
hái zi
  • child;offspring;son;sonny
孩子 [hái zi]
  • (1) [children]

  • (2) 儿童。如:男孩子;女孩子

  • (3) 儿女

  • 她的孩子病了

孩子[hái zi]
  1. 不幸的家庭环境可能对孩子的行为造成影响。

    An unhappy home environment can affect a child 's behaviour .

  2. 这孩子已经走出了她的视线。

    The child was now out of her range of vision .

  3. 一群吵吵嚷嚷的孩子一窝蜂地下了公共汽车。

    A group of noisy children tumbled out of the bus .

  4. 街坊邻居的孩子让我生活得很不安宁。

    The neighbours ' kids are the bane of my life .

  5. 约翰的两个孩子出生时他均在场。

    John was present at the birth of both his children .

  6. 这些孩子非常需要爱心和关怀。

    The children are in desperate need of love and attention .

  7. 父母自己的恐惧有可能在无意中感染了孩子。

    Parents can unwittingly transmit their own fears to their children .

  8. 有如此天赋的孩子他以往没见过几个。

    He had seldom seen a child with so much talent .

  9. 她是个合群的孩子,跟谁都有话说。

    She 's a sociable child who 'll talk to anyone .

  10. 孩子们在你抢我夺地争球。

    The children were tussling with one another for the ball .

  11. 孩子们在老师的看护下玩耍。

    The children played under the watchful eye of their teacher .

  12. 孩子们聚集在房间的角落里。

    The children clustered together in the corner of the room .

  13. 孩子们似乎整天都在猛喝汽水。

    The kids seem to be guzzling soft drinks all day .

  14. 他们因癌症夺去了一个孩子而肝肠寸断。

    They suffered the heartbreak of losing a child through cancer .

  15. 孩子们在学习理解不同宗教信仰的人。

    The children are learning to understand people of different faiths .

  16. 孩子们带上自己的桶和铲子到海滩去了。

    The children took their buckets and spades to the beach .

  17. 孩子们推动着旋转平台快得令人眩晕。

    The kids were pushing the roundabout at a giddy speed .

  18. 孩子们正在四处寻找柴火。

    The kids were scouting around for wood for the fire .

  19. 孩子们睡在楼上卧室里的跃层上。

    The children slept in a loft in the upstairs bedroom .

  20. 孩子的同性家长是孩子效仿的榜样。

    The child 's same-sex parent acts as a role model .

  21. 她张开双臂,孩子向她跑来。

    She spread her arms and the child ran towards her .

  22. 你给孩子起好名字没有?

    Have you settled on a name for the baby yet ?

  23. 我们想让孩子们接受尽可能最好的教育。

    We want the kids to have the best possible education .

  24. 我手里又是书,又是购物袋,还抱着孩子,跟演杂技一样。

    I was juggling books , shopping bags and the baby .

  25. 发动机的颤动使得孩子们睡着了。

    The vibration of the engine lulled the children to sleep .

  26. 在外行人眼里,这些孩子表现正常。

    To the untrained eye , the children were behaving ordinarily .

  27. 她不会轻易放弃自己的孩子。

    She will not give up her children without a struggle .

  28. 我在那里时孩子一直哭得很厉害。

    The baby was howling all the time I was there .

  29. 她认为不能惯着孩子们要什么就给什么。

    She did not believe in indulging the children with presents .

  30. 她过去曾极力呵护他这个十几岁的孩子。

    She had been fiercely protective towards him as a teenager .