
  • 网络national intellectual property strategy
  1. 2008年6月5日,中国颁布了《国家知识产权战略纲要》。

    China issued the Outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy on June 5th , 2008 .

  2. 现将《国家知识产权战略纲要》印发给你们,请认真贯彻实施。

    The National Intellectual Property Strategy Compendium is hereby printed and distributed to you , please implement it fully .

  3. 坚定不移地实施国家知识产权战略。

    We will unwaveringly implement the national strategy on intellectual property rights .

  4. 我国国家知识产权战略的研究与思考&基于国外政府及跨国公司知识产权战略的比较

    Studies & thought on national strategies for intellectual property right in China

  5. 国家知识产权战略的现状与思考

    The Present Situation and Thoughts on State Intellectual Property Strategy

  6. 知识产权全球保护主义环境下的国家知识产权战略

    National Intellectual Property Strategy under Global Protectionism of Intellectual Property

  7. 我国国家知识产权战略发展动态评析

    The Analysis of Development Dynamic for Country Intellectual Property Strategy in China

  8. 推进国家知识产权战略加速自主创新能力建设

    Promote the Strategy of Intellectual Property Rights and Accelerate the Construction of Independent Creativity

  9. 自主知识产权与国家知识产权战略研究

    Study on Self-dominated Intellectual Property Right and Selection of State Intellectual Property Right Strategy

  10. 第三部分分析了我国国家知识产权战略管理现状以及存在的问题。

    Chapter 3 introduces the intellectual property stratagem management of our national situation and existing problems .

  11. 肯尼亚目前正在制定国家知识产权战略和政策。

    The country was presently in the process of developing a national IP strategy and policy .

  12. 国家知识产权战略的实施,推动我国的专利事业有了极为迅速的发展,因此,对专利管理人才的迫切需求日益凸现。

    The execution of the national intellectual property rights strategy promotes the extremely rapid development of patent industry .

  13. 新建本科院校实施《国家知识产权战略纲要》面临的挑战与对策

    The Challenges and Countermeasures the Newly-built Colleges and Universities Meet in Implementing The National Programme for Intellectual Property

  14. 2008年6月5日,《国家知识产权战略纲要》由国务院颁布实施。

    On June 5,2008 , " Country Intellectual property rights Strategy Summary " promulgates the implementation by the State Council .

  15. 在我国,知识产权的实施利用是国家知识产权战略推进工程中最薄弱的环节。

    In our country , the use of intellectual property has become the most weak section of the national intellectual property strategy .

  16. 会议总结了2008年制定和实施中国知识产权战略有关情况,并就《2009年国家知识产权战略实施计划》展开讨论。

    The participants summed up the implementation of the Outline of National Intellectual Property Strategy in2008 and discussed the draft work plan in2009 .

  17. 我国于2008年出台了《国家知识产权战略纲要》,知识产权战略在全国迅速开展。

    China has issued the Outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy in 2008 , the IPS prompted in the whole country subsequently .

  18. 不仅仅是通过为基础研究提供更多资助,而且还通过国家知识产权战略改善版权保护。

    Not only by providing more funds to basic research , but also by improving copyright protection through the National Intellectual Property Strategy .

  19. 这是一次微调,符合中国现行的国家知识产权战略,这种做法是一贯的。

    This is a fine-tuning in line with China 's existing national intellectual property rights strategy , and this approach has been consistent .

  20. 如果不考虑知识产权在国际范围的多元层面,便无法确定国家知识产权战略的定义。

    The definition of national IP strategy could not be determined , without taking into account the identification of diverse international dimensions of iprs .

  21. 2008年4月9日,国务院常务会议审议并原则通过了《国家知识产权战略纲要》。

    On April 9 , 2008 , the State Council routine conference consideration and adopts " Country Intellectual property rights Strategy Summary " in principle .

  22. 修改不侵权诉讼受理条件,实现国家知识产权战略一从一则药品专利不侵权案谈起

    Amend the admissible conditions for not infringing actions of patent , accomplish the national intellectual property strategy & Discuss from a non-infringement case of drug patent

  23. 当前,知识产权专业人才培养作为国家知识产权战略的一部分,成为教育界和企业界的广泛关注的问题。

    Nowadays , as a part of national intellectual property strategy , the intellectual property manager professionals cultivating has become the concern of the education and enterprises .

  24. 2008年,国务院发布了《国家知识产权战略纲要》,进一步突出了知识产权在国家整体战略中的重要地位。

    The State Council issued the " Outline of National Intellectual Property Strategy " in 2008 , which further highlights the important position of intellectual property in nation strategy .

  25. 在国家知识产权战略管理中,政府要充分发挥其职能作用,制定出合理有效的知识产权战略。

    In the national strategic management of intellectual property right , the government should give full play to its role , and formulate rational and effective strategies for intellectual property right .

  26. 摩洛哥代表团表示有兴趣在有形成果的基础上,例如在试点项目获得的成果的基础上,制定国家知识产权战略。

    The delegation of Morocco expressed its interest in the development of national strategies for intellectual property that were based on tangible results , such as those obtained by the pilot project .

  27. 加强商标权保护,不仅是保障消费者和生产经营者利益的需要,也是实施国家知识产权战略的必然要求。

    Strengthening the protection of trademark , is not only the needs of protecting interests of consumers , producers and operators , is but also inevitable need to implement the national intellectual property strategy .

  28. 中国高度重视知识产权保护,制定并实施国家知识产权战略,建立并不断完善知识产权法律体系,加大知识产权执法力度、司法保护力度。

    China takes protecting intellectual property rights seriously . We have pursued a national strategy for protecting intellectual property rights , established and improved the legal system for IPR protection and stepped up enforcement and judicial protection .

  29. 2008年6月5日,国务院颁布《国家知识产权战略纲要》决定实施国家知识产权战略,其中对我国最具竞争优势的中医药知识产权问题进行了专门的论述。

    June 5th of 2008 , State Department promulgate country intellectual property rights strategy outline , decide to bring it into effect . There is a specially discuss of the most compete traditional Chinese medicine intellectual property rights .

  30. 在本章中,笔者首先从提高知识产权诉讼效率、实现知识产权诉讼司法公正、降低知识产权诉讼成本以及实施国家知识产权战略等方面论述了我国知识产权诉讼制度改革的必要性。

    The first section elaborates on the necessity of the reform of the IP litigation system from the aspects of improving efficiency in IP litigations , realizing judicial justice , reducing IP litigation costs and implementing the national IP strategy .