
  • 网络causation in fact;cause in fact
  1. 论确定船舶碰撞过失与损害事实因果关系的原则

    The rule of determing the causality between Collision Faults and Damage Facts

  2. 英美法系中,在判断事实因果关系上,必要条件理论操作性很强,但对于共同侵权行为、共同危险行为、超越因果关系等多因现象的因果关系判断却违背了法律公平正义的价值。

    In the Anglo-American law countries , though the necessary condition theory may be operative , the joint tort behaviors , joint dangerous behaviors and over-causal relation and other several effect conditions breach the legal value of equity and justice .

  3. 事实因果关系的判断采两个标准,即若无此行为结果不会发生或只保留该行为结果同样会发生,则行为就是结果事实上的原因。

    The judgment of the fact that causality adopted two standards , namely the absence of this behavior will not happen , or retain only the behavior of the results the same will happen , the behavior is the result of de factor reason .

  4. 其中,英美法系侵权法将因果关系分为事实因果关系与法律因果关系,大陆法系(德国法)将其分为责任成立的因果关系与责任范围的因果关系,并以此确定相应标准和举证责任。

    There among , in common law system , the torts law divided causality into factual causality and legal causality and in civil law system , it divided into liability founding causality and liability scope causality and confirmed related standard and burden of proof .

  5. 英美法将因果关系分为事实上因果关系和法律上因果关系。

    Causation includes cause in fact and legal cause or proximate cause in the Anglo-Saxon Law .

  6. 在构成要件中,各国对可诉垄断行为、损害事实和因果关系都作了具体规定。

    In constitute , all countries regulate concretely trust illegal actions , damage fact , causal link .

  7. 该章论述了商事侵权责任构成要件中的损害事实和因果关系要件。

    The chapter has discussed the elements of the damage results and causality in the Commercial Tort Liability .

  8. 在该节中,本文对事实上因果关系的主要功能,即它主要是用来确定是不是被告的行为伤害了原告的问题,进行了较充分的论述;

    The focus here is on the issue of actual causation : Did the defendant cause the plaintiff 's harm ?

  9. 人类专家往往可以利用客观世界中不确定的事实和因果关系,通过不精确推理来得出近乎合理的结论。

    The human experts often could infer the almost reasonable conclusion by using the indefinite fact and the causal relation .

  10. 虚拟财产侵权责任的构成要件是:违法行为、损害事实、因果关系和过错。

    The constructive requirements of the tortuous responsibility consist of the illegal act , the fact of damages , causality and fault .

  11. 第三章论述了侵害患者知情同意权的民事责任,首先从行为违法,损害事实,因果关系及医方过错四个方面分析了侵权责任的构成要件,然后阐述医方如何承担损害赔偿责任。

    The constitutive requirements of civil liability are composed of four parts , illegal behavior , damage facts , causality and fault .

  12. 离婚损害赔偿必须具备违法行为、损害事实、因果关系和主观过错四个构成要件。

    Divorce indemnity system consists of four necessary part behavior of breaking-law , damaging factor , cause & effect relation and subjective fault .

  13. 传统法学理论一般认为环境侵权构成要件包括:行为的违法性、损害事实和因果关系。

    Environmental tort shares three elements : a wrongful act , damage caused to the plaintiff and causation between the act and the damage .

  14. 证券法中的民事责任主要为侵权责任,其构成以损害事实、因果关系、过错为要件。

    Civil liability in securities law is mainly the liability of tort , consisting the fact violation , relationship of reason and effect and mistake .

  15. 在适用条件上主观要件应包括故意和重大过失,客观要件包括违法行为、损害事实及因果关系。

    In the application of conditions , subjective elements should include intentional and gross negligence , objective elements should include illegal acts , actual damages and causation .

  16. 精神损害赔偿责任构成包括:违法行为、精神损害事实、因果关系和主观上有过错四个要素。

    Responsibility of compensation for spiritual damage including four factors : illegal activities , facts of spiritual damage , relation between causes and effects and subjective negligence .

  17. 无过错责任原则的责任构成要件只包括违法行为(侵权行为)、损害事实和因果关系3个构成要件。

    The factors of the liability of the principle of no-fault liability only include three ones , offense or tort , the fact of damage , and causation .

