
  • 网络afterwards control;ex post control;Post action control;Feedback control
  1. 第四,依据学生评教过程,学生评教质量的控制方法可分为事前控制、过程控制、事后控制三种。

    Considering of the progress of SRT , the general methods of Quality Control of SRT can be divided into three parts : feedforward Control , concurrent control , feedback control .

  2. 通过事前控制、事中控制、事后控制对制造企业物流成本进行系统性控制研究。

    Through beforehand control , intermediate control and afterwards control of the logistics cost control of manufacturing enterprises to build the control system .

  3. 建议山东TY集团可通过事前预防、事中管理、事后控制三个过程的动态结合,使人才的流失率控制在合理的范围内。

    It Recommends Shandong TY Group by preventing a matter of management in advance , after controlling the dynamic combination of three processes , so that the brain drain rate is controlled within a reasonable rage .

  4. 事后控制包括成本分析与成本考核。

    The cost control afterwards includes cost analysis and cost evaluation .

  5. 认为医院成本管理的关键是成本控制,其管理方法包括成本的前馈预测、过程控制和事后控制。

    The methods include cost forecast , process control and post control .

  6. 物流成本核算是事后控制,为物流成本控制提供准确的物流成本信息;

    Logistics cost accounting offers accurate logistics cost information afterwards .

  7. 体现在环境保护方法上,仍停留在以事后控制为主的狭隘理念中。

    The third one : still keeping the ideas of control after events in environment protection .

  8. 提高科技期刊稿件刊出质量的方法:事前、事中与事后控制

    Methods of improving editing quality for journal manuscripts : beforehand , processing , and afterwards controlling

  9. 三阶段质量控制包括事前控制、事中控制和事后控制。

    Three stage quality control includes controlling in advance , controlling and controlling in the thing afterwards .

  10. 是以实现目标成本为目的,兼顾事前、事中和事后控制的成本管理模式。

    This management model includes pre-product , in-product and ex-product control of cost to accomplish the target cost .

  11. 在信用风险控制方面,事前控制远比事中控制和事后控制都要重要。

    In the credit risk control , pre controls will be ever important than process control and post control .

  12. 在对行政裁量的控制上,传统模式主要有立法的事前控制和司法的事后控制两大类。

    On the control of administrative discretion , there are two traditional models , legislation control and judicial control .

  13. 本文又通过论证了宏观会计管制及完善一系列制度等来达到对内部人控制的事后控制。

    This paper proved macroscopical accounting regulation and perfecting systems could control the " insider control " in the afterwards .

  14. 着重介绍了所采用的若干项控制措施,诸如把好材料关,加强细部构造处理和事后控制等。

    This paper introduces some controlling measures as using good materials , intensifying structural treatment and the control after the event .

  15. 本文阐述实施项目小组成员的责任,说明运行的原则和关键,论述事后控制方法和措施。

    This text explains the project group members ' responsibility , states the principle and key operated and expounds the methods afterwards .

  16. 据此,提出了利用相关信息进行研发预算的事前、事中和事后控制的方法与程序。

    Accordingly , the article proposed in advance , and after in control methods and procedures using the relevant information for R & D budget .

  17. 论述高速公路建设质量管理的基本原理和内容,指出在高速公路建设质量控制中可划分为事前控制、事中控制和事后控制3种控制方法。

    Basic principles and contents of expressway construction quality control are given in this paper , pointing out that quality control is divided into three stages .

  18. 在目前,有许多的企业因未对应收账款采取有效的事前、事后控制,导致企业的资金紧张,甚至陷入财务危机。

    Currently , many companies have no appropriate beforehand or afterward controls on accounts receivable , which resulted in poor liquidity , or even financial crisis .

  19. 根据控制过程划分,人力资源成本管理可分为事前控制、事中控制和事后控制。

    According to the partition of the control process , the management of human resources cost can be divided into advance control , intermediate control and afterwards control .

  20. 灰色预测控制理论中灰色建模和超前控制的思想较好地弥补了线性最优控制理论中精确线性化和事后控制的不足。

    The grey modeling and the idea of pre-control in grey prediction control theory can well remedy the defects of exact linearization and after-control in linear optimal control theory .

  21. 要实现对非法集资的有效治理,就必须建立事前预防与事后控制相结合的非法集资法律防控机制。

    To achieve effective control of illegal fund-raising , it must establish pre and post control to prevent the combination of prevention and control mechanisms of illegal fund-raising laws .

  22. 并就此分析了虚拟参考咨询项目事前控制、事中控制及事后控制,以期加强服务质量控制。

    And to analyse the virtual reference service projects prior control , a matter of control and subsequent control , with a view to strengthening the quality of service control .

  23. 施工企业最突出的问题是施工成本控制,施工成本控制可分为事先控制、事中控制(过程控制)和事后控制。

    The most important problem of the construction enterprise is the construction cost control , and the construction cost control can be divided into advance control , course control and after control .

  24. 行为上,在这种对供应商有很高的创新性要求的外包任务中,客户很少实施事前和事后控制。

    Behaviorally , clients exercise less control both ex ante and ex post in relationships in which the outsourced task requires a high degree of creativity on the part of the supplier .

  25. 该文针对目前经管类专业毕业论文质量存在的问题,提出经管类专业毕业论文质量的前馈控制、过程控制和事后控制的对策建议。

    In the light of the problems existing in the quality of graduation thesis of economic and management speciality , the article puts forward proposals and countermeasures for pre-control , course-control and post-control .

  26. 对简支梁桥病害防治,提出以防为主,并提出事前、事中、事后控制,以利简支梁桥更好的发挥社会效益。

    Of the beam bridge disease control , Put forward " primarily prevent ", and puts forward therefore , a series , afterwards controls , eli the beam bridge better play social benefits .

  27. 并从电梯安装工程质量的事前控制、事中控制、事后控制三方面进行了详细的阐述,提出了各环节的质量控制方法,以达到最终质量验收合格或优良的目的。

    The beforehand control , processing control and post control of elevator installation project quality are discussed in detail . The quality controlling method of every link are proposed to ensure the final quality checking .

  28. 按照法律援助办案流程,以法律援助办案过程为中心,可以将法律援助办案质量控制制度分为事前控制、事中控制和事后控制,本文从这三个方面构建了法律援助办案质量控制制度。

    According to the process of legal aid cases , legal aid case quality control system can be divided into three parts . They are pre-control , control in process and control after the event .

  29. 工程质量控制是施工管理中的重要内容。主要论述了工程质量事前控制、事中控制和事后控制的3个阶段。

    Engineering quality control is important content in constructing management , the paper discusses three phrases in controlling engineering quality : control in advance , control in the event , and control after the event .

  30. 该方法使施工监测控制由事后控制模式变为事前控制模式,有效避免或减少事故发生。该方法已应用于某高速公路软基施工,取得了很好的效果。

    Applying in the construction of an expressway , this method turned the construction from mode of controlling afterwards to the mode of controlling beforehand , avoided blindness and many accidents in the construction effectively .