
  • 网络natural reproduction;(natural) propagation
  1. 中国野生牡丹自然繁殖特性研究

    The Natural Propagation Characteristics of Wild Tree Peony Species in China

  2. 但其具有长势强健,耐贫瘠与管理粗放,种子可自然繁殖等优点。

    But it has a series advantage of strong growing , barren resistance , extensive management and natural propagation .

  3. 在他们的耐心和努力下,他们成功地开发出一种人工育种和自然繁殖相结合的方法。

    With their patience and efforts , they successfully developed a combination of artificial breeding and natural reproduction .

  4. 渔业代表金州鲑鱼协会(GoldenStateSalmonAssociation)的执行董事表示,海洋里很快就不会有野生的、自然繁殖的鲑鱼了。

    The executive director of the Golden State Salmon Association , which represents the fishing industry , said that soon there will be no wild , naturally bred salmon in the ocean .

  5. 2004年3~7月,在陕西省洋县对人工饲养条件下朱鹮(Nipponianippon)的自然繁殖进行了研究。

    Data on clutch size , hatching success and nestling success of the natural breeding for 18 pairs of captive Crested Ibis ( Nipponia nippon ) were collected from March to July 2004 in Yangxian County of Shaanxi Province .

  6. 大熊猫(AiluropodaMelanoleuca)自然繁殖能力低,新鲜精液人工授精率只有33%左右,冷冻精液人工授精率则更低,导致其种群数量持续下降,无法走出濒临灭绝的困境。

    Giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) is endangered wild animal , the population is declining , because their natural reproductive capacity is low , the artificial insemination rate of fresh semen is about 33 % , and that of frozen semen is lower .

  7. 宁在空旷地而不是树冠下自然繁殖。

    Reproduce naturally in the open rather than under an overstory .

  8. 人工饲养条件下朱鹮自然繁殖研究

    Study on natural reproduction of Crested ibis on condition of artificial feeding

  9. 环境因子对笼养朱鹮自然繁殖的影响

    Environment Factors Influencing the Natural Breeding of Captive Crested Ibis

  10. 你们知道家养火鸡是不能自然繁殖的吗?

    Did you know that the domestic turkey is unable to procreate naturally ?

  11. 模仿自然繁殖条件下的黄鳝人工繁殖试验

    Artificial reproduction test of Monopterus albus under the imitation of natural breeding conditions

  12. 来自实验室外,是自然繁殖的第一代。

    First life forms created naturally , outside the lab.

  13. 汉江中下游四大家鱼自然繁殖的生态水文特征

    Eco-hydrological Characteristics of Four Major Chinese Carps on Nature Spawning Conditions in the Mid-lower Hanjiang River

  14. 种子自然繁殖一般出现在低缓的流动、半固定沙丘和平沙地上;

    The regeneration by seeds usually takes place on shifting , semi-fixed dunes and flat sandy areas .

  15. 这些利于野核桃的自然繁殖与更新和保持生态平衡。

    These are advantageous to the natural propagation and rejuvenation of wild walnut , and favourable to keeping ecological balance .

  16. 探讨了九孔鲍(Haliotisdiversicolorsuertexta)在北方自然繁殖季节育苗的条件、发育时间和生长速度。

    The natural condition of reproduction , developmental period and growth of larva of the abalone in northern China was studied .

  17. 结果表明:人工放流群体的生长特征与自然繁殖群体基本相同;

    Results showed that the growth characteristics of the artificial release shrimps population was the same as the nature reproduction population .

  18. 不同种类在生长节律、特性、花粉育性、花粉发芽条件以及自然繁殖能力等方面存在一定差别;

    There are some differences among the species in growth rhythm and biological characters , pollen fertilitiness and germination condition and natural reproductive potential ;

  19. 本文研究了象山港中国对虾(包括人工放流群体和自然繁殖群体)的生长特征。

    This paper reported the growth characteristics of Penaeus orientalis including artificial release and nature reproduction shrimps population which was collected along Xiangshan bay .

