
  • 网络Traditional Chinese Medicine
  1. 对道教医学的认识,有必要以中医文化发展史为背景。

    It is essential to know Daoist medicine from the background of cultural development of traditional Chinese medicine .

  2. 中医文化范围甚广,医易会通是其中的核心问题。

    The integration of traditional Chinese medicine and the Zhouyi is one of the core issues in the culture of Chinese medicine .

  3. 源远流长的中医文化,有着深厚的文化底蕴。

    Ancient Chinese medicine culture , with deep cultural inside information .

  4. 溯流探源寻本根&我校中医文化研究20年

    Twenty Years Study of Traditional Chinese Medical Culture in Our University

  5. 用中医文化构建校园文化精神

    Constructing campus culture spirit by means of Chinese medical culture

  6. 群星璀灿精采纷呈&《第七届全国中医文化与临床、第十三届全国医古文学术研讨会论文集》述评

    Commentaries on the Seventh National Chinese Medical Culture and Clinic

  7. 人类学方法在中医文化研究中的应用

    Application of anthropology in the research of tcm cul-ture

  8. 中医文化的二元结构对中医医院管理的意义

    The Significance of the Dual Structure of TCM Culture to Management of TCM Hospitals

  9. 中医文化热之我思

    My Thinking of Trend in Chinese Medical Culture

  10. 在文化全球化背景下如何理解中医文化

    How to Understand TCM Culture in Cultural Globalization

  11. 论中医文化学研究

    On Study of TCM Culture

  12. 从中医文化发展史看,中医经历了道医、儒医、术医三个阶段。

    The latter has experienced such three stages as Dao medicine , Confucian medicine , and technical medicine .

  13. 应注重激发学生的学习兴趣,诠释中医文化内涵。

    We should also pay attention stimulating student 's interest in study , and introduce the profound TCM culture .

  14. 对古代中医文化中人文精神的培养应从以下方面进行:重视医德思想教育,淡泊名利,慈悲为怀;

    Importance is attached to the ideological education of medical morality , not seeking fame and wealth with leniency .

  15. 中医文化的精神内核是构建中医药院校校园文化精神的前提和基础。

    The kernel spirit of Chinese medical culture is the precondition and foundation for construction of campus culture spirit in colleges and universities of Chinese medicine .

  16. 元以前,中医文化中心一直在北方,核心地带为陕西、河南、河北、四川;

    Previous to the Yuan Dynasty , the centre was in the north , with Shanxi , Henan , Hebei and Sichuan as the core area ;

  17. 李译本则主要采用直译,或拼音加注释以保留中医文化的味道同时帮助目的语读者理解。

    Li mainly adopts literal translation or Pinyin plus note translation to keep the flavor of TCM culture and meanwhile to help the understanding of the target language readers .

  18. 随着全球经济的深入发展和各国文化的相互交融,越来越多人开始了解中医文化,认可中医文化,甚至是研究中医文化。

    With the rapid development of global economy and intensive interaction between cultures , more and more people begin to know about TCM , accept TCM and even study TCM .

  19. 为了更好的传播中医文化,促进世界医学的融合与发展,翻译学家及医学家们在中医英译领域做了大量的实践与研究。

    To popularize Chinese medicine culture and promote the integration and development of the world medicine , translators and physicians have done a lot of practices and researches in TCM English translation .

  20. 本文通过对中医文化中关于身体认识的梳理和探究,通过比较和跨学科的方法,重新思考美学思想和身体认知间的关系。

    By organizing and exploring the body view of TCM ( traditional Chinese medicine ) culture , and by comparing and interdisciplinary approach , the thesis rethinks the relationship between aesthetics ideology and body cognition .

  21. 文章探讨了中国特定的气候对节气文化、中医文化、诗词创作、饮食文化、服饰文化和建筑文化的影响。

    This article discusses the influence of China 's particular climate on its festival culture , medical culture , poetic creation , food and drink culture , costume culture , and architectural culture in solar terms .

  22. 本文采用了文献资料法、调查法、逻辑分析法,从传统武术与中医文化的同源性、交融性、影响性三方面,论述它们之间的紧密联系。

    By using the ways of seeking data , investigating and logical analysis , from the three aspects of the integration , isogenesis and influence of Wushu and Chinese medicine culture , the paper studies their close relationship .

  23. 相关负责人表示,这项课程旨在普及中医文化,课程不进课表,不列为考试项目。

    An official has stated that the TCM classes will not feature on the students ' official curriculum and will solely focus on the popularization of the topic , the class will also not be listed as a test subject .

  24. 作者从中医文化角度分析了中医术语英译过程中词汇空缺现象,并就中医术语的翻译提出具体原则:对等翻译、等效翻译和音译。

    The author analyzes the phenomenon of lexical gap in the English translation of traditional Chinese medical terms from the viewpoint of TCM culture , and puts forward the principles for their translation , that is , equivalence translation , equivalence in meaning translation and transliteration .

  25. “中医文化进校园”是北京市开展中医药文化建设年工作的内容之一,由市中医局、市教委、市文化局、市卫生局等多部门联合举办,旨在在校园内传播中医药传统文化。

    In an aim to popularize TCM culture on campus , this new program is to be carried out as part of the TCM Culture Construction Year and is spearheaded by several municipal government departments including the Beijing TCM Administration Bureau , Beijing Municipal Commission of Education , Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Health .

  26. 和谐社会进程中医院文化建设的展望

    View of hospital culture construction in harmonious society

  27. 营造中医药文化环境的意义

    Significance of constructing cultural environment of Chinese medicine

  28. 试论中医药文化研究的方向与方法

    Discussion of the Direction and the Method of Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture

  29. 中医药文化及其视觉传达设计研究

    Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture and Graphic Design Study

  30. 确保民族中医药文化的安全

    Insure the Safety of National TCM Culture