
lù shǔ
  • Deer mouse;caclus mouse
鹿鼠[lù shǔ]
  1. 而且,暴露于BPA的鹿鼠对雌性鹿鼠的吸引力也明显下降。

    In addition , male deer mice exposed to BPA were less desirable to female deer mice .

  2. 大多数发育早期暴露于BPA的雄性鹿鼠连续7天都没有能找到正确的出口。

    Many male mice that had been exposed to BPA early in their development never found the correct exit .

  3. 断奶后(25天龄),这些鹿鼠的子代接受不含BPA的饲料饲喂,到成年时研究人员对其行为学进行考察。

    At weaning ( 25 days of age ), the deer mice offspring were placed on a non-supplemented BPA diet and their behavior tested when they matured into adults .

  4. 相比之下,没有暴露于BPA的雄性鹿鼠能够在规定的时间范围内找到能回到窝里的路线,有些甚至在第一天就可以做得到。

    By comparison , male mice that had not been exposed to BPA consistently found the hole leading to their home cage within the time limit , some on the first day .

  5. 当地有一种叫做鹿鼠的老鼠,体型非常小,喜欢以这种豆科植物的种子为食。

    Tiny deer mice have a taste for the seeds of the lupines .

  6. 研究人员对生育月龄的雌性鹿鼠采用一种名为交配选择的试验进行评价。

    Females primed to breed were tested in a so-called mate choice experiment .

  7. 因此,在本研究中,主要对鹿鼠多种能力中的这种导航能力进行了实验室评价。

    It was these navigational skills , among others , that were tested in the laboratory setting .

  8. 雌性鹿鼠由于不需要在寻找同伴,因此在进化过程中其导航能力没有获得增强。

    Females do not have to search to find mates and thus their navigational abilities have not been enhanced by evolution .

  9. 我们的结果印证了早期对阿拉斯加东南部肯氏鹿鼠在各种栖息地尤其早期的演替林中兴旺时的研究;

    Our results corroborate the findings of earlier studies that P.keeni in southeastern Alaska flourishes in a variety of habitats , especially early seral forests ;

  10. 这种增强的空间导航能力方面对与雄性鹿鼠非常重要,因为这可以帮助他们找到分散在生活环境各处的同伴。

    This enhanced spatial navigational ability of male deer mice is important because it allows them to find mates that are dispersed throughout the environment .

  11. 可是由于觅食过程中会暴露在沙滩上,鹿鼠很容易成为各种鸟类的盘中餐,因为这些鸟类以啮齿动物为捕猎对象。

    These would ordinarily think twice about approaching the plants . Because exposed out on the sand , they 're easy pickings for birds interested in a .

  12. 广泛的说,长远来看,这些行为缺陷可能会破坏鹿鼠等种属在野外的繁殖能力。

    In the wide scheme of things , these behavioral deficits could , in the long term , undermine the ability of a species such as the deer mouse to reproduce in the wild .