  20. 这是西米树,是不用种植就生长起来的植物,像桑树那样,由于自己的嫩枝和种子,不需人工,自然繁殖滋长。

    They were sago palms , vegetation that grows without being cultivated ; like mulberry trees , they reproduce by means of shoots and seeds .

  21. 大熊猫自然繁殖的比率很低限制了种群的快速恢复,来自非法猎取,产地损失,还有其他人为因素影响死亡率。

    The giant pandas'naturally slow breeding rate prevents a population from recovering quickly from illegal hunting , habitat loss , and other human-related causes of mortality .

  22. 选用人工饲养的6对成年健康朱为试验亲鸟,于2000~2002年在陕西洋县和周至进行了人工饲养条件下朱自然繁殖情况的研究。

    This research chose six couples of healthy adult Crested ibis for examining their natural reproduction on the condition of artificial feeding during 2002-2003 years in Yang County and Zhouzhi County .

  23. 由于野牛的自然繁殖能力很强,只需要14年,美国草原保护区协会将拥有超过5000头野牛,成为全球最大的野牛自然保护区。

    In only 14 years from now , thanks largely to the buffalo 's natural fecundity , APR will have over 5000 buffalo , the largest conservation herd on the planet .

  24. 中国的研究人员说,1981年建成的葛洲坝阻挡了中华鲟向上游迁徙,将其自然繁殖区从560多公里的河道减少为不到7公里。

    Chinese researchers say construction of the Gezhou Dam in 1981 blocked upstream migration of the Chinese sturgeon , reducing its breeding ground from 350 miles of river to just four .

  25. 为了拯救此二物种,我国政府主管部门相继制定了人工易地保护的物种保护策略,以期通过人工圈养条件下的自然繁殖和人工繁殖,达到增加种群的数量,促进野生种群恢复之目的。

    In order to enlarge the population size and recover the wild populations , ex situ conservation strategy has been advocated by the governing agents in China through natural or artificial breeding in captivity .

  26. 如果克隆成熟并可以自然繁殖,表观遗传变化常常会被重置,回到精子和卵细胞核的状态~可以变成所有类型的组织。

    If the clone reaches maturity and reproduces naturally , epigenetic changes will often be reset , returning the sperm and egg nuclei to a state in which they can differentiate into all types of tissue .

  27. 水分生态位适宜度表现为流动沙地>半固定沙地>固定沙地。种子自然繁殖一般出现在低缓的流动、半固定沙丘和平沙地上;

    Key Results CVI was remarkably low on fixed sandy land , indicating that the ecological function of the population was weakened . The regeneration by seeds usually takes place on shifting , semi-fixed dunes and flat sandy areas .

  28. 斑海豹,西北太平洋广泛分布的冷水性海洋哺乳动物,为我国的二类保护野生动物,属于濒危物种,也是唯一能在我国海域自然繁殖的鳍脚类动物。

    Spotted seal ( Phoca largha ), is a coldwater marine mammal widely distributed in the North-Western Pacific Ocean , one of second-class protected endangered animals in China , the only pinniped animal which naturally breed in Chinese waters .

  29. 由于其自然繁殖率低和种群数量少,以及高夭折率而导致的低存活率,使得大熊猫易受栖息地侵犯及毁坏等种种威胁。

    Together with the features of naturally low reproductive rate and small population , the low survival rate resulting from high infant mortality of giant panda makes it more vulnerable to all sorts of threats such as habitat encroachment and destruction .

  30. 在人工饲养管理的条件下,自然繁殖的蛙卵受精率比较高,平均达到90%以上,孵化率都达到了85%以上,孵化时间随着水温的提高逐渐减少,畸形率随着水温的提高而升高。

    Under the artificial feeding and management , the fertilization rate of natural reproduction eggs is relatively high , more than 93 % on average , while hatching rate reaches 80 % . Incubation time decreased gradually with the temperature increases while malformation rate increases . 3 .