
zì rán zhènɡ yì
  • natural justice
  1. 论自然正义原则在当代的发展趋势

    Growing Tendencies of Application of Natural Justice in Modern Time

  2. 法治视野下的自然正义原则

    On the Principle of Natural Justice under Rule of Law

  3. 衡平指公平、正义,可引申为自然正义的原则;

    Equity is fairness , justice , or the principle of natural justice .

  4. 从自然正义到城邦正义

    From Natural Justice to Polis Justice

  5. 本文的第四部分将着重于论述《王制》中的自然正义。

    The fourth part of this article will focus on the discussion of natural justice in Republic .

  6. 本文首先选取了宪法观念形态、制度形态和现实形态的权威进行了研究:自然正义&宪法观念形态的权威;

    First , I analyze the three forms of constitutional authority : natural justice & conceptual constitutional authority ;

  7. 自然正义的存在,甚或可能性证明我们人性的、太人性的党派偏见是正当的。

    The existence , or even the possibility , of natural justice justifies our human , all-too-human partisanship .

  8. 从理论上讲,行政法法官的设立正反映了自然正义原则和正当程序的要求。

    From the academic perspectives , the ALJs system reflects the requirement of Natural Justice Principle and Due Process .

  9. 与柏拉图和亚里士多德所说的自然正义或自然正当相似,自然法不是同一的。

    Similar to the natural justice or natural right of which Plato and Aristotle spoke , it is not identical .

  10. 文章认为古希腊正义理论的发展经历了从自然正义向城邦正义的流变,所以,按其流变过程文章可以划分为四个部分。

    Divided into four parts , this paper believes that Ancient Greek Justice Theory has developed from natural justice to polis justices .

  11. 自然正义通过政制起作用,然而自然法是为政制奠定基础并由此先于政制。

    Whereas natural justice takes effect through the regime , natural law sets the basis for regimes and so precedes the regime .

  12. 司法正义的理念溯源于权力制衡理论、自然正义观念与正当程序实践。

    The concept of judicial justice can trace to theory of power limitation , perception of natural justice and practice of due process .

  13. 其中正义价值包括人类正义价值和自然正义价值,功利价值包括物质功利价值和精神功利价值。

    The value of justice includes human justice and nature justice , but the value of utility includes material utility and spirit utility .

  14. 现代社会不断扩张的行政权力,使得自然正义原则的适用范围从司法领域延伸到了行政领域。

    Modern society continues to expand executive power , making the application of the principles of natural justice from the judiciary extends to the administration .

  15. 因此,认识到衡平法不仅仅是‘一般公平’或者‘自然正义’的同义词是很重要的。

    It is therefore important to realize that ' equity ' is not a synonym for ' general fairness ' or ' natural justice . '

  16. 即使有了行政程序法,其实效也可能不会太好。我国在制定行政程序法的过程中,应当重视自然正义法律思想的移植,引导并逐步推进正当法律程序在司法实践中的运用。

    When making out the Administrative Procedural Law , we should focus on the idea of Natural Justice , and improve the application of Due Process .

  17. 从理论上说主要有四种,即法的本质理论、自然正义理论、提防政府理论和表达权理论。

    Generally speaking , there are four theories-the essence of law theory , natural justice theory , beware of the theory and the right of expression .

  18. 目前学界对自然正义原则的探讨大多停留在行政法领域,而对自然正义原则的法治价值认识不足。

    At present , researches of the natural justice principle focus on the area of administrative law , with little attention to its value of natural justice .

  19. 最后,文章以梭伦的立法和改革为例,说明了自然正义在政治生活中实现的途径和表现。

    Finally , the channel and expression of the realization of justice ideology in political life is illustrated by the example of Solon 's lawmaking and revolution .

  20. 根据英国普通法,法庭在对任何一件争端或纠纷做出裁判时应绝对遵循自然正义原则。

    According to the British common law , the court should absolutely stand to the " natural justice " principle in any dispute or disputes to a referee .

  21. 保护他的名誉或好的名声免受贬损和诋毁的诡计,都是理性和自然正义赋予每个人的权利;

    The security of his reputation or good name from the arts of detraction and slander , are rights to which every man is entitled , by reason and natural justice ;

  22. 在第一部分自然正义的表达及其实现中,首先认为自然正义包含着神话语境中的正义思想和自然哲学时期的正义思想两个环节。

    In the first part & the expression and realization of natural justice s , the idea that natural justice includes that in mythical context and natural philosophic period is expressed .

  23. 正当程序原则,来源于英国法上的自然正义和美国法上的正当法律程序,内涵包括程序中立、程序参与和程序公开。

    Due process principle , was originated from Nature Justice of English law and Due Process of Law of American law , and consisted with procedure neutrality , procedure participation and procedure publicity .

  24. 文章从法治发展的视角,对该原则的历史发展加以考察,揭示了自然正义原则的制度价值及其法治建构功能,以期对我国法治建设有所裨益。

    This essay probes into the historical development of the principle of natural justice from the viewpoint of rule of law , and opens up its important functions in the construction of rule of law .

  25. 其次,本文分析了控审分离原则的两大理论渊源:自然正义理论与分权制衡理论。

    Secondly , the thesis analyzes the two theoretical basis of the " the principle of the separation of accusation and trial ": the theory of the separation of powers and the theory of natural justice .

  26. 而自然正义的意义乃在于,在诸神退却的时代,唯有以哲学取代神话,以理性确立起超然的准则,才能够为人类的行动提供最终的依据,才能避免人类的盲目而陷入虚无主义。

    But the significance of natural justice is that no other than make philosophy instead of myth , establish the transcendent rule by logos in the era of absence of the gods , can guide people behavior and avoid run into nihilism .

  27. 当代程序正义观念源于英国的自然正义原则和美国的正当程序原理,但仅是法律规范中原则性的表达,而非系统性的陈述。

    Contemporary concepts of procedural justice stemmed from the " natural justice " principle of UK and the " Due Process " principle of US , but it is merely a legal norm of the general expression , rather than systemic statements .

  28. 同时,依据自然正义准则,结合成规制定法,依托发展着的社会实践不断探寻新的社会规则,促进社会的良法善治。

    And at the same time , we should make positive laws according to the rule of natural justice , should find often new social rules on the base of developing social practice , and then we will promote good law and ruling of the society .

  29. 人文自然对正义原则的兼容与补充

    Humanistic Nature Compatible with and Supplementary to the Principle of Justice

  30. 法律作为维护人类秩序安全与公平,实现人与人之间、人与自然之间正义与和谐的基本手段,就必须随着时代的发展而变化。

    As a basic means to maintain safety and fairness of human order , and achieve the justice and harmony among people and between human and the nature , law must change with the development of the times .