
yǎng qín yè
  • Poultry industry;poultry farming;aviculture
养禽业[yǎng qín yè]
  1. 针对太原市养禽业的生产现状、存在问题和落实国务院八项扶持家禽政策等情况进行了调查,并提出了几点合理化建议。

    According to production situation of the poultry farming , this paper makes investigation on the existing problem and the situation of carrying out eight poultry policy of State Council , puts forward several rationalizing proposal .

  2. 新城疫(ND)是禽类的一种高度接触性、烈性传染病,给许多国家的养禽业带来严重的经济损失。

    Newcastle disease ( ND ) is birds of a highly contagious , deadly infectious diseases , and serious economic losses to the poultry industry in many countries .

  3. 新城疫(ND)和传染性支气管炎(IB)一直是危害我国养禽业的两大重要病毒性传染病。

    Newcastle disease ( ND ) and Avian infectious bronchitis ( IB ) are both very important viral infectious diseases that endanger seriously the raising-chickens ' industries in our country all along .

  4. 自从1997年香港发生禽流感,H5N1亚型高致病性禽流感已经引发东南亚许多国家的养禽业遭受了重大损失,并且陆续出现了禽流感感染人的事件。

    Since 1997 , highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses ( HPAI ) of the H5N1 subtype have caused numerous outbreaks in poultry in Southeast Asia , accompanied with the infected human case .

  5. IBV血清型众多,不同血清型之间的交叉保护效果存在着差异,以致生产上往往因为使用的疫苗株与现地流行毒株血清型不一致而导致免疫失败,给世界各地养禽业带来极大的经济损失。

    Since the serotypes of IBV are numerous , there are differences of cross-protective effect between different serotypes . Extremely great economic losses around the world poultry industry due to the vaccination failure have been resulting from the difference of serotypes between the epidemic strains and vaccine strains .

  6. 养禽业已达到选择极限了吗?

    Selection limits , have they been reached in the poultry industry ?

  7. 禽流感对养禽业和农民收入的影响

    The Impact of Bird Flu to China Poultry Industry and Farmer 's Income

  8. 此病在世界各地均有发生,给全球养禽业造成了巨大的经济损失。

    The disease can threaten poultry husbandry worldwide and result in huge economic loss .

  9. 该病因其传染性高、危害性大,每年给我国养禽业造成巨大的经济损失。

    This disease causes tremendous economic losses to poultry industry in China every year .

  10. 鸡球虫病是严重危害养禽业发展的重要疾病之一,目前对该病的防治还存在许多问题。

    Avian coccidiosis is an important parasitosis , which led to serious economic losses .

  11. 浅议养禽业生产中的环境问题及控制措施

    Some Opinions on the Problems of Circumstances and Its Solutions in the Poultry Production

  12. 禽流感是目前影响世界养禽业的最严重的疫病之一。

    Avian influenza ( AI ) is a serious disease of poultry throughout the world .

  13. 我国养禽业的发展规划与保障体系建构家禽饲养用机械,非工业用

    The Developmental Program and Guarantee System Construction of Chinese Poultry Industry ; poultry-keeping machinery , non-industrial

  14. 野生鸟类在紧急免疫后的血清抗体水平直接关系到疫情的控制、养禽业的发展以及人类的健康。

    The seral antibody level of birds after vaccination is closely related to the disease control .

  15. 鸡传染性支气管炎是长期以来困扰养禽业的主要疾病之一。

    Avian infectious bronchitis is a contagious disease which has threatened poultry husbandry for a long period .

  16. 印度的养禽业

    The poultry industry in india

  17. 目前,禽的大肠杆菌病已经成为危害养禽业最主要的细菌性传染病。

    Colibacillosis is the major influent bacterial disease which have a great damage to the poultry industry .

  18. 因此,临床上建立一种切实可行的快速诊断方法越来越受到国内养禽业的关注。

    Therefore , to establish practical and rapid diagnostic method is receiving increasing attention of domestic poultry industry .

  19. 禽类是重要的经济动物,而禽疫病一直制约着养禽业的发展。

    Chickens are an economically important livestock animal , while avian diseases pose a significant threat to the poultry industry .

  20. 鸡沙门氏菌是危害我国养禽业健康发展的重要病原菌之一。

    Salmonella gallinarum was an important pathogen that did harm to the well developing of poultry industry in our country .

  21. 养禽业业主或鸡场经理经常不易找到懂得管理家禽的人。

    The poultryman or farm manager frequently has difficulty in assembling a crew of people who are available and knowledgeable about handling poultry .

  22. 然而,我们更关心的是,在养禽业中,当前的疫苗将不能保护禽类抵抗正在向强毒力进化的田间野毒株的攻击。

    However , there is great concern within the poultry industry that current vaccines will fail to protect against these evolving virulent field isolates .

  23. 为了发展我市养禽业,自2000年以来,我们进行了规模化养禽基地建设与试验示范。

    In order to develop our city raise poultry industry , since 2000 , we have carried on scale raise poultry construction of base and test demonstration .

  24. 禽类胚胎性疾病是一类由多病原引起的综合性疾病,可造成禽胚发育受阻,胚胎死亡,孵化率降低等现象,导致养禽业的重大经济损失。

    The disease of avian embryo is a synthetical disease which can cause the increase of embryo death and decrease of incubation rate and is fatal to economy .

  25. 当前的研究结果表明,鸡志贺氏菌病流行范围广泛,危害严重,其传播流行给我国养禽业造成了巨大的经济损失。

    The current study results show that Shigellosis of chicken was widespread and harmful . Because of the spread of Shigellosis , the poultry industry of China has tremendous economic losses .

  26. 2001年底,我国禽流感呈暴发趋势,我省养禽业也受到严重威胁,损失惨重。

    At the end of 2001 years , The poultry industry of our province suffer serious threaten for AIV . This time AIV is charactered as dying suddenly and highly death rate .

  27. 该病的传播流行给我国养禽业造成了巨大的经济损失,同时也给人类公共卫生安全造成了严重隐患。

    The spread of this epidemic disease has caused great economic losses to the poultry industry in China , at the same time , it has given a serious influence on human security and public .

  28. 目前,马立克氏病仍然是养禽业的重要威胁,疫苗虽然可以预防马立克氏病的发生,但免疫失败时有发生,导致本病的局部爆发。

    Now , MD still is a major threat to the poultry production in the world . Vaccines against MDV are available , but immune defeat sometimes happens , resulting in MD breaking in some regions .

  29. 目前,专家正在研究开发禽流感疫苗。同时,中国养禽业正在遭受重创,一些城市禁止了家禽交易并关闭了家禽交易市场。

    A research project to develop a vaccine for the virus is underway . Meanwhile , China 's poultry industry is feeling the pain , with some cities banning the movement of poultry and closing poultry markets .

  30. 家禽养殖在我国具有悠久的历史,随着我国经济快速的发展,养禽业的发展规模与速度与日俱增,而制约其发展的主要难题是禽病,尤其是病毒性疾病。

    With the rapid development of economy , the scale of the poultry industry which has a long history is growing quickly in China . The disease is the major challenge of poultry , especially viral diseases .