
  • 网络staffing of government affiliated institutions
  1. 高校非事业编制职工加入工会组织的现实思考

    On Non-institution Personnel Joint Trade Union in Colleges and Universities

  2. 事业编制企业管理型;

    The model that managed by company and authorized according to the enterprise .

  3. 对事业编制规模问题的研究,将始终是有意义的。

    The preparation of the scale of the research career , will always be meaningful .

  4. 基于协整分析的公共事业编制规模研究&以江西省为例

    Research on Quota Scale in Public Institution Based on Cointegration analysis & Take Jiangxi Province as an Example

  5. 机关单位辞退事业编制职工在一般情况下应归于民事关系,适用人事仲裁和民事诉讼程序解决。

    Under average conditions , the fired employee served in government has the right to file a lawsuit of civil character .

  6. 如果我们允许在法律教育的自由市场,为法律事业编制费用将大幅下降。

    If we allowed a free market in legal education , the cost of preparing for a legal career would fall dramatically .

  7. 但也有一部分工程咨询单位,仍然保留着事业编制,在行业发展历程中处于落后地位。

    But there are also parts of engineering consulting units still keep the institution system and are behind status among the development of engineering consulting industry .

  8. 国有电视台通过转企改制,组建电视传媒集团,绝大部分的制作部门退出事业编制。

    State-owned television station set up TV media group by turning into enterprises , which is the cause of most of the preparation of the production sector retreats .

  9. 从目前学界的研究趋势和已有的成果看,在事业编制现行的统一领导、分级负责的管理体制下,我国事业编制规模问题在地方反映更加明显。

    From the current academic trends and existing research results to see the career preparation of the current " unified leadership and decentralized responsible " management system , the preparation of our business areas to reflect the scale of the problem is more evident .

  10. 因此,本文以2006到2010年云南省事业编制规模的数据为样本,运用理论分析与实证相结合的方法,研究对事业编制规模变化产生影响的因素及其影响程度。

    Therefore , this paper cause of Yunnan Province from 2006 to 2010 data compiled for the sample size , using a combination of theoretical analysis and empirical methods to study changes in the size of the business establishment and the factors that affect the degree of influence .

  11. 事业单位编制管理改革研究

    Research on Establishment Management of Public Service Unit

  12. 西昌学院十一五事业发展规划编制的背景和特色

    Backgrounds and Features of the Eleventh Five-Year Developing Plan of Xichang College

  13. 辽宁省县级义务教育类事业单位机构编制管理问题研究

    Liaoning Province , at the County Level Agencies and Institutions of Compulsory Education Category Management Research

  14. 高校绩效审计的内容包括高等学校事业计划和预算编制及其执行情况审计;

    The contents include the audit of the university project planning and budget establishment as well as its implementation ;

  15. 依据司法解释:国有事业单位人员和国家机关中事业编制人员可以作为妨害公务罪的侵害对象;

    According to judicial interpretation , state-owned institution staff and institutional person in government organizations can be the objective of infringement of interference with the exercise of public functions .

  16. 公益性新闻出版事业的改革以增加投入、转换机制、增强活力、改善服务为重点,仍由政府投资、政府主办,保留事业编制,是一种机制改革。

    Public journalism and publishing reform to " increase investment , changeover mechanism , enhance vigor , improve services " for the key , still invested by the government , the government sponsored , retention career preparation , is a kind of mechanism reform .

  17. 事业单位是我国特有的一种组织形式,是指为了公益目的,由各类机关或者其他组织利用国有资产举办,由各级机构编制部门依法登记,并纳入事业编制管理的社会服务组织。

    Public Service Units is a special organization form existed only in China which is a social service organization established by different departments or organizations , registered by organization authorization departments in all levels , and brought into and managed by government .