
  • 网络Friend of Nature;FON
  1. 尽管,“自然之友”是以梁先生在电视上看到的西方组织为蓝本,但它更像个俱乐部而不太像一个游说机构。成员们去植树、野营,举行大合唱,意在把绿色理念传到到全国各地。

    Though based on Western organisations he had seen on television , Friends of Nature was less a lobbying outfit than a club , whose members would go tree-planting , camping and chorus-singing to spread the green message through the land .

  2. 国际自然之友联合会

    International Federation of Friends of Nature

  3. 本次调研活动我们的校外合作伙伴有GMS和北京的自然之友协会两个。

    In this research , we have two off-campus partners ; that 's GMS and Friend of Nature ( Beijing ) .

  4. 在中国,以“自然之友”为先导,相继有约3000个相应组织得以建立。

    Where FON led , some 3000 NGOs have followed .

  5. “自然之友”成立仪式上,只吸引了60名成员,而今已近1万。

    At its inaugural meeting it drew 60 members ; there are now around 10000 .

  6. “中国生物多样性保护”“绿色发展基金会”“自然之友”等组织发起网上动员,呼吁立法人员对修订草案进行修改。

    Indeed , organizations such as China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation and Friends of Nature have saddled up to organize online campaigns to push legislators to alter the amendments .

  7. 1994年,他与中国文化书院的三位同事共同创建了“自然之友”组织,这是中国首个合法的非政府组织,也是首个致力于保护环境的组织。

    Friends of Nature , founded by him in 1994 with three colleagues from the Academy for Chinese Culture , was China 's first legal NGO and the first committed to protecting the country 's environment .

  8. 去年,北京大学世界遗产研究中心、中国社会科学院环境与发展研究所和自然之友三家共同联合召开了遗产保护与开发利用的关系问题会议。

    Last year , after the " Conference on the Problems of Heritage Utilization , Development and Protection " jointly held by World Heritage Research Center of Beijing University , Environmental Development Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and " Friend of Nature " .