
  • 网络Own Housing;home ownership
  1. 但事实上,自有住房比例自2005年以来就一直在下降。

    But in reality home ownership has been dropping since 2005 .

  2. 仅仅15年前,中国人几乎都没有自有住房,可如今拥有自己住房的人超过了80%。

    From a country of almost zero home ownership just 15 years ago , more than 80 per cent of Chinese households now own their own homes .

  3. 职工购买的自有住房包括商品住房、经济适用住房、私产住房、集资建造住房、危改还迁住房、公有现住房

    The self-owned housing purchased by the employee includes commercial housing , economically affordable , and public-owned completed housing .

  4. CPI编制中与自有住房相关的几项成本的处理

    The Treatments of Costs Tied to Owner Occupied Housing in Consumer Price Index

  5. CPI中自有住房消费成本测算的使用者成本法及其折旧模型

    The User Cost Approach and Its Models of Depreciation to Measure the Services of Owner Occupied Hosing in Consumer Price Index

  6. 实际上,住宅市场由自有住房者驱动。

    In fact the residential market is driven by owner-occupiers .

  7. 从全美范围来看,由于拥有自有住房的家庭减少,房租已经快速上涨。

    Nationwide , the price for rentals has risen rapidly as fewer people own homes .

  8. 国家开始鼓励住房私有化,自有住房比例在70年代开始上升。

    The state started to promote privatizing housing , and the scale of own-ship housing began to rise .

  9. 此外,想要搬进老年村的老年人发现自有住房很难出手。

    In addition , elderly people who would like to move have found it difficult to sell their homes .

  10. 目前大多数销售自有住房的人仅需要缴纳1%到3%的税。

    Currently , most sales are taxed at only 1 % to 3 % of the home 's value .

  11. 在罗斯福新政期间,让低收入家庭购买自有住房的措施,似乎是一项合适的政府目标。

    During the New Deal , measures to enable low-income households to buy their homes seemed a proper government objective .

  12. 在特大城市中,不断膨胀的资产价格使极少人有幸攀上自有住房的高枝。

    In the largest cities , where property prices are soaring , few could even dream of getting on to the housing ladder .

  13. 卖掉自有住房听起来(而且往往如此)很是难受,但是房产专家却预测了一系列的间接利好。

    While selling off the family home sounds ( and often is ) traumatic , housing experts foresee a series of happy collateral effects .

  14. 私人租赁与业主自有住房的比例差不多,到目前为止是欧盟中该比例最高的国家。

    Private renting consequently is a tenure of around the same size as owner-occupation , by far the highest share in the EU and only surpassed by Switzerland .

  15. 南非、埃及军官住房实行社会化、商品化,由于住房政策优惠,军官自有住房比例较高。

    In south Africa and Egypt , because of their nations ' preferential policy in officers ' residence , the officers having their own residence take a high proportion .

  16. 资产多、但收人低的老年人发现置换成低价房或者出售自有住房以度有生之年的压力比以前更大了。

    The elderly who find themselves asset rich but income poor will be under more pressure than ever to trade down or out of the housing market to finance their later years .

  17. 他们不仅会购买自有住房,还将成为如雨后春笋般涌现的购物中心和酒店的潜在顾客。

    There , they become not only candidates to buy their own homes , but potential customers at the shopping malls springing up and possible visitors to the hundreds of hotels being built .

  18. 无论是厂方为工人准备的住处还是工人自有住房,一般都比较拥挤,且环境卫生条件极差。

    Whether the factory workers shelter or a worker owned housing , are generally more crowded , and the environment is poor sanitary conditions ; diet is the most inexpensive food with very simple non-staple food .

  19. 但对于目前美国国内租房居住的人来说有一个结论是明确的:如果他们想购置自有住房,现在是难得的大好时机。

    But there is a clear conclusion for anyone now in rented accommodation in the US . If they want to buy their own place , there is unlikely ever to be a much better time to do so than now .

  20. 个人住房公积金贷款是指以住房公积金为资金来源,向参加住房公积金制度的职工发放的,定向用于购买、建造、翻建、大修自有住房的专项住房消费贷款。

    Personal housing accumulation fund loan means a special housing consumption loan lent to any employee participating in the housing accumulation fund system taking the housing accumulation fund as its fund source , and orienting its use at purchasing , building , rebuilding , or overhauling its self-owned housing .

  21. 城市化、住房自有与住房保障&基于重庆经验的实证分析

    Empirical Study on the Relations among Urbanization , Private Housing and Housing Security in Chongqing City

  22. 因此,房地产行业也开始改革,以土地使用有偿化为核心的土地产权制度改革和住宅自有化住房制度改革在中国开始广泛实施并全面推广。

    Therefore , the real estate industry has also begun to reform . Land property rights system reform centering on the paid use of land and housing system reform concerning housing ownership have begun to carry out extensively and spread roundly in China .