
  • 网络sitophilus zeamais;Maize weevil;Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky
  1. 玉米象感染小麦程度与储藏相关品质变化研究

    Effect of Sitophilus zeamais infection on storage quality of Wheat

  2. 蛇床子素粉剂对玉米象成虫的杀虫活性及酶活性的影响

    Insecticidal activity of osthole powder and its effect on enzyme activity of Sitophilus zeamais

  3. 4种提取物对玉米象成虫熏蒸活性差异较大,活性大小为印楝油>超临界CO2提取物>乙酸乙酯粗提物>印楝素A。

    The fumigant activity of the 4 different neem extracts was neem oil > neem SFE extracts > neem ethyl acetate extracts > azadirachtin A.

  4. 玉米象〔Sitophiluszeamais(Mostchulsky)〕对小麦和玉米的危害研究

    A Study on the Characteristic Harmfulness of Sitophilus zeamais ( Motschulsky ) to Wheat and Maize

  5. 试验结果表明:A粉在8000mg/kg稻谷处理浓度下,玉米象成虫的校正死亡率为39.67%,对F1代的种群抑制率为94.72%;

    A power had some insecticidal activity . When treated with 8000 mg / kg , the corrected mortality was 39.67 % and the inhibition rate to F1 progeny was 94.72 % .

  6. 以0.2%剂量处理小麦,处理后48h和72h对玉米象成虫的驱避率分别达84.9%和69.2%;

    At a dosage of 0.2 % by weight , the rate of repellency amounted to 84.9 % after 48 hours and reduced to 69.2 % after 72 hours .

  7. 稻谷、糙米、精米在储藏期对玉米象(Sitophiluszeamais)的抗性差异研究

    Relative resistance of rough rice , milled rice , brown rice to the maize weevil ( sitophilus zeamais motschulasky ) during storage

  8. 在小麦中对玉米象>99%死亡率剂量为0.7mg/kg,对谷蠹为2mg/kg,均比防虫磷药效高3.5倍。

    The dosage of chlorpyrifos-methyl were 0.7mg/kg and 2mg / kg respectively . Its control effect was 3.5 times higher than malathion .

  9. 结果表明:高良姜石油醚提取物、黄姜丙酮提取物和山鸡椒石油醚提取物对玉米象成虫的驱避作用显著,处理60h平均驱避等级均达到Ⅴ级,平均驱避率分别为80.02%、80.60%和81.70%。

    60h after treatment , the average repellent action of the three extracts were all up to class V , and the average repellent rates were 80.02 % , 80.60 % and 81.70 % respectively .

  10. 电子束处理对玉米象繁殖力的影响

    Effect of electronic beam irradiation on reproductive ability of maize weevil

  11. 对玉米象的共毒系数分别为771.24、900.17、398.39和541.48。

    The CTC were 771.24,900.17, 398.39 and 541.48 , respectively .

  12. 植物源农药与防虫磷混配剂对玉米象防治效果的研究

    Studies on Effects of Mixture of Malathion and Botanical Pesticides against Sitophilus zeamais

  13. 苦楝籽粗提物对玉米象生物活性的影响

    Influence of Melia azedarach seed coarse extract on biological activity of rice weevil

  14. 玉米象生物学及生态学特性研究

    Studies on the bionomics and ECOLOGICS of maize weevil

  15. 紫苏精油对玉米象成虫的生物活性及酶活力的影响

    The Biological Activity and Enzyme Activity of Perilla Frutescens Essential Oil Against Sitophilus Zeamais

  16. 种间竞争对四种储粮害虫种群动态的影响(英文)玉米象与谷蠹种间竞争的研究

    Effects of Interspecific Competition on the Population Dynamics of Four Stored Grain Insect Pests

  17. 害虫感染也易发生,主要感染的害虫有米象和玉米象等。

    Pest infestation also easily occurs , mainly rice weevil and corn weevil , etc.

  18. 植物精油对玉米象的熏蒸和种群抑制活性研究

    Studies on the fumigation and population inhibiting activity of essential oils against Sitophilus zeamais

  19. 玉米象种群动态模拟的研究

    Studies on the simulation of the population dynamics of the maize weevil growing good corn

  20. 两种植物精油对粮食中玉米象的熏蒸效果研究

    Fumigation Effect of Two Kinds of Plant Essential Oil against Sitophilus Zeamais in Stored Grain

  21. 4种花椒提取物对玉米象成虫熏蒸活性的研究

    Studies on the fumigation activity of four prickly ash extractants to the adults of Sitophilus zeamais

  22. 米象、玉米象及杂交后代对磷化氢抗性遗传的研究

    Genetic studies on the resistance of rice weevil , maize weevil and their hybrid progeny to phosphine

  23. 植物精油在原粮中熏杀玉米象的研究

    A study on mortality of maize weevil adults in unprocessed grain by essential oil aromatic plants fumigation

  24. 磷化氢使玉米象成虫麻醉或击倒与死亡反应的关系

    The relationship between death and narcosis or knockdown on adult Sitophilus zeamais ( motschuisky ) by phosphine

  25. 稻谷在储藏期对玉米象抗性的模糊聚类分析

    The application of fuzzy clustering analysis for studying the resistance of stored rice grain of different varieties to maize weevils

  26. 本研究用电子加速器辐照处理玉米象成虫以及隐藏于小麦籽粒中的玉米象卵、幼虫和蛹,研究不同发育阶段玉米象辐照后的繁殖力。

    Effects of electronic beam irradiation on adult of Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky and its egg , larvae , and pupae hided in the seed of wheat were studied .

  27. 玉米象成虫虫体和玉米、小麦、大米等正己烷萃取物对玉米象两性成虫有诱集性。

    The extracts derived from the body of adults of maize weevil ( Sitophilus zeamais ), maize , wheat and rice can attract the adults of the insect of both sexes .

  28. 1000mg/kg稻谷处理剂量下,玉米象成虫的校正死亡率为88.7%,对子代的种群抑制率为87.5%。

    The corrected mortality and the inhibition rate to progeny were 88.7 % and 87.5 % respectively when treated with ethanol extract under the dose of 1 000 mg / kg .

  29. 绝大多数粳稻品种的米粒属短、粗类型。苦楝籽粗提物对玉米象生物活性的影响

    For japonica rice , the grains of most varieties were short and coarse in length and shape . INFLUENCE OF MELIA AZEDARACH SEED COARSE EXTRACT ON BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF RICE WEEVIL

  30. 粮囤中所占绝大多数的害虫为玉米象,控制玉米象的种群数量是实仓实验的工作重点,尤其是对其隐蔽虫态的处理。

    The vast majority of insect pests was S. zeamais , control the populations of S. zeamais was the focus of the work in storage experiments , especially to the hidden insect .