
  • 网络chinese hospital association;Chinese Hospital Association CHA
  1. 新华社援引中国医院协会(ChineseHospitalAssociation)的调查称,2012年平均每家医院发生27.3起袭医事件,而2008年的这个数字为20.6件。

    The average number of assaults rose to 27.3 per hospital in 2012 , compared with 20.6 in 2008 , according to a Xinhua news agency report , citing a survey from the Chinese Hospital Association .

  2. 坚持科学发展观开创中国医院协会新局面

    Develop new situation of Chinese Hospital Association with scientific development value

  3. 为此,卫生部和中国医院协会将其列为首批六个单病种质量控制试点之一。

    Therefore , the Ministry of Health and the Chinese Hospital Management Association listed it as the first six diseases of pilot projects to develop single disease quality control .

  4. 据中国医院协会和官员说,许多医院隔一两周就发生一起暴力袭医事件,这种情况在较小的省级医院更糟糕。

    Many hospitals see a physical attack about once every two weeks , with the situation worse in smaller provincial facilities , according to the China Hospital Association and officials .

  5. 中国医院后勤管理工作回顾与展望&中国医院协会后勤专业委员会十年历程

    Hospital logistics management review and prospect : ten years for Logistics Committee of Chinese Hospital Association