
shì shí hūn yīn
  • de facto marriage
  1. 我国事实婚姻问题的婚姻法规制

    Suggestion on solving the problem of de facto marriage by marriage law

  2. 我国在不同的历史时期对于事实婚姻采取了不同的措施。

    The government of China took different measures to deal with de facto marriage .

  3. 第三部分,各国或地区的事实婚姻没立法现状。该部分主要就古罗马事实婚姻的存在进行了分析,并且对各国有关事实婚姻的立法进行了比较。

    The third part : several countries of regions legislative example .

  4. 跨境婚姻主要以事实婚姻为主,缺乏法律的保护。

    Most marriages base on the fact without the law protection .

  5. 再次,对事实婚姻的立法例进行域外体系的考察。

    Again , the facts of marriage to extraterritorial legislation inspection system .

  6. 其次,对事实婚姻范畴进行界定。

    Secondly , the fact that marriage defined areas .

  7. 刍议少数民族地区事实婚姻的法律效力

    A Brief Analysis on Legal Effect of De Facto Marriage in Ethnic Areas

  8. 婚前医学检查中事实婚姻现状与分析

    Reality marriage actuality in antemarital medical examination and analysis

  9. 重新审视我国的事实婚姻

    Resurvey of De Facto Marriage of Our Country

  10. 在目前的中国,应该承认事实婚姻具备婚姻固有之内涵。

    In the present China , we should recognize that marriage with marriage inherent connotation .

  11. 然后论述了我国承认事实婚姻效力的必要性。

    And then discusses the effect of our recognition of the need to de facto marriage .

  12. 本文主要论述我国事实婚姻的立法问题。

    This paper is mainly about the issue of legislation of common law marriage in China .

  13. 无效婚姻是相对于有效婚姻而言的,一般认为是欠缺婚姻成立要件的违法组合,与有效婚姻、可撤销婚姻、事实婚姻既有联系又有区别。

    It both has connection and difference with valid marriage , cancelable marriage and de facto marriage .

  14. 这一部分分别就中国古代与现代事实婚姻的存在及其存在的原因进行了分析。

    This part separately analyzes the reasons and the existence of the ancient and modern de facto marriage .

  15. 国外同样存在着事实婚姻的问题,而且比中国要严重。

    Abroad there is a de facto marriage the same problems , and to serious than the Chinese .

  16. 我国刑法对重婚罪的规定,在罪状表述上照搬了大陆法系国家的立法模式,同时对事实婚姻加以认可,导致同时娶两妻在定性上的矛盾。

    The legislative mode of bigamy offence of our country criminal law is same as that in continental law system .

  17. 事实婚姻的大量存在,不仅有深刻的历史原因,也有不可避免的现实原因。

    That a large number of de facto marriage widely exist not only has deep historical reasons , there are unavoidable practical reasons .

  18. 在法学界有关事实婚姻的概念及立法态度一直存在着争议。

    There are some disputes of the concept of de facto marriage and the attitude of the legislation about it for a long time .

  19. 文章从正义和秩序两个角度分析了事实婚姻制度与重婚罪制度的基本价值取向。

    This article analyzes the basic value direction of practical marriage system and the system of crime of bigamy from justice and order angles .

  20. “烝”是在婚姻伦理形成之初,在宗法制度可以容忍的范围内的一种事实婚姻。

    It was not the relic of group marriage or brothers-marrying-to-one-wife system , and it also differed with the marital shape of minority areas .

  21. 在事实婚姻制度方面,两地事实婚姻的概念不完全相同,法律上的处理方式也有差异。

    In the system of factual marriage , the concepts in the two places are completely different and the ways of handling that different too .

  22. 最后提出对事实婚姻的立法建议,以及对事实婚姻效力的设想。

    Finally , the facts of the legislative proposals of marriage , as well as the fact that the effectiveness of the idea of marriage .

  23. 法院认定二人存在事实婚姻。鉴于李某对同居生活有经济贡献,对李某的主张表示支持。

    The court decided that the couple had been living in a de-facto marriage and supported the man 's claim regarding his financial contributions to the relationship .

  24. 如何认定事实婚姻的法律性质、是否予以保护、给予什么程度上的保护一直是我国司法界长期面临的一个难题,受到众多从业人员和立法者的高度关注。

    How to judge its law nature , whether to protect it have become a difficult problem which has been received the high concerns of numerous legislator .

  25. 理由是:事实婚姻在本质上与婚姻一致,它是婚姻的一种形式,与法律婚相对。

    The reason : the fact marriage and marriage in essence is consistent , it is a form of marriage , as opposed to a legal marriage .

  26. 新的婚姻法对事实婚姻的态度,从以前的绝对不承认转向相对地不承认。

    In our new Marriage Law , the attitude on de facto marriage has changed to relatively refuse to acknowledge it , in contrast to absolutely refusing before .

  27. 此外,通过对事实婚姻制度和重婚罪制度的考察,指出:在正义诉求上二者统一于一夫一妻的伦理要求。

    In addition , by the fact that the institution of marriage and bigamy inspection system , pointed out : justice demands on the two unified in the ethical demands monogamy .

  28. 事实婚姻一直是我国司法界长期面临的难题,从第一部《婚姻法》开始就对这个问题缺乏明确的答复。

    De facto marriage has always been my long-term challenges facing the judiciary , from the first " Marriage " on this issue started on the lack of a clear answer .

  29. 事实婚姻和事实重婚本来主要属于民法研究范畴,但由于与重婚罪有着千丝万缕的联系,刑法学者对它们越来越重视。

    Although de facto marriage and de facto bigamy belongs to civil law , criminal scholars have paid more and more attention to them due to their close relations to the crime of bigamy .

  30. 事实婚姻和事实重婚问题本来主要是属于民法学范畴的研究内容,但由于与重婚犯罪存在着十分密切的联系,使得刑法学者也对它们越来越关注和重视。

    Fact marriage and fact bigamic marriage are originally within the range of civil law , however they attract more and more criminal scholars ' attention because their consanguineous connection with the related criminal term .