
yǎng fēng
  • Beekeeping;apiculture;bee-keeping;keep bees
养蜂 [yǎng fēng]
  • [keep bees] 指大规模的饲养蜜蜂

养蜂[yǎng fēng]
  1. 希腊人还喜欢吃加了蜂蜜的食品,因此养蜂业在埃及也得到了很大的发展。

    They sweetened their food with honey , and greatly extended bee-keeping in Egypt .

  2. 如果简妮斯乔迁去农村的话,她会考虑从事养蜂业的。

    Janice is thinking of going in for bee-keeping when she moves to the country .

  3. 为了防止蜜蜂迷路,养蜂人给它们喝糖水。

    To keep their bees from wandering , beekeepers feed them sugar solutions .

  4. 在养蜂的道路上,他们找到了自己的位置,受到了人们的尊重。

    On apiarian road , they found their place , got the esteem of people .

  5. 他种植蔬菜、果树,甚至养蜂采蜜。

    He planted vegetables , fruit trees and even kept bees for honey .

  6. 我姐姐被派去负责养蜂场。

    My sister was put in charge of the apiary .

  7. 趁养蜂人不在家时,一个小偷溜进蜂房,偷走了所有的蜂蜜。

    A thief found his way into an apiary by , they made for him with their stings .

  8. 养蜂人被群蜂围住,痛苦地大喊:“你们这些不知感恩的坏家伙,让那偷蜜的贼逃之夭夭,却一个劲地来刺一直照顾你们的人!”

    At this he fell into a passion and cried , " You ungrateful scoundrels , you let the thief who stole my honey get off scot-free , and then you go and sting me who have always taken such care of you ! "

  9. NathanBurrell完全依靠在DanWarren的养蜂经验。

    Nathan Burrell the beekeeping experience of Dan Warren .

  10. 这对澳洲养蜂父子档花了十年时间来研究蜂箱的重置,最后才发明出了FlowHive。

    The Australian father and son team who have been working on perfecting the hive design for over a decade , achieved this by re-configuring honeycombs .

  11. 白宫的木匠CharlieBrandts同时也是一个养蜂人,负责照看这两个蜂箱,里面的蜜蜂既能授粉也能酿蜜。

    White House carpenter Charlie Brandts , who is a beekeeper , tendstwo hives , which provide honey while their residents help with pollination .

  12. 比如,美国蜂蜜生产商协会(AmericanHoneyProducersAssociation)称,马来西亚养蜂人每年的蜂蜜产能大约为4.5万磅,但该国一年出口给美国的蜂蜜多达3700万磅。

    According to the American Honey Producers Association , Malaysian beekeepers , for example , have the capacity to make about 45,000 pounds of honey annually , but the country has exported as much as 37 million pounds of honey to the United States in a year .

  13. 实际上,养蜂场里的和健康食品店中的未经加工的生蜂蜜确实含有多种维生素和矿物质,如烟酸、核黄素、维生素B1、B6等,但它们的总量也只占到2%。

    While raw , unrefined varieties of honey - from farms and health food stores - do contain trace vitamins and minerals ; niacin , riboflavin , thiamine and vitamin B6 , they only make up about two per cent of honey 's total content .

  14. 那是一本书,书名叫《后院养蜂人》(TheBackyardBeekeeper)。书中还夹了一张纸条,是他妻子写的:花点儿时间读一读这本书,看看你有什么想法。

    It was a book , ' The Backyard Beekeeper , ' and tucked inside was a note his wife had written : ' Take some time and read this and see what you think . ' Mr. Nelson stared in disbelief .

  15. 在位于草原下方的一座村子,现年60岁的养蜂人普里特维·布达(PrithviBudha)没有参加采摘,而是负责看守那几十座没人的泥石棚屋。他说降水减少可能是虫草产量降低的原因。

    In a village below the meadows , Prithvi Budha , 60 , a beekeeper who is sitting out the harvest to watch dozens of empty mud and stone huts , said less precipitation may be the cause for the drop in yarsagumba supplies .

  16. 该项目成为蜂蜜工程,不仅给学生提供了拥有和管理商业的机会,还给他们带来帮助Agogo农民通过养蜂和销售蜂蜜改善贫穷的机会。

    The program , called the Honey Project , not only gives the students a chance to own and manage a business . It also gives them a chance to help in Agogo through beekeeping and the sale of honey .

  17. 他养了很多蜜蜂,于是我们称他为养蜂人。

    He keeps honeybees , so we call him a beekeeper .

  18. 河南省养蜂资源与生产贸易

    The Resource and Process and Commerce of Apiculture in Henan Province

  19. 养蜂人在一次收获的季节里,想要尝试酿蜜。

    In a harvest season , a beekeeper tried making honey .

  20. 论规模化养蜂和优质蜂产品基地建设

    Discussion of Large-scale Beekeeping and Construction of Bee Product Quality Base

  21. 中国的养蜂自然条件和蜜蜂品种

    The Natural Beekeeping conditions and honey bee races in China

  22. 他们(养蜂人)与农民订有合约给他们的庄稼传受花粉。

    They contract their bees out to farmers to pollinate their crops .

  23. 今年养蜂的收成都让你们这帮傻瓜毁了。

    You numbnuts have ruined this year 's bee farming .

  24. 人工饲喂是科学养蜂的重要措施之一。

    Artificial feeding is an important measure in scientific beekeeping .

  25. 问题4:新闻报道对花卉养蜂场有何看法?

    Question 4.What does the news report say about Flowertown Bee Farm ?

  26. 而且蜂蜜不是养蜂业唯一可以出售的产品。

    And honey is not the only bee product they could sell .

  27. 秦巴山区养蜂现状及其发展策略

    Present Condition and Developmental Strategy of Chinese Honeybee Apiculture in Qin-Ba Mountainous Areas

  28. 你应该养蜂,先生

    " You should have kept bees , sir !"

  29. 那个修道士是位养蜂专家。

    The monk was an expert on bee culture .

  30. 因此,养蜂人们又来了一次。

    So once again , out came the beekeepers .