of Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  21. 学生的认知风格在中医基础理论教学中的应用

    Application of students'cognitive manner in the teaching of basic theories of Chinese medicine

  22. 胃肠道微生态与中医基础理论

    Gastrointestinal Microecology and Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  23. 中医基础理论现代科学基础初探

    A Probe into Foundation of Modern Science of the Basic Theory of TCM

  24. 别失去自我&关于中医基础理论发展的思考

    Do Not Lose Self ─ Pondering Over tbe Development of TCM Basic Theory

  25. 提出中医基础理论发展的滞后已成为制约中医药学发展的瓶颈。

    Basic theory has become the barrier of restricting the development of TCM .

  26. 《中医基础理论》多媒体课件的设计与制作

    Design and Manufacture of Multimedia Courseware for Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  27. 论中医基础理论研究的若干问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in Chinese Medical Theory Research

  28. 中医基础理论概念界定及其发展态势思考

    Thought about Definition of Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Its Developing Tendency

  29. 中医基础理论流变学研究进展

    Advances in rheological research of traditional Chinese Medicine

  30. 中医基础理论是最重要的中医专业基础课之一。

    Basic theories of Chinese medicine is a key discipline for students of Chinese medicine .