  18. 大陆法系通常采用相当因果关系说,英美法系通常贯彻两分法,即区分事实上因果关系和法律上因果关系。

    Civil law usually use correspondence theory of causal relationship , common law generally implement the " Two Step ", that is distinguish the fact causation and the legal causation .

  19. 刑法上的因果关系是指危害行为与危害结果之间引起与被引起的关系。英美法将因果关系分为事实上因果关系和法律上因果关系。

    The causality in criminal law is the relation between the malefaction and result . Causation includes cause in fact and legal cause or proximate cause in the Anglo-Saxon Law .

  20. 在控制股东对第三人民事责任的构成要件上,本文采用三要件说:过错、损害事实及因果关系,并作了相应阐述。

    For constitute requirements that the controlling shareholders to the third party , this paper adopt the theory of three important documents : fault , the facts of damage , and causality .

  21. 认定是否构成新闻名誉侵权,应当以新闻名誉侵权的四个构成要件为标准进行衡量,这四个构成要件包括:新闻侵权行为、损害事实、因果关系和主观过错。

    Whether making up news reputation infringement . Should be measured by four factors including : the action of news infringement , damage facts relationship between cause and result and subjective fault .

  22. 在刑法因果关系的理论中,相当因果关系理论较有影响,也具有相当合理性的特点。英美法将因果关系分为事实上因果关系和法律上因果关系。

    The theory of relative causality is reasonable and influential among the theories of causality in criminal law . Causation includes cause in fact and legal cause or proximate cause in the Anglo-Saxon Law .

  23. 侵权补充责任是不作为侵权的特例,在责任构成上遵循侵权行为的责任构成要件,即遵循违法行为、损害事实、因果关系、过错四要件。

    As for the constituent of the liability , it follows the elements of the tort behaviors , namely , the following four elements : illegal behaviors , distorting fact , causal relationship and fault .

  24. 笔者认为,共同侵权行为可以根据因果关系划分为存在事实上因果关系的共同侵权行为和存在法律上因果关系的准共同侵权行为。

    I believe that , according the causal relationship someone could put the common violations divided into the causal relationship in the joint tort , and the causal relationship under the law of quasi-joint tort .

  25. 行政补偿的构成要件为:损失的存在、产生损失的事实、因果关系。第二部分是我国行政补偿的现状、存在问题及原因分析。

    Administrative compensation is formed by real loss , creating loss fact and causality . The second part focuses on the present condition , existing problem and reason analysis of administrative compensation of our country .

  26. 最后,从违法行为、主观故意、损害事实及因果关系四个方面研究了专利间接侵权责任的构成要件,并探讨了司法实践中专利间接侵权责任的分担模式。

    Lastly , the paper probes the important constructive elements of indirect infringements from four aspects : legal offense , subjective intent , damage fact and causality and analyses the legal liabilities of patent indirect infringement .

  27. 最后分析了环境相邻侵权的构成要件,认为其构成要件有三点,包括致害行为、客观存在的损害事实,因果关系的界定。

    At last , analyzed the environment infringement , the components of the adjacent that its constituents , including three inflictions caused by behavior , objective existence of the damage , the definition of facts causal relationship .

  28. 共同犯罪意思联络的成立要件应当从犯意范围、犯罪目的和犯罪动机及与犯罪事实的因果关系三个方面来认定。

    Contact the meaning of common crimes should be set up from the point of crime , criminal purpose and motives of crime and the criminal facts and the causal link between the three aspects to that .

  29. 因为危险行为是法律统一规定的,所以在危险责任中法律规定的成立要件就应该是违法行为、损害事实、因果关系三要件而不包括过错的考虑。

    Because dangerous behavior is unified regulation of law , in danger of responsibility of law founded elements should be illegal behavior , the damage of facts , three elements of causality and does not include the fault .

  30. 紧接着又分析了侵权责任的构成要件,即从违法行为、损害事实、因果关系等方面介绍了名人代言虚假广告应承担民事责任。

    Followed by analysis of the constituent elements of the tort liability from illegal activities , damage to the facts , causality and the subjective fault introduced one by one the celebrities engaging in false advertising should bear civil liability .