
chá shuǐ
  • tea water;tea or boiled water supplied free to the public
茶水 [chá shuǐ]
  • [tea or boiled water supplied free to the public] 加茶叶泡成的开水或白开水

  • 茶水供应站

茶水[chá shuǐ]
  1. 饮用茶水中硝酸盐与亚硝酸盐含量动态变化特征研究

    Research on the Change Character of Nitrate and Nitrite Content in Tea Water

  2. 当茶杯内装入茶水的时候,用户就能够方便、准确的观察出茶水的温度了。

    When filling with the tea water in the tea cup , the users can observe the water temperature conveniently and accurately .

  3. 你的茶水里放糖吗?

    Do you take sugar in your tea ?

  4. 要我按铃叫一壶新沏的茶水吗?

    Shall I ring for a fresh pot of tea ?

  5. 四五个男人在喝保温瓶里的茶水。

    Four or five men were drinking tea from flasks .

  6. 女性成员轮流准备茶水。

    The tea is prepared on a rota basis by the lady members

  7. 她一下子转身面向他,茶水溅了出来都没注意到。

    She swung around to him , spilling her tea without noticing it .

  8. 我们的导游打开装着火腿三明治的野餐盒,并给我们倒了些茶水。

    Our guide unpacked a picnic of ham sandwiches and offered us tea .

  9. 乔·鲁宾逊最早是为在医疗中心候诊的人们提供茶水和儿童玩具,使候诊过程变得人性化。

    Jo Robinson began by humanizing the waiting time at the health centre with tea-making and toys for children .

  10. 黔敖见了,左手捧着食物,右手拿着茶水,吃喝道:“喂!来吃个饱吧!”

    When Qian Ao saw this , he held food in his left hand and tea in his right , shouting : " Hey , come and eat your fill . "

  11. 这也就是这个短语出现的缘由。如果在节目中加入一些具有争议性或者比较刺激的内容,那么第二天茶水间寒暄的开场白可能就会是:“你看了/听说昨晚那…事儿了吗?”

    That 's the idea underlying content into a show , and the next day the watercooler conversations will begin with the phrase " Did you see / hear last night 's episode of X ? "

  12. ICP-AES法测定茶叶、茶水中的矿物质和微量元素

    Determination of Minerals and Trace Elements in Various Tea by ICP-AES

  13. William把茶水送到藏书室了但夫人还没下来

    William 's laid tea in the library , but her Ladyship hasn 't come down .

  14. 利用远红外加温萎凋及调整pH值和充氮技术提高乌龙茶与乌龙茶罐装茶水质量。(3)添加天然植物芳香物质提高茶叶香气。

    By using far-infrared heating withering and regulating pH value to improve the quality of Wulong tea and canned tea ( 3 ) By adding plant essential oil to improve aroma of tea .

  15. T-Bag一不小心洒了茶水在一页纸上,然后&新的线索就出现了。

    Suddenly T-Bag spills some tea on the leaf of a page and boom-a clue comes out .

  16. 在蒂法信(DivisionStreet)街靠近包厘街(Bowery)的一端,我路过新南风餐厅(NewSouthWindrestaurant)的旧址,这家餐厅卖了30年茶水,茶都是从一个飞机发动机那么大的烧水炉里接出来的。

    Near the Bowery end of Division Street , I passed a spot that used to be the New South Wind restaurant . For 30 years , it served tea from a water heater the size of a plane engine .

  17. 但是watercooler(茶水间、饮水机)在很久以前就被选为办公室闲聊的标志性场所了。

    But the " watercooler " was long ago chosen as the symbolic location for spontaneous workplace chinwagging .

  18. 在《彼特兔的故事》中,彼特兔参观了McGregor先生的花园后,彼特兔的妈妈为它准备了用甘菊炮制的茶水,让它平静下来。

    In " The Tale of Peter Rabbit , " Peter Rabbit 's mother prepared him a tea made with chamomile to calm him down after visiting Mr. McGregor 's garden .

  19. 结果表明,当溶剂温度为100℃,溶剂量12倍,浸泡时间为120min,乙醇加入量为0,pH值为5时,三叶虫茶水溶物提取量最高,其理想值为44.88g/100g。

    The results show that the extraction amount reaches its maximum with the solvent temperature 100 ℃, solvent amount 12 times , time of immersing 120 min , alcohol amount 0 and pH value 5.The ideal value of extraction is 44.88 g / 100 g.

  20. 生意正在好转,如果能继续改善,我们希望所有员工都能从中获益,包括茶水小姐在内,里昂证券亚太市场首席执行官乔纳森斯隆(JonathanSlone)向英国《金融时报》表示。

    The business is going well and we want all staff to benefit should it continue to improve , including the tea ladies , Jonathan Slone , chief executive of CLSA Asia Pacific Markets , told the Financial Times .

  21. 结果表明:绞股蓝珠茶最佳冲泡参数为茶水比1/75、冲泡时间6min、冲泡温度80℃、冲泡次数3次。

    The results showed that the best brew parameters were tea-water ratio 1 / 75 , brew period 6 min , brew temperature 80 ℃, and brewing for 3 times .

  22. 通过实验确定最佳工艺参数为:浸提时间20min,茶水质量比1∶65,浸提温度85℃,浸提pH为5.0,离心速度7000r/min,灭菌温度135℃,5s瞬时灭菌。

    The results showed that the optimum conditions were : extraction time 20 min , the ratio of water to tea 1:65 , extraction temperature 85 · C , pH value of the liquid 5.0 , centrifugal speed 7000r / min , and sterilization condition 135 · C , 5s .

  23. 当绿茶按1:50的茶水比90℃浸提10min后,添加0.05%(w/v)的单宁酶酶解30min可以得到滋味醇厚,汤色明亮的茶汤。

    Adding 0.05 % ( w / v ) tannase to green tea infusion which was extracted for 10 minutes at 90 ℃ with ratio of tea to water 1:50 and then mixing for 30 minutes could create bitterless good taste and clear tea drinks .

  24. 你要茶水还是要咖啡?哪种都行。

    Do you want tea or coffee ? Either will do .

  25. 这个漂亮美眉与我们的茶水男孩有一拼。

    This beautiful specimen has an understanding with our tea boy .

  26. 你倒点茶水把这干蛋糕烟下去,好吗?

    Have you some tea to wash the fry cake down ?

  27. 第十,应该先在杯中放茶水。

    Tenthly , one should pour tea into the cup first .

  28. 这个旧的茶壶被用来给茶水保温。

    The old teapot was used to keep the tea warm .

  29. 准备茶水时,还有固定的程序。

    When preparing tea , there are rituals to be observed .

  30. 复方儿茶水提液的抗腹泻和抗炎效应

    Antidiarrheal and anti-inflammatory effects of water extraction solution of catechu composita