
yǎng lǎo
  • Retirement;provide for the aged;live out one's life in retirement;Yanglao
养老 [yǎng lǎo]
  • (1) [provide for the aged]∶奉养老人

  • 养老送终

  • (2) [live out ones life in retirement]∶上年纪后闲居休息

养老[yǎng lǎo]
  1. 农村养老需要强有力的道德支撑

    Urging Vigorous Moral Support to Provide for the Aged from the Countryside

  2. 加强宣传,逐步更新人们的养老观念;

    Strengthen propaganda , renewal people 's conception of provide for the aged .

  3. 养老基金由商业银行经管。

    The pension funds are administered by commercial banks .

  4. 养老院的护士长说她愿意参加。

    The Matron at the nursing home expressed a wish to attend

  5. 他在一家养老院去世,享年87岁。

    He died in a nursing home at the age of 87 .

  6. 养老院对当地居民造成的干扰会比学校小。

    The home would cause less disturbance to local residents than a school

  7. 最重要的一个变化涉及养老保险基金的投资。

    One of the most important changes concerns the investment of pension contributions .

  8. 我下个月退休。他们要我养老去了。

    I 'm retiring next month . They 're putting me out to pasture .

  9. 到了什么时候算是有必要把早老性痴呆病人送到养老院去?

    At what point does it become necessary to place a demented person in a nursing home ?

  10. 如果你被解雇,你的医疗和养老保险金不会自动中断。

    If you should be fired , your health and pension benefits will not be automatically cut off

  11. 这项法律可强迫雇主提供养老保险。

    The law can compel employers to provide endowment insurance .

  12. 他是一家养老院的管理员。

    He is the warden of an old people 's home .

  13. 在这个过程中,让将要入住养老机构的居民参与其中可能是非常重要的。

    And involving the future resident in the process can be very important .

  14. 我得赶紧补充一下,我这里所谈论的并不是养老机构的护理质量。

    I am not talking about the quality of care , let me hastily add .

  15. 养老院真的像人们所担心的那么糟糕吗?或者那只是人们的一种过时的刻板印象?

    Are nursing homes as bad as people fear , or is that an out-moded stereotype ?

  16. 最近,一个朋友带她的母亲去拜访我所在的城镇附近的一家昂贵的老年生活助理中心(养老院)。

    A friend recently took her mother to visit an expensive assisted living / nursing home near my town .

  17. 一个合理的假设是:难道这些家庭不是在努力避免选择养老院并且如果无法避免时会感到真正的内疚吗?

    A reasonable assumption — don 't families struggle to avoid nursing homes and suffer real guilt if they can 't ?

  18. 一些学校要求学生提供社区服务,比如在养老院、幼儿托管所或是政府机构里做志愿服务。

    Some schools require students to provide community service by volunteering in a nursing home , child care center or government agency .

  19. 女儿担心她的母亲在那里会遭到忽视,所以她决定把母亲搬到一个服务更加热情友好的养老机构去。

    The daughter feared her mother would be ignored there , and so she decided to move her into a more welcoming facility .

  20. 与养老院相比,老年生活助理中心真的标志着一个重大进步吗?或者只是这个行业雇用了更好的室内设计师?

    Does assisted living really mark a great improvement over a nursing home , or has the industry simply hired better interior designers ?

  21. 不去养老院的老人中,约75%住在距至少一个子女30分钟路程内的地方。

    About 75 % of elderly parents who don 't go to nursing homes live within 30 minutes of at least one of their children .

  22. 我打算让问题变得更加复杂——我要说,老年人生活在哪种养老机构中可能并没有我们所设想的那么重要。

    I am about to make things more complicated by suggesting that what kind of facility an older person lives in may matter less than we have assumed .

  23. 当然,儿女们想拜访这些养老机构,跟管理员、其他居民及其家庭成员交流,并尽一切可能履行自己的义务。

    Of course , sons and daughters want to visit the facilities , talk to the administrators and residents and other families , and do everything possible to fulfill their duties .

  24. 成年子女在开始寻找养老机构时所关注的那些特色,对于将要入住的人来说未必事关重要。

    And that the characteristics adult children look for when they begin the search are not necessarily the things that make a difference to the people who are going to move in .

  25. 因此,对于一位自我感觉身体状况欠佳的老人来说,或许在老年生活助理中心(即使她的子女也更倾向于此)生活并不会比在养老院生活时少一些压抑。

    An elderly person who describes herself as in poor health , therefore , might be no less depressed in assisted living ( even if her children preferred it ) than in a nursing home .

  26. “你不能仅仅说:‘让我们把这个人安置到安老院去吧,不去养老院了——这样做她的状况就会好很多。”罗比森博士说。

    " You can 't just say , ‘ Let 's put this person in a residential care home instead of a nursing home — she will be much better off , " Dr. Robison said .

  27. 在其他因素相同的情况下,对于一个已经对其将要入住的地方有所了解并且有时间去适应它的人来说,不管是在一家养老院还是一家小的安老院,其表现或许都是一样的。

    A person who bad input into where he would move and has had time to adapt to it might do as well in a nursing home as in a small residential care home , other factors being equal .

  28. 其中一项最新的研究发表在了《应用老年医学杂志》上,该研究调查了来自康涅狄格州的老年生活助理中心、养老院和较小的安老院(在一些州被称为膳食及护理机构或成人护理机构)的150位居民。

    The most recent of these studies , published in The journal of Applied Gerontology , surveyed 150 Connecticut residents of assisted living , nursing homes and smaller residential care homes ( known in some states as board and care homes or adult care homes ) .

  29. 一个星期一,艾米丽放学后去了养老院。

    One Monday , Emily went to the nursing home after school .

  30. 为了通过她的公民课程,她不得不在养老院做一周的志愿服务。

    To pass her Civics course , she had to do some volunteer service in a nursing home for a week .