
  • 网络Legal remedy;remedies
  1. 第四部分:按份共有人优先购买权的法律救济。

    The legal remedy of co-owners by shares ' pre-emptive rights .

  2. 国际信托受益人法律救济研究

    The Research on the Legal Remedy of International Trust Beneficiary

  3. 第二,WTO法律救济措施救济不充分。

    Secondly , WTO remedies are inadequate .

  4. 海上人身伤害的法律救济

    Legal Redress of Loss of life or Personal Injury at Sea

  5. 流通票据遗失后的法律救济问题

    Issues on Legal Relief to the Loss of a Negotiable Instrument

  6. 职场性骚扰受害妇女的法律救济

    Legal Assistance to Women Who Experienced Sexual Harassment at the Workplace

  7. 论义务教育阶段学校侵权行为的法律救济

    Tort behavior at the phase of compulsory education and legal help

  8. 招股说明书中虚假陈述的民事赔偿责任与法律救济

    Civil Compensation Liability and Legal Relief of False Statement in Prospectus

  9. 关于女大学生就业权的法律救济

    On the Legal Assistance of the Employment Right of Female College Students

  10. 公司设立登记瑕疵及其法律救济

    The Flaw of Company 's Instauration Registration and Legal Relief

  11. 客运专线列车晚点法律救济研究

    Research on Legal Remedies for Delay of Dedicated Passenger Trains

  12. 浅谈家庭暴力受害方之法律救济

    Brief Analysis on Lawful Almsgiving to Victims of Family Violence

  13. 也论不动产登记错误的法律救济

    On the Legal Relief of Mistake of Real Estate Registration

  14. 体育纠纷的法律救济机制探讨

    Relieve the Mechanism Discussion in Law of the Sports Dispute

  15. 股东派生诉权的行使阻却及其法律救济

    The Exertion Impediment and Legal Relief of Shareholder Derivative Action

  16. 论对国有银行不良贷款的防范与法律救济

    On State-owned Bank 's Bad Loan 's Prevention and Relief

  17. 英国劳动法的不公平解雇及其法律救济

    Unfair Dismissal under the British Labour Law and Its Remedies

  18. 行政事实行为侵权之法律救济探讨

    Discussible Study on Legal Aid to the Infringement of Administrative Factual Action

  19. 装备采购法律救济机制初探

    Initial Probing Into the Legal Redress System of Equipment Procurement

  20. 其三,侵犯商业秘密的法律救济。

    Thirdly , the legal compensation on commercial secrets infringement .

  21. 奥林匹克标志侵权及其法律救济研究

    Research on the Olympic Logo Infringement and the Legal Relief

  22. 法律救济是指依据法律对权利冲突的解决。

    The legal relief refers to resolving the right conflict by law .

  23. 美国城市噪音控制与法律救济

    On urban noise control and legal support in United States

  24. 关于完善环境污染损害赔偿法律救济的思考

    Thinking about Legal Remedies of Improving the Compensation for Environmental Pollution Damages

  25. 论侵害商誉权及其法律救济

    On the infringement of goodwill and its legal salvage

  26. 商业特许经营;知识产权;保护;侵权;法律救济;

    Commercial Franchising ; Intellectual Property ; Protection ; Infringement ; Legal Relief ;

  27. 高校学生法律救济制度探讨

    Research on the Legal Remedy System of University Students

  28. 网络环境下版权侵权责任的法律救济浅析

    A Brief Talk on Law Compensation for Infringement of Copyright in Cyber Environment

  29. 探讨如何加强对失范高校学生的法律救济制度。

    How to strengthen the system of law relief .

  30. 行政行为的法律救济制度将进一步完善。

    The system of legal relief of administrative conduct will be improved further .