
  • 网络Euproctis pseudoconspersa;Euproctis pseudoconspersa Strand
  1. 茶毛虫生态特性及人群皮炎暴发的观察

    Observation on the ecology of tea Euproctis pseudoconspersa strand and the outbreak of larvae dermatitis in crowd

  2. 茶毛虫各龄幼虫的发育起点温度和有效积温

    The developmental threshold temperature and effective accumulated temperature of Euproctis pseudoconspersa larvae

  3. 茶毛虫皮炎爆发流行影响因素分析

    Study on Influential Factors of Tea Caterpillar Dermatitis Outbreak

  4. 茶毛虫核型多角体病毒安全性试验

    Safety tests on Euproctis pseudoconspersa nuclear polyhydrosis virus

  5. 茶毛虫成虫的行为习性观察

    Observations on the behavior and habit of the adult tea tussock moth , Euproctis pseudoconspersa

  6. 经测试茶毛虫幼虫体毛对群聚行为有一定的影响,在幼虫个体相互联系及传感信息方面具有一定的作用;

    Also , its larvae had a certain function in contact and information transmission in the individuals .

  7. 各种药剂对茶毛虫幼虫毒力试验及其残余毒效对茶叶品质之影响的研究

    Studies on the chemical control of the tea caterpillar , Euproctis pseudoconspersa strand , and the residual effect of insecticides upon tea quality

  8. 3起茶毛虫皮炎暴发与茶场管理不善、没有适时灭虫,暖冬、第1代虫口基数较大有关。

    The reason of 3 times larvae dermatitis was due to lack of management to tea field , no control to insects in time , the warm winter and more the first generation larvae .

  9. 方法观察茶毛虫孵化、幼虫龄期、化蛹、羽化的全世代生态特性,调查不同季节茶毛虫皮炎爆发的病因、影响因素及患者的三间分布。

    Methods The characteristics of whole generation of tea euproctis pseudoconspersa , including hatching , life period of larva , pupation and eclosion were observed in the field and laboratory . The etiology , influencing factors , distribution of patients with dermatitis in 1999 and 2003 were analyzed .