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  • maize pollen
  1. 玉米花粉多糖中的单糖组成分析

    Monosaccharides composition analysis of Polysaccharides from maize pollen

  2. 玉米花粉粒直接PCR技术研究

    The Studies on Direct PCR using Maize Pollen Grain Suspensions

  3. 玉米花粉总RNA提取方法的比较和分析

    Comparison of Different Methods for Total RNA Extraction from Maize Pollen

  4. 玉米花粉黄酮类物质对SD大鼠降血脂作用的研究

    Effect of Flavone Material in Maize Pollen on Reducing Blood Fat of SD Rats

  5. EMS对玉米花粉诱变效应的研究

    A study on the effects of EMS on maize pollens

  6. EMS玉米花粉诱变的M1代生物学效应

    The Biological Effects of M_1 by EMS Inducing Maize Pollens

  7. 太空诱变后循化线辣椒M1代生理指标的变化EMS诱变玉米花粉突变体生理生化特性研究

    Effect of Space Mutation on Physiological Characteristics of M1 Generation of Xunhua Line Pepper

  8. 观察玉米花粉多糖(PPM)的免疫学作用。

    To observe the immunological effects of Pollen Polysaccharides of Maize ( PPM ).

  9. 玉米花粉山楂口服液对老龄小鼠红细胞SOD酶活性及心肌组织过氧化脂质含量的影响

    Effects of the Oral Liquid of Maize Pollen and Hawthorn on Erythrocyte SOD Activity and Heart Muscular Lipid Peroxide of old Mice

  10. UV-B增加对玉米花粉抗氧化能力及授粉后籽粒发育的影响

    Effects of Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Pollen Anti-oxidative Capacity and Post-pollination Kernel Development of Maize

  11. 玉米花粉多糖分离提取的最优条件为:采取机械破壁法,料液比为1:6,浸提温度为70℃,浸提时间2h。

    The optimized conditions for PPC were mechanical wall-breaking method , 1:6 proportion of pollen to solution , 70 ℃ of extraction temperature for 2 hours .

  12. 本文报道了用大麦、油菜总DNA和玉米花粉匀浆处理授粉前后的小麦柱头导致后代性状变异的试验结果。

    The present paper deals with a report on treating stigmas before or after pollination with exogenous DNA extracted from barley ( H. vulgare ) and rape ( B.napus ) and with pollen paste of maize to induce character variation in wheat .

  13. 本报告叙述了玉米花粉母细胞染色体Giemsa显带的结果。

    Giemsa staining method is described for the identification of meiotic chromosomes of the pollen mather cell of maize ( Zea mays ) .

  14. 玉米花粉多糖分离的最佳工艺条件为:料液比为1:6,提取时间2.5h,采取混合破壁法。

    The optimum technology was the synthesis method , 1:6 of material and water , extracting for 2.5 h.

  15. 用大麦DNA处理的后代,在株高、成熟期、穗密度、粒色、胚乳质地等性状上出现较大变异,油菜DNA处理的后代变异较小,玉米花粉匀浆处理的后代没有变异发生。

    The results showed that the progenies form the seeds treated with DNA of barley appeared considerable variation in the characters of mature period , ear density , grain colour , endosperm quality ; and those with DNA of rape , the variation was not so obvious ;

  16. 混合发酵法生产花粉面包的最佳工艺条件是:玉米花粉添加量为5%,糖添加量为10%,酵母菌与乳酸菌配比为2.5∶1,发酵时间为5h。

    It was nutritional and healthy with particular aroma from corn pollen and dough fermentation . The optimized technology was adding 5 % corn pollen , 10 % sucrose and 2.5 ∶ 1 of yeast to lactobacillus with fermentation for 5 hours .

  17. 玉米花粉的采集、干燥和贮藏的初步研究

    The Study on Collection , Dryness and Storage of Corn Pollen

  18. 玉米花粉直感与异型杂交甜玉米

    A Study on the Metaxenia and Heterotypical cross of Sweet Corn

  19. 玉米花粉多糖对猪瘟免疫效果的研究

    Study on effect of corn pollen polysaccharides on immunity of pig

  20. 水分胁迫对玉米花粉活力和花丝受精能力的影响

    Effects of Water Stress on Maize Pollen Vigour and Filament Fertility

  21. 玉米花粉单倍体植株染色体上异染色质的变异

    Variation of Heterochromatin on the Chromosomes of the Maize Pollen Haploid Plants

  22. 玉米花粉经过筛选并配成10%浓度的花粉溶液。

    Corn pollen was screened and made into pollen solution of10 % .

  23. 玉米花粉的营养价值及加工工艺

    Studies on the Nutritional Value of Corn Pollen and Its Processing Technology

  24. 银杏与玉米花粉肌动蛋白含量的比较研究

    Comparative study of pollen actin content in Ginkgo and Maize

  25. 玉米花粉植株的诱导和雄核发育的研究

    Studies on induction of pollen plants and androgenesis in Maize

  26. 玉米花粉破壁方法试验研究&温差法与超微粉碎破壁方法研究

    Study on Superfine Grinding for Dilapidating Walls of Maize Pollen

  27. 玉米花粉不同破壁方法的筛选

    The selection of rupturing methods for pollen wall in Maize

  28. 玉米花粉山楂口服液遗传毒性研究

    Experimental study on genotoxicity of oral corn pollen haw liquor

  29. 玉米花粉破壁的利弊

    A Study of Advantages and Disadvantages of Maize Pollen Destroying the Wall

  30. 在继代培养中玉米花粉愈伤组织的分化能力及其染色体稳定性

    Differentiation potential and chromosome stability of pollen callus of Maize in subcultures