
  • 网络Natural host
  1. 小鼠不是HBV的自然宿主,不支持HBV的感染、复制,需通过一定的手段才能使其感染HBV。

    Mouse is not the natural host of HBV , so it can not allow HBV 's infection and replication unless the viral genome is transfected into mouse hepatocytes by different means .

  2. 人类是C.T的自然宿主,它主要寄生于机体粘膜上皮细胞,可以导致人体的多种疾病。

    C.T mainly lives on the epithelial cell with human as it natural host . It leads to many diseases .

  3. 除人和黑猩猩是丙型肝炎病毒的自然宿主,至今尚未发现其他自然动物对HCV易感。

    Except for human beings and chimpanzee , there is no other natural animals susceptible to HCV .

  4. 人群中HSV感染较为普遍,人是疱疹病毒的自然宿主。

    HSV infection is widespread in the crowd , because people are only physio-host of herpes simplex virus .

  5. 风疹病毒(Rubellavirus,RV)是披膜病毒科风疹病毒属的唯一成员,人类是RV的唯一自然宿主。

    Rubella virus , the etiological cause of German measles , is the only member of the Rubivirus genus within the Togaviridae family .

  6. 通过SCOTS方法建立了一种体内表达致病性特异基因的方法和APEC在自然宿主感染模型中致病性相关基因的表达谱的筛选方法。

    Overall , the current study provided a means to identify novel pathogen-specific genes expressed in vivo and insight regarding the global gene expression of a pathogenic E. coli strain in a natural animal host during the infectious process .

  7. A型流感病毒的自然宿主是野生水禽、鸥和岸基鸟,而家鸭也是AIVs巨大的储存库,同时也被认为是AIVs从自然宿主到陆生家禽传播的一个重要中间宿主。

    The natural host for influenza A virus is believed to be wild waterfowls , gulls and shorebirds . Domestic ducks are a great pool of AIVs and considered as an intermediate host between wild waterfowls and land-based poultry .

  8. 猪是该病毒的自然宿主和贮存者。

    The natural host and reservoir for this virus is the pig .

  9. 鸟类是西尼罗河病毒的自然宿主。

    Birds are the natural hosts of West Nile virus .

  10. 禽流感病毒水禽分离株已可致感染机体严重的细胞超微病变,水禽已不单单仅充当禽流感病毒自然宿主的角色。

    The waterfowls are not the single role of natural hosts of avian influenza virus .

  11. 用小白鼠皮膜自然宿主抗凝血饲养鼠疫感染蚤的菌栓形成试验

    Experimental Formation of Masses in Y.pestis Infected Fleas Fed on Citrated Blood of Natural Hosts

  12. 人类是淋病奈瑟菌唯一的自然宿主,主要通过性接触而传播。

    Mankind is the only natural host to the pathogen , mainly transmitting by sex contact .

  13. 双歧杆菌是人类肠道的自然宿主且可以粘附于肠道上皮细胞。

    Bifidobacteria are natural inhabitants of the human intestinal tract and can adhere to the gut .

  14. 该州反对派领导人曾呼吁扑杀该病毒的自然宿主&蝙蝠。

    The state opposition leader had called for a cull of bats , the virus natural host .

  15. 一段时间以来,已知野水禽是所有A型流感病毒的自然宿主。

    Wild waterfowl have been known for some time to be the natural reservoir of all influenza A viruses .

  16. 该体例搜罗将一种卵白质包埋在脂肪层内,脂肪层与卵白质自然宿主的薄膜极为相似。

    It involves embedding a protein in a fatty layer , much like the membrane in which it naturally resides .

  17. 正在刚果共和国和加蓬进行深入的生态学研究,以查明埃博拉的自然宿主。

    Extensive ecological studies are under way in the Republic of the Congo and Gabon to identify the Ebola 's natural reservoir .

  18. 人口增长的压力迫使人们进入以往无法居住的地区,破坏了微生物与其自然宿主之间的微妙平衡。

    The pressures of population growth push people into previously uninhabited areas , disrupting the delicate equilibrium between microbes and their natural reservoirs .

  19. 尽管鸟类是自然宿主,但禽流感病毒能够跨物种感染其它哺乳动物包括人类。

    Although natural hosts are birds , the avian influenza viruses are known to cross species barriers to infect other mammals , including humans .

  20. “我研究过亨德拉和尼帕病毒,我的直觉是,蝙蝠很可能是自然宿主”,王博士说。

    " Given my background in Hendra and Nipah , I had a hunch that bats were perhaps the natural reservoir ," says Wang .

  21. 埃博拉病毒的自然宿主似乎居于非洲大陆的雨林以及西太平洋地区。

    The natural reservoir of the Ebola virus seems to reside in the rain forests of the African continent and in areas of the Western Pacific .

  22. 据信,它们像人类一样,是受到自然宿主或通过来自自然宿主的传播链受到直接感染。

    They , like humans , are believed to be infected directly from the natural reservoir or through a chain of transmission from the natural reservoir .

  23. 迁移性水禽(主要是野鸭)是禽流感病毒的自然宿主,这些鸟类对感染抵抗力最强。

    Migratory waterfowl ( most notably wild ducks ) are the natural reservoir of avian influenza viruses , and these birds are also the most resistant to infection .

  24. 禽流感病毒可感染许多鸟类和哺乳动物,但是其自然宿主范围通常限于野生水禽,如野鸭、海鸥等。

    Avian influenza virus can cause serious disease in a wide variety of birds and mammals , but generally its natural host range is limited to wild ducks and gulls .

  25. 尽管进行了深入研究,埃博拉病毒的自然宿主仍然不得而知,但似乎存在于非洲大陆和西太平洋地区的雨林中。

    The natural reservoir of the Ebola virus is unknown despite extensive studies , but it seems to reside in the rain forests on the African continent and in the Western Pacific .

  26. 鸭一直被认为是禽流感病毒的自然宿主,以前的研究发现病毒感染鸭后主要在肠道复制并排泄,但并不引起鸭发病。

    Ducks are regarded as the natural reservoir of influenza viruses , and previous studies indicated that the avian influenza viruses could replicate in the digestive tract of ducks and shed through cloaca without causing any disease signs in these animals .

  27. 乙型流感病毒是引起人类局部流行性感冒的重要病原体,其起源和自然储存宿主目前仍不清楚。

    Influenza B virus is a fearful human pathogen whose origin and possible reservoir host in nature are not know .

  28. 近年来其自然感染宿主范围不断扩大,除了犬和毛皮动物外,还可以感染狮、虎、灵长类等多种动物。

    In recent years , CD natural host range increased from canine and fur-bearing animals to many animals such as lion , tiger and even to primate .

  29. 很多动物是西尼罗河病毒的宿主,但该病毒主要还是通过当地的一些蚊子来传播,这些蚊子是知更鸟的食物,鸟吃了蚊子,自然也变成宿主了。

    A variety of animals can serve as hosts for West Nile , but the virus primarily spreads through a few species of mosquitoes that usually feed on birds , and those bird species , which become viral hosts .

  30. 自然条件下HFRS宿主动物在窝内的感染特征

    The Infections features of HFRS Reserviors in Lairs on Natural Conditions